sneaker addict daily pics

sneaker addict daily pics

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Sneaker Addict Daily Pics


SADP Top Trends in 2017Best of #SADP 03/04/2016Best of #SADP 18/05/2016Best of #SADP 13/06/2016 Best of SADP of the week. #SADP (Sneakers Addict ™ Daily Pics) gives you the opportunity to share your passion with the world. To enter simply join the group and follow these rules: The best photos #SADP of the month… Category: LifeStyle Best of SADP of the week. Category: Brands Best of SADP of the week. Sign UpDescriptionDescriptionBienvenue sur #SADP! ™ ////////////////////////////// Chers membres, Afin de continuer tous ensemble à partager des photos dans de bonnes conditions. L’ensemble des administrateurs vous rappelle donc que : - Vos paires doivent être portées. - Les photos de groupes sont acceptées si elles respectent les autres règles. - Les photos de qualité trop faible seront supprimées. - Les photomontages sont acceptés, mais ne seront pas publiés sur le site. - Dans votre introduction si possible, merci de présenter la paire portée. Si vous ne connaissez pas le modèle, les membres du groupe se feront un plaisir de vous aider.

- Pas de vente, pas de trade, pas de demande de Hook-Up : Pour se faire, certains groupes existent déjà et les messages privés sont là pour ça. - Les paires dites “Fakes” seront immédiatement supprimées. - Pas de publicités. - Les tags légers/discrets sont acceptés. - Aucun langage vulgaire, raciste et méprisant ne sera accepté. - Les comptes “suspect” seront supprimés directement. - Les débats ne concernant pas les baskets seront effacés. - Les conseils de “style”, de “laçage”, etc.. Doivent rester “courtois” et “bon enfant” ! - Toutes moqueries abusives, déplacées et rabaissantes seront effacées, et entraineront si répétition, à l’exclusion définitive du membre. ™ Dear Members, after a first very encouraging month,this group is now up to speed. Nevertheless we believe it is the right time to update the rules so we can all together share pictures in a good atmosphere. Hence, the admins reminds you that : You must wear your sneakers. Group pictures are welcomed if they respect previous rules.

When posting the picture, do not hesitate to introduce the pair you are wearing. If, by chance, you don't know the model, the members will help you out. No Sells, Buy, trades, no hook up requests : there are tons of other groups out there for that, and you can still use the PMs. "Fake" pairs will be deleted No advertising Small photo tags are accepted Offensive, crude, racist discussions are not allowed "Fake" or suspect accounts will be deleted Out of scope discussions will be deleted : It's all about sneakers and shooting them. Advises on "style", lacing, … must be courteous and with a nice spirit ! mockery, misplaced or harassing words will be deleted and if repeated will lead to definitive exclusion from the group Twitter / Instagram : #SADP TagsTagsSneakers AddictCreate groupSee allChaque semaine les meilleurs clichés du shoe game sélectionnés par la team Sneakers Addict™. Utilisez le hashtag #sadp et #sneakersaddict pour avoir une chance de faire partie de la sélection. Top Trends #SADP : Sneakers Addict™ Daily Pics en 2017Best of #SADP 18/05/2016Best of #SADP 13/06/2016Best of #SADP 03/04/2016  Best of SADP de la semaine.

#SADP (Sneakers Addict™ Daily Pics) vous donne l’occasion de partager votre passion des Sneakers avec le monde entier. Pour y participer il vous suffit de rejoindre le groupe et de suivre ces quelques règles… Category: LifeStyle Best of SADP de la semaine. Category: SADP Best of SADP de la semaine. Category: Marques Best of SADP de la semaine. e and see if your love shoes…Here is a look at the upcoming Air Jordan 6 VI Alternate 'Hare' Retro Sneaker available at 10am EST HERE at Nike, HERE at KicksUSA ,  HERE at Ubiq + GS sizes HERE.These are definitely a sweet pair of kicks. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE REST OF THIS POSTWith any social media medium comes rules. They differ for each individual, of course, but exist nonetheless. On Instagram, a few of the commandments include "no mirror pictures," "no greasy food pics," "no words," and "no pictures of your shoes." Personally, we think if you think it’s worth posting, then that’s all that matters, but we especially take issue with the "no shoes" rule.

That’s really toeing the line. Shoes are one of the most glorious pieces of eye candy to ever exist. Which is why we’ve compiled a list of nine shoe-centric Instagram accounts we think put their very best foot forward. That have great sole. That are incredibly well-heeled. Puns aside, if you love shoes, these people and brands are a must-follow. And don’t worry sneaker lovers, there are a few in there for you too. Vanity Fair’s Instagram feed isn’t just about shoes; you'll also find amazing vintage photos, classic covers, adorable dogs, and behind-the-scene shots. But every Tuesday is #shoesday and it’s not to be missed. Unlike a lot of other sneaker brands, Puma’s Instagram is almost completely about shoes. Colorful sneakers up-close and in the wild make this a must-follow for anyone obsessed with sweet kicks. Jane Aldridge/Sea of Shoes @seaofshoesFollowers: 53,957 Warning Ladies: This is not an Instagram account you want to follow while on a budget. All of the shoes featured are gorgeous, glamorous, and highly-covetable.

Followers: 474,448 Jeffrey Campbell shoes are instantly recognizable and totally drool-worthy. Like art for your feet, his bold designs are full of color, shine, and unusual details. His Instagram pics provide a close-up look at these museum-worthy pieces. Jerome C. Rousseau launched his shoe label in 2008. He’s inspired by shape, silhouette, and structure, which is evident in his Instagram photos. Plenty of previews of his upcoming line are complimented with lots of cocktail photos. The best part though? A behind-the-scenes look at shoe development in Italy. Too bad he doesn’t update more often. A list like this can’t play favorites, but if it could, Opé Majek would win the title. A freelance fashion stylist with a flair for the dramatic, Opé’s Instagram amazing finds perfectly capture why it is so many women own so many shoes. Another great one for sneakerholics. Close ups of tons of brands, both new and vintage. Pictured here: Original Jordans. Pretty much enough to make any sneakerhead flip out.

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