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TT Games began one of the most epic journeys of all time with the first LEGO Star Wars game in 2005. Now, 11 years later, we’re finally able to reveal that we’ve been working on LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens! It’s a massive honour to be able to work on a game tied to the incredible Star Wars universe; there are a lot of people at TT Games who hold Star Wars close to their hearts with it being the starting point for the LEGO games — myself included. We’ve covered the original trilogy (LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy), prequel trilogy (LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game) and The Clone Wars (LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars) in great detail before, but now we get to jump ahead to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which brings a whole host of incredible new locations, characters, Droids, and vehicles. Have a look at our awesome announce trailer above… perhaps it might look a bit familiar to you! One of the most amazing parts of all of this is being able to work with Lucasfilm to create new game content with the characters and locations from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, told in a way that only LEGO Star Wars can.

Through a strong collaboration with Lucasfilm, we’ve been able to create new stories and adventures connecting the Star Wars narrative, both before and tying into the movie. As such huge fans of the franchise, it’s a tremendous honour to have that privilege. As part of this, we’re pleased to share that PS4 and PS3 players will have access to exclusive downloadable content in the form of a Droid Character Pack and Phantom Limb Level Pack. We can’t go into too much detail right now, but we can’t wait for people to experience the content from the film, as well as new stories in Star Wars: The Force Awakens! Everyone at TT Games is looking forward to revealing more of LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens over the coming months. In the meantime — May the Force be with you!This article is about the LEGO special. You may be looking for the book based on it. LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out is a LEGO TV special that aired on Cartoon Network on September 26, 2012.

It was released on DVD on March 26, 2013. The movie begins just as the rebels destroy the Death Star. Luke Skywalker and Han Solo fly back to the rebel base on Yavin 4, where Princess Leia Organa is briefing the rebel troops. She says that, since the rebels destroyed the Death Star, the Empire is probably planning a counter-strike, so all the rebels should evacuate to their secret base on Hoth. As they do this, Luke, R2-D2, Han, and Leia will attack a stormtrooper base on Naboo, with Han and Leia gathering Gungan Warriors and Luke and R2-D2 finding the base's location. As they all leave hurriedly, they leave behind C-3PO, who is devastated until he finds out that Chewbacca and the Millennium Falcon have also remained behind. Han and Leia left to greet Boss Nass and the Gungan warriors that would be assisting them. Luke finds the stormtrooper base, but as he tries to contact Han and Leia regarding its location, his location is given away by some fangirls of his. He tries to flee from them, attempting to wear a Darth Vader costume, though this fails and he is forced to flee the planet.

Meanwhile, Darth Vader confronts his officers on an Imperial Star Destroyer, Admiral Piett, Admiral Ozzel, and General Veers. Admiral Ozzel assures him that he sent probe droids to track Skywalker, though the Skywalker that the droids were tracking was Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader. In anger, Vader warns Ozzel that he has failed him for the last time, but Firmus Piett taunts him over the fact that Ozzel will fail them again if he lives, leading to a fight which Vader puts an end to. Later, Emperor Palpatine arrives and plans to rebuild the Death Star out of LEGO pieces with Darth Vader and Darth Maul, whom Vader is surprised and upset to hear has returned. Maul and Vader soon develop a sibling rivalry, and Vader jumps at the opportunity to leave and hunt down the Millennium Falcon, which had left Yavin 4 after C-3PO misinterpreted a message Luke had sent him as a cry for rescue. While flying, Luke's X-wing starfighter and Darth Vader's TIE Advanced collide, resulting in Vader crash-landing on Tatooine and Luke crashing into a Star Destroyer, where, still in his Darth Vader costume, is mistook by the Imperials on the ship for Darth Vader.

On Tatooine, Vader is captured by Jawas, who attach droid pieces to him and attempt to sell him. Vader, however, uses the force to free himself and construct a podracer to escape on. On Naboo, Leia, Han, and the Gungan warriors go to Luke's last destination, finding the stormtrooper base and planning a surprise attack, only for Chewbacca and C-3PO to crash land the Millennium Falcon on them, alerting the stormtroopers and starting a battle, resulting in the heroes being forced to surrender. However, Luke arrives in his Darth Vader costume and orders the stormtroopers' AT-AT Walkers to destroy the stormtrooper base. He then attempts to leave with the "prisoners", but Darth Vader arrives, unmasks Luke and starts dueling with him, while the Gungan warriors, Han, and Leia, with the help of X-Wing Starfighters, fend off the Imperials. Darth Vader is about to reveal that he is Luke's father, but C-3PO convinces Luke's young fans to annoy Vader instead by showing them a picture of Anakin Skywalker at age 19, forcing him to flee before he can tell Luke.

Luke and his friends then leave the planet, taking out an Imperial Star Destroyer sent after them in the process. Palpatine discovers that while Maul had been in charge of building the new Death Star, he had made it look like himself, which Darth Maul thought was "awesome", much to Palpatine's horror. Vader's fans cause him to fly into the "Darth Star", destroying it, and the debris hits the Star Destroyer's view-ports, creating a vacuum that sucks Darth Maul into space. Overjoyed at Darth Maul's disappearance and the destruction of Maul's Death Star, Palpatine hugs Vader and praises him. Soon, in the style of the awards ceremony at the end of A New Hope, Palpatine awards Vader the "Employee of the Month" award, and when Darth Vader's fans catch a glimpse of Vader's face beneath his mask, they are no longer crazed over him and chase after Darth Maul instead. Overjoyed with the recent turn of events, Vader pats the back of one of the stormtroopers standing attention at the event, inadvertently causing all of the stormtroopers to fall over like dominoes.

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