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Six Days of Impossible: Navy SEAL Hell Week - A Doctor Looks Back Kindle Ausgabe
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HELL WEEK HAS NEVER BEEN DESCRIBED SO EFFECTIVELY. Six days in Hell define every SEAL that moves past the point of no return in their minds. Robert Adams, MD brings the experiences of his classmates into view with real, difficult to believe experiences, described in frightening detail by the men that lived through the frigid cold, filthy muddy days, and body destroying events of a winter Hell Week. Eleven of seventy men went on to graduate and serve over 40 years in almost every SEAL or UDT team with honor. Read their real time story and learn why these eleven men succeeded when so many others failed.
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Breaking BUD/S: How Regular Guys Can Become Navy SEALs (formerly The SEAL Training Bible)
Swords and Saints A Doctor's Journey
Six Days Of Impossible Navy SEAL Hell Week: A Doctor Looks Back (The Doctor Book 1)
Navy SEAL Training Class 144: My BUD/S Journal
How to Become a Navy SEAL: Everything You Need to Know to Become a Member of the US Navy's Elite Force
Among Heroes: A U.S. Navy SEAL's True Story of Friendship, Heroism, and the Ultimate Sacrifice
Many have faced the indescribable moment, when absolutely everything that they hold dear hangs in the balance. Those who completed Hell Week discovered much about themselves that most will never learn or need to know. They discovered what very few can. That the perceived impossible is possible. Great inside look at the intensity of one of the pivotal weeks of BUD/S trsining April 15, 2018 I just finished Dr Adams book on Hell Week; what a terrific memoir and effort! As a former SEAL myself, I enjoyed every page and broke out laughing several times as memories surfaced from the similar shared experiences. Thank you Dr Adams for writing it and so eloquently expressing how we felt during our "trial by fire". I salute you sir! I thought this book was excellent. I particularly enjoyed Adams' perspective and the medical side of why the body does what it does in extreme times. It was great to get a glimpse of the true hell that SEALs go through during their training and all the physical, but mostly mental, struggles that they go through. Great book! I would recommend it to anyone interested in the military or anyone who has ever played a tough sport that requires a lot of mental toughness. Amazing ! November 2, 2018 This is the best account of any military topic I have read. You are there with these men as they go through hell week. I truly expected to look down and see mud on my clothes. These men are truly the best America has to offer. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: hardcover .
I am so honored to hear from readers and other Navy SEALs that this story brings them closer an understanding of what a SEAL must accomplish to move forward with a career in defense of our nation.Almost all SEAL books mention Hell Week and its importance. This story, of the men I endured six days without sleep, freezing cold, and exhaustion with, was written to identify what it really means to survive this most difficult endurance test.It was a labor of love that needed to be written. Almost four years in the making, this tale brings you into the minds and bodies of our band of brothers.Three have passed. The remaining eight remain close today. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: hardcover .
Fitness and physical prowess count to a significant degree, but in those telling moments in Hell Week, it is, without question, a trainee's heart and soul's resolve that will make or break him. When a trainee has not slept for 48-60 hours and the cold has essentially taken over his brain, the "frog brain," or that internal fire, is what keeps survivors moving minute by tortuous minute to that final hour when they are secured from Hell Week.CRD (SEAL) Steve FriskBUD/S instructor for 19 BUD/S classes -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: hardcover .
This was the best SEAL class I ever put through training!- LT (SEAL) Mike Thornton (Medal of Honor recipient)Read more about Mike Thornton and his motivation techniques inside.
Colonel Robert Adams, MD, MBA served eighteen years in the Navy and eighteen years in the Army where he served in combat with the 82nd Airborne Division and the famed Army DELTA Force. He changed services to attend medical school and applies his analytical skills to look back at the men that shivered and struggled through Hell Week together. He brings decades of insight, learned caring for others, to an eye-opening analysis of why the men of BUD/S class 81 achieved their improbable success. He is the author of a second book in this The Doctor series. Swords and Saints A Doctor's Journey ©2020 - looks back at 35 years in medicine at peace and war with equally real-life patient and physician tales that make you laugh, cry, and say wow. -- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: hardcover .



B0792NH15P Herausgeber


FriesenPress; 1. Edition (15. Januar 2018) Erscheinungstermin


15. Januar 2018 Sprache


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I have read and purchased many books written by former Seals, such as D. Couch, H. Wasdin, M. Luttrell, R. O'Neill, B. Webb, J. Redman, just to name a few, and each one dedicated a chapter or two concerning their exploits during BUD/ S, specifically "HELL WEEK". They all adequately described the experience quite vividly leaving me with the satisfaction of learning pretty much everything I needed to know on what is required to make it through Hell Week, not to mention the weeks leading up to it. Boy, was I wrong! This book, SIX DAYS OF IMPOSSIBLE: Navy SEAL Hell Week... by Robert Adams, "smoked" all the others in his vivid tale of his own personal "Hell Week" during his BUD/S training. He not only goes into great detail about the trials and tribulations , along with the pain and sufferings, that he and his classmates of BUD/S class 81 experienced during that time, but also explains to the reader about how BUD/S training, along with the instructors, has changed over the years to present day AND how it has stayed the same in many aspects. I was a nervous wreck, although in a good way, as I read the book, having to stop and catch my breath before turning the next page. You felt as though you were right there alongside those men. It literally wore me out as the author described the week in the utmost detail(s). I actually was looking forward to the time the cadre finally secured the week, just so I could recover. Actually, I was sad to finally come to the end of the book. It was that outstanding! If you do decide to take the challenge and purchase this book, be sure to have a bottle of Motrin and a hot shower at your disposal. You are going to need them. I'll never look at a beach the same way again without thinking about our future frogmen.

17 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

If you have ever wondered about the proud tradition and feared reputation enjoyed by Navy SEALs, and how they are able to prevail in all battle conditions, look no further than "Six Day of Impossible" by Robert Adams. Doctor Adams was a SEAL for 14 years when he left the Navy to attend medical school. He joined the Army and spent another 18 years as an Army Doctor in the service of his nation. This book is a reflection on and a celebration of his experiences as a member of Basic Underwater Demolition/ SEAL (BUD/S) Class 81 in the mid 1970's. It is not just about the selection process the Navy employees to find the best, it is about young men looking to test themselves, men on a quest to prove that they have the inner strength of character and soul to do the impossible. The book follows Class 81 as they lead up to Hell Week, the defining test of the first phase of SEAL Training. We are introduced to these young Americans and and their desire to become Frogmen. Once Hell Week begins, Adams lets the reader glimpse a program where hunger, bone numbing cold, sand, mud and lost toenails are the norm. We are caught up in the experiences of men who are committed to proving that they are worthy to the instructors, their Teammates and themselves. Adams describes the impact of the cold and fatigue with medical precision. He also captures the humor and brotherhood that grows out of the shared experience. I enjoyed this book immensely. My son went through Hell Week in 2007 with Class 264, graduating BUD/S with Class 265. He was pretty closed mouthed about all his training and SEAL Operations. This book gave me a real appreciation of the experiences he endured to achieve his life long goal of wearing the SEAL Trident, and why his SEAL Brothers are so successful on the battle field today.

19 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

As an ex-Navy man, I thought I knew something about the SEAL program. Was I ever wrong. Dr. Adams weaves a story of the exploits of his BUD/S 81 team in a way that is awe inspiring in what it takes to "not ring the bell" and quit. We owe a great debt of gratitude to the men that have pushed through personal barriers to be honored to wear the Trident. Dr. Adams book is a page turner. Yes, you know that it is tough going and that men will drop out, but it makes you want to keep reading as you want to know who will succeed and how can they endure the torture and sleepless nights to finally make it through Hell Week. But that is only the beginning. Other tests lay ahead before they are allowed to call themselves Navy Seals. I enjoyed this book immensely, from the beginning when we learn why Dr. Adams chose to even consider becoming a SEAL to the end when we find out about the special bond that these men share in the short term and throughout the rest of their lives. Hooyah!

14 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

Bob Adams gives the reader an inside look of the entire process of becoming a Navy SEAL from applying for the school/training to graduation Day. The author's story is remarkable indeed and it is filled with the raw emotions of his life and aspirations. Doctor Adams provides an insight that no other could: the physiological trama the human body goes through over a period of "Six Days of Impossible" SEAL Hell Week. The small percentage of successful candidates proved themselves to be extraordinary defenders of America. I recommend this book for all patriots who have served or know someone who served. Reads like a novel.

6 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
5,0 von 5 Sternen

Excellent book on BUDS Hell Week

I heard the author on a broadcast talking about this book.He was a SEAL and then was in Delta Force in the Army!Amazing man and I wish he would write his whole military story(14 years a SEAL and 18 year in the US Army as a Doctor-served with 82nd Airborne and then Delta Force). The author goes into day by day grind of the Infamous US Navy SEAL training 1st phase leading up to "Hell Week". He breaks down the week by Days and then further breaks down the individual days.Amazing!

Eine Person fand diese Informationen hilfreich
5,0 von 5 Sternen

Gib niemals auf!

Wie schafft man das denkbar unmögliche? Einfach nicht aufgeben. Immer in kleinen Schritten von Aufgabe zu Aufgabe. Ein schnörkelloser Einblick in das Selektionsverfahren am BUD/s Grinder.

Hubby loved the book! Very interesting!!

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