Regina Wright

Liberty university college for a weekend (Oneida) 4, 3, 2, 1, Go! (Cheering) It was a lot of fun and extremely energetic. It was a close race. Our boat kind of collapsed after a while but we hung in there. Well, we were with the H.M.S. Andrew Stott. The experience was pretty fantastic. It was, I actually quite enjoyed it. We didn't personally build it, it was the people in our hall. It was a collective effort. It was about 45 minutes is what I guess. Yes, we put all of our heart, soul, sweat, and tears into the thing. We would have two real oars, we'd have two real oars. We probably should make a boat that looks like this, maybe that stays up and might go faster. Yeah, I would have put a little more structure on the inside and worn swimming trunks because these things are a pain in the butt to swim in. Cayuga Community College.

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