realDEX: The Innovation Behind Trades

realDEX: The Innovation Behind Trades



The news about Cryptocurrency is floating about, all through the territory, and a routinely extending number of individuals are charmed to find a few solutions concerning it. Right when blockchain advancement came, such a significant number of things changed, for better. Such an imperative number of affiliations have updated, such huge amounts of affiliations have begun utilizing propelled kinds of trade out their work. The new examinations are coming each day. Individuals need to put resources into the new activities. We have the best contraption on the planet, and it is known as the Internet. The web is an epic base of data where we can do anything. Web has related the whole world, and could approach the web with a specific genuine target to get more data around a victor among the most bewildering crypto-experience called realDEX


realDEX stage manages a strategy for installment for Affiliate Program, Advertising, Fees, Rewards and Commissions on the up and coming genuine stages genuine, genuine, genuine, genuine and genuine 

As said before, realDEX is a Real Decentralized P2P Exchange Platform venture running on Windows, Mac OSX or Linux program not depending on a Domain and additionally IP for functionality. realDEX will require an Internet association and will keep running on one TCP port number 9338. The realDEX Network just needs one port for full-duplex, bidirectional activity. This port will be utilized for exchanging by all individuals from the system and additionally correspondence with the Master hubs. 

Genuine decentralization implies that your Windows, Mac OSX or Linux program will produce a store deliver with no entrance to a wallet. The coins that you will send there will stay in cool stockpiling until the point that withdrawal is done by means of one of the Master node on the system. 


realDEX is going to turn out a digital currency – assumed realDEX Token, for a built up, protected, fluid and secure money, that can possibly resolve issues for over an attempt of billion people worldwide.Based on the Ethereum stage, realDEX Token cryptographic money are utilized as mercantilism installment expenses, Masternode ownership for the realDEX restricted mercantilism stage. realDEX Token does not have the legitimate capability as a security, since it doesn't offer any correct rights on profits or intrigue, any ownership right or stake offer or proportionate rights or any privilege to get future income shares, or the other kind ofparticipation in or concerning the realDEX, nor will realDEX Token holders have any impact or rights inside the improvement or administration of the realDEX. realDEX Token, in this way, isn't an offer. realDEX Token is last and non-refundable. The accomplishment and utilization of realDEX Token will not be in genuine botherspeculative use. 


The innovation behind this trade stage gives it an extraordinary face among other crypto trade stage. This is on the grounds that Buyers, Sellers, Devs and Masternode proprietors will never approach private keys intensely scrambled and store on the realDEX blockchain database and truly, source code will be accessible on GitHub at Since all exchanges will be completed without us controlling coins, you need to pay standard Bitcoin, the Xcoin blockchain expense and the realDEX system will charge the little token rDEX charges that will enter the Masternode that handles your exchanges. Realdex token depends on the Ethereum innovation ERC20. rDEX will be principally used to pay expenses for the exchanging stage and in addition filling in as insurance for running a Masternote on the system and getting paid by the system. 


The obtaining and utilization of realDEX Token will not be improved the situation theoretical use. realDEX is expecting to make a digital money – supposed realDEX Token, for a demonstrated, protected, fluid and secure cash, that can possibly illuminate issues for in excess of 2 billion individuals around the world. In view of the Ethereum stage, realDEX Token digital money will be utilized as exchanging installment expenses, Masternode proprietorship for the realDEX decentralized exchanging stage. realDEX Token does not have the lawful capability as a security, since it doesn't give any correct rights on profits or intrigue, any proprietorship right or stake offer or equal rights or any privilege to get future income shares, or some other type of support in or identifying with the realDEX.



Start Round 1 of rDEX Token Sale at 0.0001 BTC per rDEX

April 23, 2018

July 04, Launching Marketing Platform realSURF — July 23, Start Round 2 of rDEX Token Sale at 0.0002 BTC per rDEX and july 26, Launching realLOCAL Exchange BETA

July 2018

Launching realSOCIABLE Social Platform

August 2018

Ending Token Sale and Launching Alpha version of realDEX (Not available to general public)

October 23, 2018

Launching BETA version of realDEX Decentralized Exchange platform. Adding the rDEX Token to realDEX and realLOCAL Exchange as well as submitting rDEX Token to other centralized exchanges worldwide

November 2018

Launching BETA version of realFREELANCE Marketplace platform

February 2019

Launching BETA version of realAUCTION Freelancing platform

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Author: abeexy

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