The daily discovery of our community ecosystem has always paved way for changes in different things and system in which things are been done, the form of exchange is of many ways and type in this century, the banking system after been tested and lack the total trust in which individual users have set on them, the Bank system in term of transaction and exchange, has been recorded as a total failure, and with this, different form of transaction and form of exchange have been introduced.

Numbers of exchange platform are now in the human existence, and in which most have been working through the digital processes, and more importantly, some of these have also built on the blockchain technology, but it has been noticed after thorough research that, most of the exchange platform created to solve the challenges facing by the people on the issues of exchange difficulties, have not yet able to do anything about it, most of what the platform could have able to succeed on, is mainly the decentralization of exchange, which this fact cannot be denied but remained a general things, and which has never been enough for their users to be satisfied, only what this has done to the users is just making it a little bit better to the Bank system.

Most of all these digital exchange platforms have found it so difficult for their users to make a transaction, exchange or some other things without creating or making use of wallet, and in which this is one of the chains in which we can refer to as the chain of inconvenience.

The recent digital trading platforms have been creating a scene of confusion in conjunction with dilemma to all their users, making their situation looking like, escaping from the hands of a Leopard to the hands of a Lion, because of the problems and difficulty in exchange promised to solve for their users up till now, it has never be solved.

The different digital exchange platform has so relied on the uses of IP and also Domain in carrying out their transaction but with the help of "realDEX", all this will be solved.


The "realDEX" is been power by the blockchain technology, which is also a decentralized exchange platform, but which has been distinguished from any other digital exchange platform, with its uncommon features from any trading platform.

The realDEX platform is one of its kind, that is perfectly decentralized from the other exchange platform, as its name imply, "realDEX'' the combination of two words, the first REAL, and the second, DECENTRALISATION, and which is really working according to its name.


The realDEX Network is one of its kind, a P2P exchange platform that has made it possible in the history of digital exchange, functioning on the MAC OSX, WINDOWS, and also LINUX, and have no reason in relied or working on either IP nor Domain to carry out its function.

The uses of realDEX have made it possible for individual users to generate deposit address without having access or creating a wallet, and in which any deposit made will remain in cold storage until final withdraw is done through any of the Masternode on the networks.

The realDEX platform will be using an internet connection to function, and which will run on the TCP port number 9338, and on which the port that will be needed by the realDEX will only one, for full duplex and in which it will be using to trade by all the realDEX Network users.


realDEX Network has created a token for trading which is known as realDEX TOKEN and in which is base on the Ethereum technology- ERC20 in which will be using to carry out all transaction.

And more also realDEX Network has also developed four other components for effective work, which are





All these will give realDEX an effective hands in all exchange ramifications.

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