radiesse chin

radiesse chin

Radiesse® treatment is performed by Dr. Boyce and can take anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour to complete. A local or topical anesthetic may be used, after which the Radiesse® is injected beneath the skin using a very fine needle. After the procedure, some minor inflammation and swelling can occur, though this usually clears up within two to four days. Patients may also experience some temporary mild discomfort or tenderness. Most patients are able to immediately resume their normal activities. RADIESSE Volumizing Filler is injected into the skin in a simple, safe, quick procedure that can even be done over your lunch hour. During chin dermal of the injections, Dr. Maercks will use a fine needle to inject Radiesse into the target area. Radiesse includes lidocaine to numb the area during treatment to keep you comfortable. After the injection, he may massage the area in order to obtain a smoother result. Radiesse acts immediately as a building block for the body to create collagen. Treatments typically take approximately 15 minutes.

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