Promote it!

Promote it!


Promote it! is a initiative aimed at gaining hundred, thousands of users by promoting each others channel in telegram. This is a week long procedure which will take you through different phases of promotion

How does this work ?

How to be part of this initiative ?

Currently we manage 3 Promote it! groups and its related channels, you need be part of these groups to promote your channel. you can get links for the groups in our official telegram @promote_it channel.

What Should I do on a Promotion day ?

We admins, will prepare a list with all the confirmed channels for the complete week, and mix & match the channels based on user base. You will have to post the list in your channel.

What is the advantage ?

It will have a maximum reach for the users. If your channel is published on 10 different channels which has 1000 users each, then you have public reach of 10000 users at a time. It is not possible to promote individually to bigger Audience and that too every week..

Join today, and grow.

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