prayer for weight loss | weight loss prayers

prayer for weight loss | weight loss prayers

prayer for weight loss | weight loss prayers

Do you want to set your mind on Jesus in prayer and let him change you?

Does it seem like you gain and lose the same five pounds every week?

How many times have you said this is it! I’m starting a diet on Monday, and then the weekend was an all out binge?

I know what it like to keep promising you’re going to live on tuna. salad, chicken, broccoli, salmon and protein shakes, but truth is diets don't work! Most anyone who’s been on a diet knows that willpower doesn’t last.

Once you start to learn conquer cravings for Christians prayers for weight loss you will experience God's love working deeply in your heart and you will begin to love yourselves the way God loves you. When you open your heart, soul and mind through prayer you will be allowing God to transform your life. When you allow the power of the Holy Spirit to flow out of you, the spirit of God will give you strength, courage, wisdom and hope. Changing the way we view food and eating can release us of food addiction and everything God desires us to be.

There is not a diet out there that can give you the spirit of self-control only God can do that.

Here's some bible vereses to help you see what's missing:

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. (Gal 5:16-17)

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-control. (2 Tim 1:7)

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; (Gal 5:22-23)

In Christ, we have the ability to have self-control. It is only when we pray that we are able to lose weight and keep it off.

When we seek powerful prayers for weight loss God in prayer, God helps us in our health goals. Do you thank God at meal time? It's good practive to invite Him to eat with us and make our spirit gets stronger. But when we walk in the flesh and indulge in food our spirit is malnourished and weak. The flesh continually makes the same disappointing decisions and leaves us feeling powerless. It’s driven by emotions, and it doesn’t care what we really want because it wants what it wants. I call this the "It's all about me mindset".

Here are a few special Did you see this? prayers for weight loss written with prayerful words for health and inner healing for God to give you a new christian view and a sense of hope. When you are feeling stuck to lose weight, pray these Go Here For the Details weight loss prayers and you will find peace and blessings for your soul.

Dear Heavenly Father, I need help to stop eating food. I am so deeply discouraged and frustrated right now. I feel like crying and I am tired of trying to lose the weight on my own. I don't understand why I keep gaining the weight back. Please help me understand why I am stuck in such a bad habit. Help me to deeply understand how you value me as a person and to see myself as your child and not just an image in the mirror. I need you to fill my mind with right thinking and not think about the number on the scale. My prayer is that I need your beauty and grace. My heart and flesh cry out to you, the living god. Your spirit is water to my soul. Increase my desire to pray and examine my heart.

Thank you Lord, in Jesus name Amen.

Well God has given us the power to believe in faith that renee dumont prayer is the number one answer to weight loss just like all our other problems we struggle with in life. God cares about your well being so let's start by inviting the Holy Spirit to fill us. I want to Pray for healing miracles for weight loss right NOW! Please join me.


Dear God in heaven, I asked you to fill us with your Spirit. I pray this miracle Read This prayer for weight loss God, that people would supernaturally just want to eat more fruits and vegetables and foods that you created by your own hands for good nutrition. Open our understanding that these foods will give us strength because you have provided it for us as a blessing. In the authority of Jesus's name I pray that healing miracles are coming to you right now.


"I prayed it, I believe it and I expect miracles for my weight loss in the name of Jesus. Amen."

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