Popular Types of Women’s Toupees to Consider

Popular Types of Women’s Toupees to Consider

Rubina S

Women wear toupees for various reasons. It could be to cover up the increasingly thinning hair, try a new hairstyle, or make it a part of the costume for a specific party. Depending on the needs, there is a wide range of women toupee available in the market.

With the kind of extensive options available in the market, it can be quite difficult to make a clear choice in this matter. In this article, we will be discussing different types of women's toupees to make your purchase decision easier and informed.

Human Hair Wigs

Human hair wigs are the most popular because they look and feel the most natural. The texture of the hair is quite smooth and offers a natural shine. Additionally, these types of wigs are quite versatile as they are extremely easy to style. So irrespective of your preference, you can style your hair in any way with these wigs.

Contrary to synthetic hair wigs, human hair wigs are more expensive, but they are also more durable. Popularly, human wigs are made out of four types of hairs including Indian, Chinese, European, and Indonesian.

Chinese hairs have a naturally straight texture and have more density. Moreover, they are extremely resistant to curls, making it quite difficult to style them. Indonesian hairs are the most readily available type of human hair. This increased supply makes Indonesian hair quite inexpensive.

Indian and European hair has the somewhat same texture but the former has more texture. European hair, on the other hand, has thinner denier. Considering the supply of European hair is very limited, it is quite pricey.

Synthetic Hair

If human hair is too expensive for you, then you can always opt for synthetic hair; however, that nowhere means that you will have to compromise on the quality. Thanks to technological advancements, synthetic hair wigs have come a long way.

In fact with some high-quality synthetic women's toupees, you will not be able to differentiate, which one human hair and which is synthetic ones. You can wear synthetic toupee right out of the box without having to go through the hassle of styling. And it stays up well in bad weather as well without dropping or frizzing.

When it comes to adaptability, synthetic hair lags. There is extremely limited or no scope of styling your hair. So if you are someone who likes to try different styles, then synthetic hair might not be the right option for you.

If you care for your synthetic toupee properly, it would last you around 4 to 6 months. There are plenty of heat-friendly wigs in the market that you can use to change the style pattern of the hair. Heat-friendly toupees have a shorter life span of approximately 2 to 3 months.

Medical Hair Wigs

Losing hair during cancer treatment is one of the most traumatic side effects. Medical wigs are specially designed for cancer patients that help in restoring their lost confidence. They are typically extremely light in weight and made from a soft and comfortable material. The soft material ensures that the toupee doesn't irritate the patient's skin.

Along with cancer patients, people who suffer from alopecia also wear this type of toupee. If you are using women's toupees for medical reasons, ensure to consult your doctor regarding the same. They will be able to tell you the kind of materials that you should look for so that you don't experience any side effects on the scalp.

With an array of options available for women's toupees, selecting one can be quite confusing. And, you must do your research well to choose the toupee that is ideal for you. Make sure that you opt for a toupee that resembles the color of your skin. This will ensure that the wig blends well and give a natural look and feel. Picking the right size of the toupee is also important. You don't want it to be too tight that it results in marks and rashes, and if it is lost, the toupee would end up looking lost. So make sure you try it on before you make the purchase and if you are buying online, ensure to measure your head and make the decision accordingly.

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