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> READ BOOK > Marvel Platinum: The Definitive Iron Man

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Book description
Gravely injured in combat, billionaire businessman and scientific genius Tony Stark saved his own life by designing a life-sustaining shell - the hi-tech powered armour that transformed him into the invincible Iron Man!Marvel Platinum proudly presents the very best Iron Man stories from the House of Ideas; including Iron Mans origin, his epic battles against the Mandarin, Doctor Doom, the Hulk and arch-nemesis Obadiah Stane, as well as the tale of his personal conflict with alcoholism and an incredible confrontation against his very own armour!Includes an exclusive introduction by the characters co-creator and founder of the Marvel Universe, Stan The Man Lee.Collecting Tales of Suspense #39, Iron Man Vol.1 #99-100, 128, 131-133, 194-150, 200, 256, Iron Man Vol.3 #30, written by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Bill Mantlo, David Michelinie, Bob Layton and Joe Quesada, with art by the legendary Don Heck and John Romita Jr, as well as George Tuska, Jerry Bingham, Mark Bright and Sean Chen.
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