Part 3: Can I fit all the camping gear in the car?

Part 3: Can I fit all the camping gear in the car?

It'S the next morning and uh a good night's sleep in the tent um, i'm just packing all these all these things away now, um, it's not quite as sunny today as yesterday, but at least it's not raining, so i'm trying to get the tent down. And yes, if you've got all this stuff, can you fit it in the car? That'S what i'm gon na try and do okay now to try and get all this stuff into the car boots. Obviously, it's gon na depend how big your car be. We'Ve got an old secondhand hyundai santa fe, which has got a fairly good boot, which is one of the reasons why we bought it. When we are camping for longer brakes, though, we often put the roof box on, and we've also got a trailer to put all the camping gear in um, which can make life easier on loading, because, when you're packing a car, you've got to get the big things. In first like the tent um, so when you've got a trailer, you can kind of arrange it a bit better. So when you turn up to the site, you can get the tent out and up if it's wet, but getting the car is certainly what most people do, and we also do that quite a lot, because it's a lot quicker and easier just to plot the things In the back of the car, so obviously you need to get the big thing like the tent first. So this is our five-man tent. It'S got the tent in the bag. I'Ve also got the pump in the bag and the carpet in the bag. It'S important if you've got an air tent invasive tent that you remember the pump as well. The next thing i generally put in is, if we're taking the electric cool box, i put the cool box in next and that's because we've got an electric 12 volt point in the boot there um, so the cool bots electric cool box put in plug in to Make sure that can do and then i fit everything else around it. Um today we're just using our other cool box, which is a collapsible cool box, doesn't take quite as room, but it's not electric um. So i'm just going to start trying to fit all the things in and you'll see a lot of things in there they're packed down in their bags you'll see a lot of things that we saw out yesterday. You might recognize some of them um. So, let's start this giant game of tetris and get it all in the boot. This is the big double chair. This is our caddy with all our kitchen stuff. This is the big cupboard huge giant, inflatable mat 16 centimeters deep, this one [ Music, ] cool bag. This cool bag can collapse down. If you finish using it and everything's out of it, it's uh inflatable, so you can undo that and get the air out of it. Another large selfie based mat 7.5 centimeters deep little and the stalin sleep system. Air kit put that in there now it's quite a lot of the stuff, but there's more to come yet don't forget your lanterns! I had a little storage boxes head torches, pictures and stuff washing up stuff sleeping bags. Some of these are winter sleeping bags. They'Re extra thick now we're almost there just a couple more things, so here's all those collapsible covered storage and all the collapsible bowls and sinks things like that and collapse. Water carrier uh! That'S how you put this in earlier. Now it fits okay so that wasn't too bad um. It'S only having your camping gear ready to hand and it's a bit of practice. It makes it fairly quick to get everything into the car ready to go. Now we have packed um stuff for a longer camp. We wouldn't necessarily take all of the cupboards and units for a weekend camp we wouldn't need to. We just have a small amount of clothes um, it's all about food and just a few bits in bags, but you might take some of these small pop-up things. It depends how much room we feel what we feel like, because they are quite handy. We'Ve got chairs, we've got sleeping bags, we've got extra tables, we've got a stove, we've got pots, we've got watercolors, we've got a lot actually in here, but a few things that would have to come in as well, and this is where having a roof box. Um he's certainly handy so we're missing food. Obviously, got a cool box there and it's quite a big one. Actually it takes quite a lot, but um there'll be other things that you wouldn't necessarily put in there. You know it could be drinks of lemonade and crisps and stuff like that food for the journey, everyone's close as well. That'S missing. We'Ve got room to put some things flat over the top um as well. If people want to bring their full-size pillows they're camping pillows, they need to go here as well um, some of the clothes we ask if they can put down by where they're sitting trying to bring too much. We do try and get them to take responsibility to pack some of their stuff as well, but obviously we have some big bags of things and then activities and games and additional things like wind breaks and stuff like that and again that's where the roof box really Comes in handy, putting things like that in there if we got body boards for a bit of playing around in the surf and wetsuits having that in a roof box away from all this stuff, he's really good idea. So, as you can see a lot of stuff, but it does manage to get back into the car so over to you. I hope you have fun on your camping adventures: [, Music, ], wow, [, Music, ], wow,

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