organic aid vitamin e moisturizing cream

organic aid vitamin e moisturizing cream

organic aid vitamin e moisturizing cream ingredients

Organic Aid Vitamin E Moisturizing Cream


Hebert Honey 100% Natural Hand and Body Creams Moisturizing cream is hand crafted using the finest naturalThe beeswax is produced and processed by us to insure aThe beeswax color is evident in the cream. Almond Oil is used as the carrier oil. Sweet almond oil is very high in anti-oxidants and enzymes needed to feed, soften and nourish the skin. This is a water based cream that will hydrate the skin.  feed the skin and blend with the bees wax to form a moisture barrier that helps the body hold it's natural moisture and protect and promote new skin growth from the inside out.  Vitamin E oil is used to aidA small amount of almond essential oil is used to give the cream a clean, pleasant and light fragrance. been produced, with some variations, by beekeepers for hundreds of years 2oz Jar for $7.50 plus s&h. 4oz Jar for $12.50 plus s&h. 10oz Jar  for $24.95.00 plus s&h. hands, knees, elbows, and feet?  Do you work in or have your hands in

water or harsh chemicals? We have developed Gardener's Hand cream for you! A 100% natural hand cream that uses  high grade sweet almond oil to moisturize the skin and work in harmony with beeswax to cover the area with a healing layer of natural materials that helps to promote skin cell growth from within.  Calendula tea, coconut oil and vitamin E oil combine to boost the healing power of this versatile cream. You can use this product anywhere on or in your body where the skin needs help.  with rough, cracked  or irritated skin that needs to be rejuvenated will benefit almost immediately.  A small amount of lavender essential oil is added to give this unique hand and body cream a wonderfully pleasant scent. The healing power of Honey, lavender, calendula and vitamin E combine to make this a very powerful healing cream 4oz Jar at $12.50 plus s&h. 2oz Squeezable Tube with Flip Cap For $7.50 10oz Jar For $24.95

Vitamin E is my new jam. I brought it to Vegas with me & it’s literally a lifesaver. ESP since it’s so dry here. Since being in Veg, I’ve been that freak who’s rubbing oil all over my body… The best thing ever: instead of wiping makeup off your face with one of those nasty chemical-filled makeup cloths. You know what I mean when you’re scrubbing your face so gnarly your eyelashes are coming off & your face is beet red? Yah those annoying shit cloths. Anyway instead I simply rub some Vitamin E ( super inexpensive, BTW ) on my face. The makeup literally comes off in one swipe without a cotton ball. I literally rub it in like lotion on my face once & my makeup is gone! There’s none of that leftover shit either ( like mascara flakes or foundation residue ). Like, ummm the coolest thing ever, right?! Yesterday my friend asked for some & I only gave her a drop. She laughed & jokingly said “why the F are you rationing your Vitamin E?” I mean, in all fairness I was def being a Stingy Susan.

The benefits are just too good. Vitamin E oil has an amazing anti-aging effect on skin. Lack of proper skin care regime, and habits like excessive intake of alcohol and smoking, often trigger the onset of signs of aging before time. Topical application of almond oil promotes production of two important protein components namely, collagen and elastin that improves skin elasticity. This in turn reduces the appearances of the visible age spots, fine lines or wrinkles, and gives you a younger-looking skin. Its antioxidant properties further fight off damaging effects of free radicals, and minimizes the chances of appearances of new wrinkles. For this reason, Vitamin E is used as a key ingredient in several anti-aging creams and lotions that are available in the market. Vitamin E prevents water loss from the skin, and helps it to retain its natural moisture. Thus, it makes dull, dry skin look healthy and well-moisturized. If it is used for the purpose of deep pore cleansing of dry skin on a regular basis, it restores the normal oil balance of the skin.

Vitamin E oil is popularly used to treat minor sunburns. When applied topically, it is readily absorbed by the epidermis layer of the skin, and it heals the damages caused by ultraviolet radiation. Thus you get relief from pain. It can also provide protection to the skin from sun damage. So, it is added to sunscreen lotion of various brands, to improve its sun protection quality. Vitamin E is useful for removing scars from the skin. When it is applied on acne scars or any other forms of scars caused due to some bruises, burns, etc., it first softens up the skin of the affected area, and then lightens the mark in a few weeks. Eventually, the scar will fade out within a few months. Vitamin E speeds up the process of regeneration of skin cells and the dead, damaged skin cells are replaced with new ones. This way, it helps to get rid of the scar tissue. However, it may not be that effective for surgical scars. This oil is equally effective on stretch marks. Pregnant women should start applying vitamin E oil on the abdomen, when the belly starts expanding.

This will not only bring relief from the itching sensation caused by the stretching of the skin, but also prevent stretch marks. Those who have already developed stretch marks should apply the oil to get rid of them. It increases the growth of new skin cells in the area, and also helps to restore the natural elastic properties of the skin. Thus regular application helps to eliminate the ugly stretch marks. Any Other Skin Issues: A number of skin conditions can be treated with Vitamin E oil. Psoriasis is one such condition where the skin turns dry, scaly, and red patches appear on it. Vitamin E oil repairs the skin damage and brings about improvement in the condition. It can also be used for the treatment of eczema, where its antioxidant qualities bring down the skin inflammation. It also relieves the itchiness and moisturizes the dry skin really well. Vitamin E oil is known to maintain the health of nails. A few drops of the oil can help reduce breakage of the nails, and poorly kept nails can be brought back to health, if it is used regularly.

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