organic aid vitamin e for scars

organic aid vitamin e for scars

organic aid vitamin e cleanser

Organic Aid Vitamin E For Scars


Whether it's acne pock marks, stretch marks after pregnancy, or the legacy of a burn, wound or surgery, few of us like scars on our skin.And there is no shortage of remedies that claim to make scars smaller, thinner and less noticeable. One of the most popular is vitamin E, which is found in many skin creams. But will vitamin E really help to improve your scar?According to Sydney dermatologist Dr Phillip Artemi, the answer is no.He says despite the marketing hype, research has clearly shown vitamin E has absolutely no beneficial effect on scars."People put a vitamin E cream on, [and over time] notice the improvement, and quite incorrectly, think, 'Oh it's this stuff I'm putting on' — but it's not," Dr Artemi said.As your body forms a scar there is a natural process of slow and gradual improvement over a period of about 12 months.And this will happen regardless of whether vitamin E cream is applied. It is true that collagen, a fibrous protein in the skin, is involved in scar formation and that vitamin E, when present in the body, influences the formation and arrangement of collagen fibres.

But Dr Artemi says it does not automatically follow that applying vitamin E to skin will improve the way collagen is formed and laid down when wounds heal and scars form.In fact several studies have tested this exact idea and shown it to be false. One study even found that in almost a third of cases, vitamin E caused a common skin irritation — known as contact dermatitis.Dermatologists now consider it "a proven scientific fact" that applying vitamin E is of no value to scars, Dr Artemi says.So if vitamin E will not help scars, is there anything that will?The notion that aloe vera, lemon juice, and other over-the-counter oils and creams will fade or shrink scars is also "nonsense", Dr Artemi says.For example, while initial tests on rabbits and in the laboratory suggested onion extract might be beneficial for scars, further studies in humans showed it did not live up to the promise.However using a dressing to trap moisture over a wound when it's healing can help minimise scarring and provide the best possible cosmetic outcome.

Scar treatments explainedChemical reconstruction of skin scars: A chemical (usually trichloroacetic acid) is used to frost the scar, in order for the body to produce new collagen fibres during the healing process.Dermal fillers: Chemical fillers are injected into the skin to decrease the depth of scars.Fractional laser: A non-wounding laser is used to stimulate collagen growth and tighten skin.Micro-needling: Small needles are delivered into the dermal layers of the skin, to break down scar tissue and stimulate the formation of new collagen. Subcision: The sharp edge of a hypodermic needle is used to break down fibrous connective strands underneath the scar to improve appearance . Dr Artemi says avoiding unnecessary tension and strain on a scar, ensuring that it is not exposed to excessive sunlight and giving it a simple massage for a few minutes twice a day can also help.Special dressings — known as silicon dressings — are good at trapping moisture, as are silicon gel or gel sheets."

They've certainly been proven to work well to trap moisture and help scars heal as well as possible — but their effect has nothing to do with silicon itself," Dr Artemi said."As a result you could probably achieve the same thing by applying a good smear of Vaseline or any dressing that prevents air reaching the wound and drying it out."Such silicone or other occlusive dressings should only be used on clean wounds, where there is low risk of infection."Dr Artemi says they provide most benefit in the first 12 weeks of use, although in some cases their use may be recommended for six to 12 months."It's important to remember that even with an occlusive dressing, a scar will take many months, and sometimes more than a year, to naturally fade to its end point," he said."If you are unhappy about a scars redness, bumpiness or thickness it's time to consult a dermatologist to discuss possible options such as an appropriate laser source, micro-needling or injectable treatment."When it comes to scars caused by acne, treatment options are not always straight forward.

Acne scarring consists of many different types of scarring including ice-pick scars, pock-like scars, deep depression and areas of skin thickening [also known as termed keloid].Each scar responds differently and as a result combination treatments are required, according to each patients needs and the severity of the scarring.These treatments are undertaken by a dermatologist and might include micro-needling, fractional laser treatment, subcision, chemical reconstruction of skin scars or injected dermal fillers.Depending on your skin type and the degree of scarring, combination treatment for acne scarring can result in a 30 to 60 per cent improvement.And yes, picking and squeezing your pimples, or picking at the scab of a healing wound, will only make scars worse.But some people will have worse than usual scars despite doing all the right things.Scars are more of an issue for people:But whether your scar is at the good or bad end of the scale, the evidence suggests spending your hard-earned cash on vitamin E won't make a jot of difference."

You're just wasting your money," Dr Artemi says.Dr Phillip Artemi is a Sydney Dermatologist in private practice. In the past he has served as Honorary Secretary, Director of Training (NSW) and Chairman of the Teaching and Learning Committee of the Australasian College of Dermatologists. ABC Health and Wellbeing Newsletter Teaser Want more ABC Health & Wellbeing?Subscribe for weekly our update of Health and Wellbeing news, features and opinion from around the ABC. Or you can like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter.So I will be the first one to admit that I don’t have perfect skin { Even though lately it feels pretty perfect compared to what it was.} I’ve been on this journey for a few years trying to clear up persistent breakouts & I am not lying when I say that I have tried EVERYTHING. I am finally at a point in my journey where I have found a routine that finally works for me & has kept my skin super clear & healthy. I know that I can’t be the only one who has struggled with hormonal breakouts & oily skin so I wanted to share what has worked for me in hopes that it can help someone else as well.

Remember that I am not a dermatologist so I have to say do your own research & your own caution when changing up your skin routine. I just have to say when I went natural with my skin, my skin started loving me back & I finally got the results I had been wanting for so long. Here’s a little back story about my skin. When I got into my twenties I started noticing lots hormonal breakouts on my jaw line & chin area. My skin became very oily & the breakouts wouldn’t stop. Wasn’t this supposed to happen when I was a teenager? So forever I was using makeup wipes & products with harsh chemicals in them. My skin was just getting worse, I had large sore breakouts & they would never really go away. I would use makeup & concealer to cover it up, but you can still see bumps through makeup & if you know that the breakout is there you become self conscious & it can effect you emotionally. I would have maybe a week with clear skin & then another large breakout would start again. I was thinking that I was just stuck.

This was my skin and I had to deal with it. I had prescriptions, every face wash on the market, & even expensive tools Until one day when I decided to go mostly natural for a while & see what that would do. I mean it couldn’t hurt right? First things first I cut out the makeup wipes. They were causing my sensitive skin nothing but irritation and adding unnecessary scents & chemicals causing breakouts. In place of the makeup wipes, step one of my skin care routine is to use coconut oil & a wash cloth with warm water. Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial so it combats all of the bacteria that can be on your face from your long day. I use ogranic coconut oil {you can find it practically anywhere!} I rub a tiny bit all over my face & then with a wash cloth that is damp with warm water I wipe all of it off. This step removes almost 100% of the makeup & my face feels so soft and clean. Coconut oil has also been known to shrink pores, fix fine lines, & it’s a seriously amazing moisturizer.

After a week of cutting out the makeup wipes I noticed that my skin was no longer red & irritated. I think coconut oil is one of the biggest factors that has made my skin better these days. Second step changes from day to day depending on what I feel like. I’m usually only wearing tinted moisturizer these days so sometimes I will repeat step one & then move on to step three. But, if I’m feeling a little dirtier or that my skin needs some more love I will use the Pacifica sea foam complete facewash which is sulfate free & super gentle. I love the smell of this stuff & it foams up so nicely that I feel like it makes my skin so clean & fresh. If you are looking for a gentle cleanser I for sure recommend this one. The third step in my nightly skin care routine is Thayers alcohol-free Rose petal witch hazel {I purchased mine at GNC}. This toner is seriously so gentle & one of the only ones I have ever used that calms my skin down. It refreshes, shrinks pores, & is a great last step that ensures I have removed everything off of my face.

It has aloe & vitamin E so it soothes my skin perfectly & preps it for moisturizer. & last but not least I moisturize with grape seed oil { I purchased mine at GNC}. I place a tiny bit in the palm of my hand & use it all over my face. Grape seed oil has anti-oxidents & anti-inflammatory properties that really combat any breakouts & soothe the skin as well. It also tightens pores which also helps prevent further breakouts. Grape seed oil is great for people with oily skin. You may think you need to dry your skin out if you have oily skin, but that only causes your skin to think that it needs to produce more oil. Therefore you will just be an oily mess. So after washing your face add a great moisturizer to your routine. The grape seed oil has changed my life. I have noticed fading of my scars, smaller pores, less breakouts & my skin is not a hot oily mess anymore like it once was. For when I do get a breakout or a pimple I have been using tea tree oil {mine is from the Body Shop}.

Tea tree oil is a great alternative to other topical acne creams with lots of harsh chemicals. for my dry lips I have been loving this hemp oil chapstick that I got in my Birchbox last month. & for eye cream when I’m feeling like I need it I use all about eyes from Clinique.  For nights when I want to put a mask on my face or I feel a breakout coming I will make a mask with honey, nutmeg, & cinnamon. All the ingredients combat bacteria, help with scarring, fight breakouts, & much more. The mask is amazing. In the morning I use oatmeal to wash my face. Dt seriously works! Oatmeal contains this scientific word called saponins which is known for it’s cleansing properties. Oatmeal also contains lots of vitamin E & is recommended for those with sensitive skin {i.e. my sensitive acne prone oily skin} To cleanse with the oatmeal I put a tiny bit in my palm & run hot water over the oatmeal to soften it. I then use it as a scrub all over my face and rinse with warm water. You can blend the oatmeal so it becomes finer, but usually I just use the whole oats that I store in a small container in our bathroom. I

seriously just use regular oats, I mean any brand out of the grocery store. After I cleanse with the oatmeal in the morning I use the Thayers alcohol-free rose bud witch hazel as a toner with a cotton ball all over my face just like I do at night. For day lotion these days I am OBSESSED with boots number 7 beautiful skin day cream for normal/oily. It is non-pore blocking & it has zinc in it which controls oil. I seriously don’t know if I ever will switch from this lotion. If you have oily skin I would try this! I should also add that I have tried to add more water to my diet & cut back on the caffeine a little which are both factors in healthy skin & hormonal breakouts. I also take daily vitamins {I have always done this}. As many of you know your skin is not only how you treat it on the outside, but the inside as well! My skin has been so different lately! Less oil, minimal breakouts, scars are diminishing, & my overall skin tone is healthier. Like I said before, I am no expert & I still get breakouts. I

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