old oak doors part a transcript

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Old Oak Doors Part A Transcript


"Old Oak Doors Part B" is the second half of the 49th episode of Welcome to Night Vale and the second half of the Night Vale 2nd anniversary live show. It was released on July 1st, 2014. Night Vale begins its revolt against StrexCorp, and Old Oak Doors are opening all over town. Good things are coming through. Terrible things are coming through. Also there's a mayoral election. Wonderwall is the only '90s song visible from space."Old Oak Doors Part A" is the first half of the 49th episode of Welcome to Night Vale, and the first half of the Night Vale 2nd anniversary live show. It was released on 15 June 2014. ↑ This tweet has a picture of another appearance of Deb.For the two part episode, see Old Oak Doors Part A and Old Oak Doors Part B. The Old Oak Doors are first mentioned in episode 15. John Peters — you know, the farmer — reported finding an old oak door suddenly standing unsupported by any other structure out in the scrublands. Sounds of knocking kept coming from the door, as if there were someone trying to get out from the other side.

Uncertain which way the door opened, John Peters wrapped the door in deadbolts and chains on both sides. Cecil describes the door as "leading to other worlds than these", although it's unclear how he knows this. John Peters says that he will keep a sleepless vigil over the door. The old oak doors all seem to lead to the empty desert, which is inhabited by a great masked army, as well as several angels, all named Erika. In episode 30, while trying to look for a way out of the dog park, intern Dana comes upon another old oak door, again unsupported by any other structure. She enters the door and finds herself in the House That Doesn't Exist, but in a parallel dimension. She exits the house through yet another door and finds herself in the vast and empty desert, looking at a mountain with a blinking light on the top of it, but it's unclear if the door she left through was another old oak door. In episode 46, numerous additional old oak doors appear around town. Unlike the earlier doors, these doors are one-sided and cannot be seen from behind.

Ad blocker interference detected! Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockers Wikia is not accessible if you’ve made further modifications. Remove the custom ad blocker rule(s) and the page will load as expected.There is a faceless old woman secretly living in your home, and she has something she needs to say. Plus, former intern Dana is still alive and texting us from the forbidden Dog Park, Community Health Tips, and an update on kittens. The Faceless Old Woman is voiced by Mara Wilson. Cecil tries to convey the important news of the day, including delivery of some mysterious crates in the desert, a new library expansion, and the annual Bluegrass Festival, but he has a more pressing issue on his mind. The Library's Summer Reading Program has begun, sending the town into a panic. Plus, a tough new mandate from the City Council, a list of useful things, and changes afoot in the Freemasons.

An entire subway system appears suddenly in Night Vale, and the City Council is excited by the possibilities. Plus, tips for organ donors, a look into financial news, and a popular new service in town. Intern Dana finds a way out of the Dog Park but can’t quite figure out where it leads. Plus, a look at opening weekend of football season, helpful tips on adopting a dog from the SPCA, and Carlos visits the house that doesn’t exist. There's a blinking light up on the mountain, which challenges our belief in mountains. Plus, a controversial new television show and a message from the faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home. There are strange new helicopters above Night Vale, different than the other helicopters that regularly hover over town. Plus, Community Health Tips, surgery for NVHS's starting quarterback, and a message from Hiram McDaniels. Cecil finds an old cassette tape of himself at age 15, and he is surprised at what it contains. Plus, a new exhibit at the Museum of Forbidden Technologies, Children's Fun Fact Science Corner, and an important message from new station management.

The Wallaby family successfully lobbies the School Board to finally allow a computer in school to help their daughter Megan. Plus, a concert from Dark Owl Records and Amnesty Day at the public library. It's a totally lazy day in Night Vale. Here's some news, I guess: updates on the Summer Reading Program, the Brown Stone Spire, and a delicious new cereal on the market. An urgent call to all listeners as 13-year-old Tamika Flynn has gone missing. Plus another edition of Children's Fun Fact Science Corner, breaking traffic news, and the Community Calendar. The Sheriff's Secret Police are holding their annual auction of seized property, and our favorite community radio host finds Lot 37 particularly interesting. Plus a new challenger for the mayoral title and some great advice for toddlers. John Peters - you know, the farmer? - had a huge, healthy orange crop this year. But Carlos grows skeptical about a sudden orange grove in the desert. Plus, the City Council tries to get out of town, and an important correction to a previous story.

A woman from Italy arrived in our town, and we're not quite sure what she wants or what she is doing to us with her presence. Plus, a local hardware store cracks down on the crowds of baristas outside their shop, an update on Khoshekh's kittens, and a look at traffic. The Telephone Service finally fixes the only telephone booth in town, and a submarine arrives from faraway Nulogorsk. Plus, a new campaign from the Tourism Board, we meet our station's newest program director, and strange texts from a mountaintop, if you can believe that. Walk signals are malfunctioning all over town. Plus, updates from former intern Dana and a look at the Community Calendar. Some strange new developments at the local numbers station, WZZZ. Plus, an update on former intern Dana, tips on how to get out of a geographical loop, and constant press conferences from outgoing mayor Pamela Winchell. An adorable new visitor makes its way into the radio studio. Plus, controversy in the mayoral race, an update on The House That Doesn't Exist, and a look the community calendar.

It's Girl Scout cookies time in Night Vale. Plus, an updates from Khoshekh and Dana, a safety announcement from the Highway Department, and a magnanimous gesture from Station Management. The title of this episode seems familiar to you. It's Parade Day in Night Vale. It's totally just a parade and not a subterfuge for any kind of insurgency or revolt against a corprocratic regime. Plus, strange doors appearing all over town and an update from Carlos about the house that does not exist. Good news for the Greater Desert Bluffs Metropolitan Area: StrexCorp is hosting its first ever Company Picnic. It is a fun, cheerful, mandatory event. Plus, an update on the troubling-making scientists, the election we cannot stop, and praise to a Smiling God. StrexCorp begins massive renovations on the radio station and all of Night Vale. Plus, updates from the Company Picnic of Indeterminate Length, free floating cats for anyone who wants them, and a strange new art print.Also there's a mayoral election.

First of a two-part episode. Night Vale begins its revolt against StrexCorp, and old oak doors are opening all over town. Second of a two-part episode. The Night Vale Community College begins a capital campaign to fund a new science center. Tourniquet hires a new sous chef, inauguration day for the new mayor, and an update from the otherworld desert. Carlos reports on strange developments in the otherworld desert. Plus new announcements from a new mayor, a look at horoscopes, and a message from Desert Bluffs. Mayor Pamela Winchell enjoys her retirement from politics, but she's being offered a new job. Plus, renovations at the bowling alley, updates from the desert otherworld, and a review of the new restaurant Tourniquet. It is September, and something is different. A carnival comes to town. Plus the Cleaning of Books, breaking ground at the new old Opera House, and an intern returns... again. A representative from the University of What It Is calls the station to find a missing colleague.

Plus, an update on the cats, the Barista Cultural Fair, and corrections. Scandal strikes the Night Vale High School football team on the cusp of the annual Homecoming game. A special visitor is in the studio to present a recipe for Tiramisu. Do you remember that list you were given to memorize? You should have memorized that list exactly. Plus, a finding in the desert, what is opera, and meatless mondays. A stone monolith appears overnight in front of City Hall. Plus, a former high school quarterback playing college football, opening ceremonies at the Drawbridge, and updates from the desert otherworld. The Antiques have escaped from the Antiques Mall. Plus, a very scientific update from afar, new management at StrexCorp, and the return of Children's Fun Fact Science Corner. The water isn't working at the radio station, which is super annoying. Oh, also it seems the sun is multiplying. Plus, a college football update, a request for some time off, and controversy with the local TV news.

A vague yet menacing government agency needs a special message delivered. Plus, Cooking Stuff with Earl Harlan, a mysterious thank-you card, and strange goings on near the haunted baseball diamond. Night Vale Daily Journal editor Leann Hart announces changes at the newspaper, while continuing a successful execution of her most controversial business plan. Plus, a station editorial, a look at local traffic, and a parade for a local sports hero. An exciting conclusion to the day-long Sand Golem saga at City Hall. Plus, repairs at the bowling alley, Children's Fun Fact Science Corner, and who won that auction? The president of the School Board confronts critics of the school district's five-year strategic plan. Plus, the hunt for two fugitives, some fun events on the community calendar, and a look at financial news. There is a faceless old woman secretly living in your home, and she has something she needs to say. Plus, former intern Dana is still alive and texting us from the forbidden Dog Park, Community Health Tips, and an update on kittens.

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