office chairs for leg pain

office chairs for leg pain

office chairs for hip and back pain

Office Chairs For Leg Pain


Passion will keep you going when the going gets tough.Typically, when we think about enduring an injury, we imagine we have to do something -- and usually do it wrong -- to bring on the pain. But sometimes discomfort is due to doing nothing whatsoever. Case in point: Sitting at your sedentary desk job. Spending too much time sitting has been linked to a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, metabolic syndrome and earlier death, and even the most dedicated of exercise regimens won't undo all the damage. "We were built to move," Steven Conway, Ph.D., a chiropractor and attorney in Athens, Wisconsin, and a spokesperson for the American Chiropractic Association, tells The Huffington Post. "The non-moving is the hardest thing on us." Most of us can probably recall a time when our backs ached or our heads pounded after a tough day at the office, but sometimes the cause of the pain isn't so obvious. Below you'll find some of the most common sitting-related ailments and Conway's tips on how to protect yourself, stat.

If your low back or hips hurt... The problem: You're probably slouching -- and your chair might not be at the right height, either. The fix: Adjust your seat to maintain the normal curve in the lower spine. Tilt the seat of the chair to angle slightly down. You should be able to fit one or two fingers between your knees and the edge of the seat to alleviate pressure on the legs. Also consider using an alternative desk chair that incorporates movement or supportive cushions behind the lower back. If your mid back hurts... The problem: You're probably slouching, and you're definitely not moving enough. The fix: Move more. If you can, once every 20 minutes. Because your head, neck and shoulders are typically forward as you sit in your chair, focus on stretching the opposite way. Look up at the ceiling, stick the chest out and roll the shoulders back. Sitting up straight will keep your shoulders and mid-back in this neutral position naturally. If your hands or wrists hurt...

The problem: Stretching and twisting your hands and fingers to type, and typing with furious speed and force. The pain and fatigue here may also be due to carpal tunnel syndrome, which can include tingling, numbness and shooting pains through the hands and wrist. The fix: If your keyboard is angled up, switch the stand on the back of it to keep it laying flat. Adjust the height of your chair to keep your elbows as close as possible to a 90-degree angle and keep your arms close to your sides. If your neck hurts... The problem: You're cradling the phone between your shoulder and your ear, you're slouching and you're probably looking downward at a computer screen. (You might also feel pain in your jaw or get frequent headaches.) The fix: Use a speakerphone, headphones or a headset if you're going to be talking and typing at the same time. Adjust the height of your computer screen -- even if that just means stacking it on top of some books -- so that your chin is even with the center of the screen.

Position the screen straight in front of you so you're not constantly turning to the side. If your knees hurt... The problem: Pressure from your seat or from crossing your legs can lead to pain, numbness or tingling, or your legs are too short to plant your feet firmly on the ground. The fix: Adjust your chair so the seat tilts slightly forward or adjust the height of your chair altogether. Make sure you can fit one or two fingers between your knees and the edge of the seat. Try putting your feet on a stool or a stack of books if they don't reach the ground, and cross the legs at the ankles rather than at the knee.People who spend excessive amounts of time sitting are more prone to injury and are at risk for circulation and mobility problems. Sitting for prolonged periods, especially without proper posture, fatigues the muscles and compresses the blood vessels responsible for supplying the muscles with blood. If you must spend a significant amount of time sitting at work or home, change positions frequently and use an ergonomic chair.

Purchase a chair with a comfortable seat cushion that allows you to easily adjust the seat tilt and height and the angle and height of the backrest. The seat should be large enough for both legs to fit comfortably side by side without any pressure on the sides of your thighs or on the backs of your knees. Sit with your back in a naturally straight position. Do not force your spine into an unnatural posture as this actually shortens your spine and interferes with circulation. Your spine should not bend toward the front of your body, and there should be no noticeable hollow between your lower back and the chair. Center your head over the top of your spine in a relaxed and slightly forward position. Use the backrest of your chair for support. Place your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest if your legs are too short to reach the ground. Sitting with your feet dangling or tucked underneath your body can impair circulation to your lower legs and feet, leading to swelling and varicose veins.

Keep your ankles even with or slightly in front of your knees. Sit on a pillow if your chair is still too low even after you adjust its height. Sitting on a low chair can cause your legs to bend at an unhealthy angle, interfering with blood circulation and causing leg swelling. It also can put unnecessary pressure on your buttocks and internal organs. Walk around for several minutes out of every hour. Walking encourages your heart to pump faster and harder and increases blood flow to your extremities. It will also help minimize blood pooling in your legs. Moving your arms and legs around while sitting is also beneficial to circulation. Use padded armrests if you must hold your arms extended from your body for a significant length of time and need the support. Place the fleshy part of your arms against the armrest and move them around frequently to encourage blood flow. Avoid crossing your legs while sitting as this can reduce blood flow to your legs and feet. Crossing and uncrossing your legs while sitting can redistribute pressure and encourage the pumping of blood through the tissues in your legs.

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