o Know Me Pt. 02

o Know Me Pt. 02

I was still excited about what had happened yesterday and was so looking forward to meeting Butch again today at noon. The clock seemed to be stuck between 10:30 and 11:00. The morning passed so darn slowly.

Remembering my instructions, it didn't matter what I wore as long as I wore some of my sexy underpants. I selected a maroon pair of the full backed bikinis and hoped Butch approved.

My little dick was hard as I pulled the nylon up my legs and over my large bottom. Before putting anything else on I checked myself in the mirror. Turning this way and that admiring myself. I had no body hair except for the slightest bit of peach fuzz. That included my chest, arms, legs, and groin. For some reason I just didn't grown hair like other guys. But then I knew I wasn't like other guys.

I pulled on some shorts and another T-shirt. Mother saw me pacing and asked me what was I up to.

"Nothing mother. Just going over to Butch's at noon."

"Don't you mean Mr. Peterson johnnie?"

"He told me to call him Butch mother," I said with some exasperation.

"Oh,? You two must be hitting off quite nicely then."

I noticed her wry smile as she turned and walked away with a chuckle she probably didn't think I heard.

Mother, at 45 was still a sharp looking woman. She kept her shape which was a lot like mine. We were the same size and had other similar attributes. She was hoot to be around. Always in a great mood and never ever did she punish me when I was a child. "You're special," she'd always say while tucking me in at night.

Now I was beginning to realize what mother thought was special about me.

Father, on the other hand was more like me. He was paunchy and had lost some hair in the front and middle of his head. He doted on mother and always, without fail, did as she asked. I always had the feeling he disliked me but never broached the subject with him. He was the disciplinarian in our family and as a misbehaving child and teen, I felt the sting of his belt many times.

"Right on time johnnie. I like punctuality in my cock suckers. Good boy, "Butch said patting me on my head like I was his puppy.

"Did you remember to wear sexy panties for me?"

"Yes sir," I said blushing.

"Let's see em boy. Come on now I don't have all day."

I pulled my shorts down to my thighs and show Butch my maroon underpants. "Like those I wore yesterday Butch, these are European styled for men."

"Uh huh," he said ignoring my description and adjusting his growing cock through his workout shorts.

"Lose the shirt and shorts johnnie."

I took my short off over my sneakers and pulled the T-shirt over my head. "Shouldn't we close the garage door Butch?"

"In a minute. Let me look at you. Turn around baby."

I pirouetted for Butch before asking him to close the door again. "Please sir. Someone might see me, er, us I mean."

"You mean someone might see you in your panties. I'm not wearing panties so I don't care if anyone sees me or not. You got a real sexy ass johnnie. Anyone ever fuck it yet?"

"Gosh no Butch. No one. I'm not like that."

He chuckled, "not yet anyway," and finally hit the button to close the door.

"Come here son."

I went to Butch. He held me kind of close and ran his large hands over my chest and stomach. "Nice budding little titties," he complimented me.

His right hand moved to my back and finally to my bottom. Butch cupped my bottom though my underpants and sighed. I felt one of his fingers prodding and exploring my crack, searching for my butt hole.

I squirmed when his nylon covered finger poked me there. "You like that, don't you?"

My head hung low as I admitted to enjoying the attention, "Yes sir."

He spun me around and stooped down a little so he could grind his now hard cock on my bottom. "Soon I'm gonna make this your boi pussy, he said fondling my titties."

I shivered at his words but did enjoy the feel of his manhood between my fat buttocks. It was a new sensation and it was nice.

"Alright now let's get down to business. Why are you here?"

"Because you asked me Butch."

"I told you. I don't ask sissies. I tell em. Now why are you here?"

"Uh, because you told me?"

"You got it half right. Never knew a fucking sissy that had her shit together. Tell me the rest johnnie. Say it. I want to hear you tell me why you're here and forget all that, "because I told you," nonsense."

I became erect hearing Butch talk to me like that. Calling me a sissy and forcing me to tell him I was there to blow him made me feel small and submissive. It is a feeling I immediately found arousing.

I stuck out my chin and said defiantly, "I'm here to suck your cock Butch."

"Make that Mr. Butch baby. When you 're here to suck my cock treat me with respect."

"Yes sir Mr. Butch."

"Better. Now take my shorts down."

I knelt in front of him and pulled on the elastic waist band. His large cock was semi-hard, hanging above his churning balls. I studied his cock and wondered if all men had cocks like that. I licked my lips unconsciously.

"I see you're eager to begin. Today's lesson is for you to ask me nice and politely if you can suck it."

Looking up at Mr. Butch and with my sincerest voice asked, Please Mr. Butch. May I suck your big cock sir?"

He had his hands on his hips and looked down on me with a sneer. "What kind of person would ask that?"

I struggled to think about the answer he wanted from me. "A cock sucker Mr. Butch?"

"That's right. Are you a cock sucker?"

"Yes sir Mr. Butch. I'm a cock sucker. You made me your cock sucker and I'm here to suck it for you. Please?"

"You have to promise me that you'll always do what I tell you to do without argument or exception. No matter how difficult the task may be, I will expect you to follow the directions I give you. If not, I will spank that fat ass of yours. Understand?"

I sucked in air. I was light headed. My heart pounded in my chest. Mr. Butch was telling me to submit fully to him for the privilege of being his cock sucker.

"I promise sir. Thank you," I said nearly tearing up.

"Suck it bitch," he said finally satisfied with me bending to his will.

My lust for Mr. Butch's cock drove me half mad with desire. I plunged my face down and tried to swallow the large appendage.

"You do that almost as good...," then he trailed off not finishing his thoughts.

I was lost in Mr. Butch's crotch and didn't hear the garage door open. "What do we have here,?"

I pulled away from Mr. Butch to see Mrs. Peterson smiling. "don't let me interrupt you boys," she said but made no effort to give us privacy.

I hesitated and listened to Mr. Butch tell his wife that it's time to break the news.

"Not now dear," she said. "I'll invite them over tonight and we'll do it then. I have an exciting idea how we can do it. I'll tell you all about it after you feed johnnie."

Then she laughed at her own comment, closed the garage door, and left us.

"I think I better leave Mr. Butch. I mean, I didn't want Mrs. Peterson to see us this way."

"Get back on my cock baby. Do it good and we'll give you a surprise tonight."

I sucked Mr. Butch's cock with wild abandon and swallowed every drop of his precious cum. After he was satisfied, he led me into his house and turned me over to Mrs. Peterson. "Okay honey, he's yours. Do as she says my little cock sucker."

Mrs. Peterson and I were sitting in her bedroom. After convincing me that it would improve both my appearance and attitude, she skillfully applied eye shadow, mascara, and lip gloss to my face. Then she brushed out my medium length hair.

Shaping it into a cute pageboy that curled from behind my ears to my cheeks, Mrs. Peterson put a pink barrette on the side. "Look at your pretty self," she smiled at her creation.

I was astonished at what I saw in her vanity mirror. She had transformed me from an androgynous, awkward looking person into a cute girl.

"I have a surprise for you johnnie. We girls are having company this evening and have to look our best.

She removed her clothes while I watched. I saw a pussy for the first time in real life. Not a magazine picture but an honest to goodness live pussy.

Mrs. Peterson saw me staring. "I get it," she said with a sad smile. "You've never seen a cunt before have you?"

"No ma'am. Yours is the first."

"Well, what do you think?"

She was standing only a foot away. Her hands were on her hips as she proudly displayed that which I'd never seen much less touched.

"It's pretty Mrs. Peterson."

"Why thank you johnnie." Stepping up to where I was seated, "Smell me johnnie. Smell my scent. When I get aroused sexually it becomes stronger."

I inhaled the aroma of her pussy. It smelled sweetly pungent and almost as intoxicating as Mr. Butch's crotch.

"Wait here like a good sissy," she said disappearing into the bathroom for a quick shower.

Her words startled me back to reality. Was I really a sissy? I hadn't considered it even though Mr. Butch had called me that several times. I found it arousing when he referred to me as his cock sucking sissy but hadn't given much thought other than I liked submitting to his will.

Now here I was. Sitting at Mrs. Peterson's vanity wearing my European styled underpants and anklet socks, my face painted pretty and my hair done-up to bring out those feminine qualities I was born with.

My little dick twitched, having been erect most of the day. It's true that I felt sexy. I was having a wonderful time learning how to properly service men from Mr. Butch. I felt wanted and I liked feeling that I was important to someone even if it's only to provide pleasure to his cock.

Mrs. Peterson told me how much she appreciated my sucking her husband. "That big cocked man is always horny johnnie. Thanks for taking some of the pressure off me."

I watched as Mrs. Peterson pulled up thigh high black stockings. Attaching them to the equally black garter belt I thought they framed her pussy and ass beautifully.

She smiled at me, "You'll be wearing this type lingerie soon johnnie."

"But why would I do that Mrs. Peterson?"

"Silly boy. Men, real men like Mr. Butch like to see their sissies wearing sexy clothing. Nothing makes them harder than to have their faggot cock suckers looking like sluts."

I looked on with envy as she put on a black quarter-cup bra. I could tell she was excited because her nipples were distended almost an inch and a half.

Stepping into five-inch-tall black heels, Mrs. Peterson completed her outfit pulling a sheer black negligee top over her shoulders.

"Now it's time to get you presentable johnnie. Rummaging through one of her drawers Mrs. Peterson found what she was looking for. She pulled out a maroon sheer nightie which she handed to me. "Put this on baby and don't mess up your hair."

I did as told feeling sexier than before.

"I know these don't match but they are close and they'll do for tonight. We'll take you shopping soon. You need to upgrade your sissy wardrobe johnnie."

She tossed a pair of white, medium high-heeled slippers with a fuzzy top that covered my arches.

"Now this is important johnnie. You must stay here until I come for you. I won't be long. I want to get our guests settled in and in their places before I introduce our new creation. Okay?"

"Yes ma'am. I'll wait right here for you."

"Good boy."

I hear muffled conversation from at least two people other than the Petersons and wondered who they might be. I assumed they had to be close friends of Mrs. Peterson and Mr. Butch because of the way they were dressed. Well, at least the way Mrs. Peterson was dressed. Mr. Butch was wearing khakis and a Banlon knit shirt that showed his broad chest and strong arms.

I was getting really nervous as I waited dressed in the nightie and fuzzy mules. Still, as nervous as I was my little dick throbbed with excitement and the need for relief.

I heard some light laughter, and was that Mr. Butch calling someone out there his cock sucker?

"Come princess. It's time to present you."

I took Mrs. Peterson's out stretched hand and followed her into the living room.

"Here's johnnie," Mrs. Peterson announced.

"Oh my God," I heard mother yelp.

I raised my face and was shocked by what I saw. Mother and father were there. Both almost naked. Father was kneeling between Mr. Butch's spread legs and had been apparently sucking his cock. Father wore a pink thong that looked ridiculous on his plump body. Mother only had on hose and a garter belt in red. She was seated next to Mr. Butch who was fondling her breasts as father sucked him.

"What the fuck,?" father said trying to rise.

Mr. Butch held him fast where he was. "Where do you think you're going faggot?"

"Oh, I, um I'm sorry Mr. Butch. I was shocked to see johnnie here."

"Why? Weren't you telling me the other day you thought he was a cock sucker?"

"Yes sir but I didn't think you'd have him sucking your cock sir."

Mother's reaction was completely different. "Oh Mrs. Peterson, he's beautiful. May I go to himhttps://superela.com/clube/133110/dicas-que-comprar-sex-shop-para-comemorar-dia-dos-namorados#











"Help yourself slut."

Mother rose and came to me. She walked around me inspecting me and my outfit. "You're the daughter I always wanted," she beamed, embracing me.

I saw father busily sucking Mr. Butch's cock. "Look at your sissy son homo. Look at him and tell him why you're sucking my cock. The cock, by the way, that he's sucked off twice now."

Father blushed and began to stammer, unable to find the words. Mr. Butch flicked him hard on his ear before father steadied himself. "I getting Mr. Butch hard so he can fuck your mother."

"Tell him why you bring her here for me to fuck faggot."

"Yes sir," father said. Looking at me humiliated he told me his dick was too little too bring mother to climax and Mr. Butch is more of a man than he'd ever be.

I could see telling me that excited him because his little dick was making a wet spot in his pretty pink thong.

Mother led me over to father and pushed down on my shoulder. "Help your father johnnie. You know what to do. Get him hard so he can fuck me. Maybe he'll let you watch."

"No. Stay over there johnnie. He's gonna do more than watch bitch. He's been nominated for clean-up duty tonight, right hon?"

"Yes dear," Mrs. Peterson smiled. "Tonight we're going to bring your family together, full circle."

Mr. Butch was ready. Standing up, he dismissed father with a loud smack on his ass. "Go home faggot. Be back here tomorrow at noon to pick up your two bitches."

"Yes sir," father said giving me a hard look.

Mr. Butch took mother by her hand and led her to the bedroom. "Come johnnie. Time to face your future," Mrs. Peterson smiled and took my hand in hers.

To be continued...

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