Modular Kitchen Drawers: Full-proofing Them For Your House Help

Modular Kitchen Drawers: Full-proofing Them For Your House Help

Nitin Shaikh

Modular kitchen drawers are becoming a necessary lifestyle investment for most urban Indian families today. However, some of the most modular kitchen drawer sets out there demand a decent cost investment from you. In fact, if you compare the price of branded, premium kitchen drawers out there as compared to cheaper, local options, you could be tempted to reconsider your decision. However, given the stark difference in the quality, experience, and long-term warranty offered by premium modular kitchen brands for their drawers, it makes sense to invest in only the best modular kitchen cabinets and drawers out there.

However, to ensure proper maintenance and longevity, it is important to full proof your modularise for your house help. This is because they are often oblivious to the finesse required in handling a premium modular kitchen drawers and cabinets. Secondly, they are in a hurry to get the job done, without caring about the wear and tear impact in the long run. Here are some smart ways to full-proof your kitchen and ensure you get the best value for the price you pay.

Invest in mats for modular kitchen drawers

One of the major threats your premium modular kitchen drawers face from your busy households is harsh usage. Each time they pick and put back a utensil or a fork into the drawer, there is a chance that they might scratch the base or the sides owing to friction. This is because most premium modular kitchen drawers and organizers are made using wood, and covered with different laminates, veneers, or paints and finishes. Unlike steel, they require more gentle maintenance.

Hence, investing in mats for kitchen organizers can help reduce such friction significantly. Moreover, they can also reduce the need for cleaning drawers and organizers frequently, in case of any spills. All your househelp needs to do is wipe or wash the mats on a regular basis, thus keeping them from scrubbing your modular kitchen drawers and organizers in any harsh manner.

Stock the right cleaning supplies

Another important thing you need to once you have signed on your preferred modular kitchen designs and your dream kitchen comes to life is buy ideal cleaning supplies. Your regular soap and detergent can impact the surface of your drawers, especially when not used sparingly. Hence, they are best avoided or given to your house helps only at the time of annual cleaning or deep cleaning.

Instead, invest in gentle cleaning agents that can be used frequently on the gentlest surfaces, safely. Also, often, maids forget to put aside jewellery such as rings and bangles while cleaning up your modular kitchen. This can cause scratches. Hence, insist on stocking gloves that can be worn by them to further full-proof your new modular kitchen from any accidental damage.

Opt for high-quality hinges and accessories

Soft close hinges and handleless drawers are the accessories you need to ensure your modular kitchen drawers are free from the impact of any rough handling. They ensure that irrespective of the type of modular kitchen drawer design you choose, your kitchen and organizers are protected from harsh opening and shutting, or tough cleaning in difficult-to-reach corners.

Unfortunately, a lot of people tend to think that such accessories cost a premium. However, the truth is, they hardly impact the overall price of your premium modular kitchen and are worthy investments for reduced maintenance in the long run.

Consider these aspects at the designing stage itself to full proof your modular kitchen from any rough handling-related wear and tear.


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