memory foam mattress topper for sciatica

memory foam mattress topper for sciatica

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Memory Foam Mattress Topper For Sciatica


How to stop sciatica pain? Has anyone any idea of whats causing this, I've suffered from sciatica pain for 5 years with different levels of duration / intensity but always after sleep ie mornings only, this happens every day. While there are flare ups in gradually the pain appears to be getting worse. Pain starts couple of or less after getting up and walking and radiates from centre of bum to muscles in lower left leg, lying down usually causes pain to subside but this can take minutes or hours, the pain returns upon getting up and this process must be repeated a number of times before pain goes away. It does not restart until the next morning. In general the longer I stay in bed the worse the pain is both in duration and intensity. However if I sleep proped up on 6 or 7 pillows and keep getting up the pain is less. No back pain with this alough a couple of years ago just after seeing an chiropractor I had what my doctor said was a prolasped disc, pain around lower back which radiated down front of lower leg, this was a constant bad pain but it went away after a month or so and didn't return..

Treatments include 2 physiotherapists and a chiropractor – currently carrying out Pilates exercises with a view to improving core stability. This appeared to help for a couple of weeks but pain has returned and during the last week pain has been intense for between 2 to 5 hours a day only helped by not lying down but with worry and broken sleep I'm getting very tired.. How can lying down both cause and make worse?? Hi AnnAs you are probably aware - when you sit in a bad position or take a long (over an hour) ride in a car your sciatica gets irritated. The first few steps after a long ride can be pure hell. But after about 20 steps (in lots of pain) it seems as if the pain goes away for the most part.Your problem seems to be that something in the way you are sleeping is irritating the sciatic nerve. Is the top of your bed soft, but somewhat firm so that it remains relatively straight?or do you have a memory foam topper on the top of your matress?And do you place a rubbery pillow under your knees when you sleep to take any possible pressure off of your lower back.

And do you sleep using a feather pillow and sleep with your shoulders on the pillow so that there is not bend at the neck when your head leaves the pillow?These things would reduce any of the most common problems that cause difficulty during sleep.Can you give us some feedback on your specific situation? Hey AnnI am sorry - I just got in from a long drive to my son's house and I am a little punchy.I want to welcome you to the group. And I hope we can help you with your problem.In addition to the first post back to you - HAve you started any stretches to begin the long and slow path back to a more normal lower back?WOuld you like to discuss some of the techniques that can help return your back to a more normal condition?Hope you feel better real soon. Hi RaoulMany thanks for your reply, I believe the type of bed isn't iverly relevant because it will happen every morning no matter where I am, I travel a lot and so would be in loads of different beds!!The only thing that appears to help is sleeping sitting up and getting up to move around every couple of hours..

When I sleep without all the pillows I will sleep on my side with my knees drawn up so maybe its not sleeping "upright" but keeping me off my sides..The pain will not go away - if we're talking intensity it'd be a 7 I think worse than gall stones a vicious radiating pain from the middle of my bum down bewhind my kness and to my ankle. It can take hours of lying down (whereby the throbbing gets initially worse a bit like releasing a rubber band from your finger ) to fading away can take up to an hour and then when I get up and walk a few steps it comes back.....I'd be worried there's something damaged that I can keep at bay but which is just waiting.... Strange that with the sciatica there's nevber any pain in my back even the sciatica starts in my bum!!On the plus side when the pain goes I can do anything and it won't come back, I 'm currently doing loads of pilaties exercises with no problem I think I suffer from being very mobile fine if you exercise but not so if you dont...Any advice on other stretching exercises etc would be great.

Thank you so much for taking the time to write replies to people like me, I live in Ireland nera Belfast and there's not many doctors running about with the answers in their back pockets!!I've just found your post and was very interested because it sounds like you suffer with exactly the same symptoms as me. Upon waking up after a large sleep the pain is terrible. Then it seems to die down throughout the day. As with you it happens no matter were I sleep as long as it is for a long time.Another thing I've noticed is that I get a terrible pain if i lean forwards and bend my neck downwards.Have you had any success getting rid of this? Hi JohnnoWelcome to the sciatica support group. It is true that sciatica does get very irritated by sleeping or sitting for long periods of time. Personally, I find that when I have been still for a long time that the first 20 steps or so are rather painful and difficult, but that after that I am more comfortable. Doing many exercises does help with sciatica.

There are a number of very helpful exercises in the "medicines and treatments " forum her in sciatica. Forums are a top line menu. I hope they are helpful to you. Wow Ann. Me too. Waking to a bent leg and the pain of hell is discouraging. I feel for ya. I'm trying to find out the same answer. I use a Lidocaine/Lidoderm Patch on my bad area over night (12 hours on and 12 hours off) and it only helps a little. I still scream and moan when I get up and try to get going for the day. I'll watch this with interest. Share this page with your friends: EverEden talalay latex mattress topper on the too firm Simmons Beautyrest.Table of Contents Why Gel Memory Foam? What are the Benefits of a Gel Memory Foam Mattress? Gel Memory Foam Mattress Reviews Top 5 Gel Memory Foam Mattresses1 How to Choose the Best Gel Memory Foam Mattress? Gel Memory Foam Mattress FAQ’s Memory foam is a heat sensitive material that has been used successfully by millions of people around the world to treat and reduce discomfort caused by some ailments.

It was first developed in 1966 and after hitting the markets in 1980 has evolved over several generations to what can still be considered an innovative product. Today, the best memory foam mattresses are those which are infused with gel. Anyone who has had the fortune of using a memory foam mattress will know that although comfortable and supportive, the older style of mattress retained heat. This was a problem in particularly hot climates, or for people who naturally slept a little warmer than others. By using open cell structure and infusing the material with gel, manufacturers have made the material more breathable in addition to being cooler. The cooling effect is caused by the gel changing from a solid to a liquid state (the same principal behind migraine gel pads). There is a reason why memory foam is commonly used in hospital and therapeutic settings. Not only does memory foam offer a level of comfort that often isn’t seen in other products, but it’s also the support and ability to distribute weight evenly (avoiding stress on pressure points) that the material provides that makes it unique.

Memory foam is heat sensitive which means that as soon as you lie down, it molds to the shape of your body. As a result, people have reported relief from a whole host of ailments – ranging from chronic back and neck pain to migraines, sleep apnea and more. What you Need to Know: Whether you’re ordering in person or online, it can be a huge inconvenience to make the wrong choice and have to arrange an exchange or refund. Our role is to provide in-depth, honest reviews of the best gel memory foam mattress products, so you can then make a well-informed decision when the time comes to make a purchase. We also do our best to educate our readers on what considerations to make and what type of mattress will best suit their needs. With all the above factors in mind, we have carefully researched and consider the 5 best gel memory foam mattresses below. All five have been used by thousands of people and have an average consumer rating of at least 8.8 out of 10. There are many factors to consider when choosing the ideal memory foam mattress for you:

Memory foam mattresses all have a rating based on how firm they are which is called indentation force deflection (IFD). This is a number that ranges between 8 and 16 with the highest being the firmest. A rating of around 12 is usually a safe bet, although here is a guide to help you make a choice which is based on your most common sleeping position: Similar to firmness, the mattresses density can be chosen depending on if you’d prefer your gel mattress to lean toward comfortable, or more toward supportive. Density is measured in pounds and typically varies between 1 to 5 pounds per cubic foot. Choosing a mattress closer to 1 will be more comfortable while 5 will be less comfortable but more supportive. Most memory foam mattresses have multiple layers of foam, with the top layer being purely memory foam. While more memory foam will result in a higher price, most experts only recommend a memory foam layer of no more than 4 to 5 inches. Too much memory foam will allow you to sink into your mattress and negate some of the health benefits that they are known for.

Additionally, a memory foam layer that’s too thick will make it harder to change position while you sleep. When choosing the ideal gel memory foam mattress for your needs, it’s vital that you select one with a warranty. Most reputable manufacturers have warranties that extend upwards of 20 years which means that they stand up for their product. It’s also worth checking for complaints with the Better Business Bureau to make sure that any warranty claims are honored. Always check gel memory foam mattress reviews for additional information. When you purchase your mattress and unwrap it for the first time, it will contain a chemical odor which lasts for a few days. While this isn’t something to worry about, you can air it outside for a while to speed up the process. Also, if your mattress is damp due to sweat or after cleaning, it’s good to air it out as you would any other mattress.The best way to clean one of these mattresses is to use a cloth and an antibacterial detergent spray.

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