memory foam mattress fire retardant

memory foam mattress fire retardant

memory foam mattress europe

Memory Foam Mattress Fire Retardant


Antimony Trioxide (Arsenic), Boric Acid (Roach Killer),  Silicon (Silica Glass), Melamine, Formaldehyde, Decabromodiphenyl Oxide, and Ammonium Polyphosphate are the main chemicals being used by mattress manufacturers to meet federal flammability standards. The new flameproof mattress regulation requires all mattresses now withstand a severe open flame test. This requires known acutely toxic and cancer causing chemicals in or next to the surface of all mattresses. It is proven we will absorb these chemicals every night. There are no labeling requirements for these chemicals. Many major mattress manufacturers have admitted to news media they are required to use, and do use these chemicals in their mattresses. (See these news stories and videos at the "Making News” link.) But then these same and almost all mattress manufactures deny using chemicals to their customers, even ones who have gotten sick. Organic mattresses often claim to use wool to pass the open flame test. Wool burns at 600 degrees and the open flame test is 2,000 degrees for over a minute.

It is scientifically impossible for untreated wool to pass this test. Since there are no labeling requirements for these chemicals even the wool and other fire barrier suppliers often tell mattress manufacturers their systems contain no chemicals. Unfortunately, many mattress manufactures and consumers want to believe this. (See the link "Wool Burns” for more proof.) Antimony (a heavy metal almost identical to Arsenic), Boric Acid (yes, the Roach Killer), Silicon (Silica Glass, a known respiratory hazard and carcinogen), Melamine, Formaldehyde, Decabromodiphenyl Oxide, and Ammonium Polyphosphate are the main chemicals being used by mattress manufacturers to meet the new state and federal flammability standards. The government has proven these chemicals leach to the surface of our mattresses and are absorbed by our bodies. They have proven we will absorb .8 mg of Antimony, and .08 mg of Boric Acid every day. We know Antimony accumulates in our bodies, is acutely toxic, and also causes cancer.

Many doctors say this is not safe. Many people do not want to absorb poisons nightly to avoid a one in 1.111 million mattress fire risk. Many people have already gotten sick. Dr. Lawrence A. Plumlee, MD, says: "How many are intolerant who don’t know why they can’t sleep or feel bad?” There are now no mattresses that are free of toxic chemicals. NonToxicBeds has manufactured mattresses for over 40 years under various labels for customers worldwide. Join our Affiliate Program. It is quick and easy to sign up on our website. Your are instantly and automatically approved. Take the special link and put it on your website and/or email it to everyone you know. You can earn a substantial amount of money for yourself or your organization from every sale generated from your link to our website. It is all tracked automatically. You can get email notifications and track your money earned at our site. Then you get a check every month, and it could add up to a lot over time.

You can also feel good knowing you are helping to protect peoples health, and potentially saving lives.Buying a bed, it’s no easy task! Tempur-pedic, memory foam, coils and spring? What type of mattress is best? In fact it’s a bit overwhelming and impacts your life in so many more ways than you probably think. What’s really in a mattress, anyway?  Have you ever woken up with puffy eyes, stuffy nose or scratchy skin? Traditional or conventional mattresses can be a yucky breeding ground for pesky allergens and dust mites, and are usually made with harsh glues, petrochemicals, and chemically treated fabrics that don’t breathe. What about those nasty pressure points or a bed that offers little to no support? Hello, sore back and neck. Who knew mattresses could be so complicated?! A healthy, supportive bed can mean the difference between waking up with puffy eyes, stuffy nose and a sore back, versus feeling refreshed, energized and ready to take on the day. We spend one-third of our lives in our bed.

Shouldn’t we be asking questions about what’s in the mattress we sleep on? For example: what is a mattress made of? Do the adhesives and glues off gas Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that create an air pollution problem in my bedroom? Prolonged exposure to VOCs are linked to serious health issues including headaches, eye, nose and throat irritations, nausea; and they trigger asthma attacks, liver, kidney and central nervous system damage and even cancer. And let’s not forget about the fire retardants. Do we really need them? Or are we trading one hazard for another? Education on the importance of not smoking, putting out candles before going to bed can go a long way. In July 2007, the Consumer Product Safety Commission required that any mattress sold in the United States must meet the federal safety standard for open-flame fire resistance. And what’s crazy about this, is that manufacturers are not required to divulge exactly what’s in their fire retardant formulas and are considered ‘trade secrets.’

So they don’t have to tell you anything. But if you’re chemically sensitive you can get a note from your doctor to get a mattress free of fire retardant chemicals. But if you are not, how can you get a mattress that isn’t doused with suspect chemicals and materials that can make you sick? After all, how do you really know if these VOCs are wreaking havoc on your insides until it’s too late? It’s up to us as empowered consumers to ask questions and hunt down safe alternatives. After rotating our mattress faithfully for ten years to keep it in tip top shape, about two years ago, the bed my husband and I sleep on started sinking in the spots we sleep. So, essentially, we now had two divots (or you might call them potholes) in our bed with a nice speed bump between us. I toss and turn, waking up at two, three, four in the morning trying to get comfortable with little success. It’s time for a new bed! Generally speaking I like a soft yet firm mattress that provides support for my back and neck issues, which can be a tough find.

I also want to feel like I’m being cradled by a soft cloud (sounds kind of silly but hey, I love to imagine it). I’m also a back sleeper. My chiropractor told me to stop sleeping on my stomach because of a herniated disc and sciatica (and it has helped!). Sometimes I sleep on my side, but not for long because my shoulders get sore and then I roll over on my back and the tossing and turning begins. Because traditional pillow top and memory foam mattresses are full of toxic chemicals (glues, formaldehyde, adhesives, VOCs), that continuously off gas, I knew I couldn’t go that route. And I knew I didn’t want anything with springs that create uncomfortable, and even painful, pressure points. I had to find an alternative. I live in Los Angeles, and Essentia has a mattress store in Santa Monica, so my hubby and I headed over to give their mattresses a test drive. Essentia makes the world’s only natural memory foam mattress. Their mattresses are hypoallergenic (and dust mite deterrent), made from sustainable, non-toxic materials like hevea milk (rubber tree sap), natural latex, unbleached organic cotton, essential oils, natural plant extracts, and they don’t have a spring in them.

But will their mattresses live up to the hype? At the store, we spoke with their nice salesman (who was so no pressure and super relaxed, which made us feel comfortable and at ease). Essentia has seven different mattress models to choose from. Because of my low back and neck issues, we were able to narrow it down to four choices, the Classic 8, Energie Opus, Beausommet and the Dormeuse. We laid on each bed for five to ten minutes. First on our backs, then on our side and even tested what it felt like when one of us got in and of bed. We are tall people, at 5,10″ (me) and 6, 3″ (my hubby), so we usually feel something when one of us gets in or out, but how much exactly, we wanted to know. There are a few features that all of Essentia’s mattresses have that are standard across the line. Their soft organic cotton covers and plush natural memory foam give each mattress a luxurious, pillowy feel (I’m not going to miss my pillow top mattress!) and are soft to the touch. Each one is covered with their exclusive, Zebrano unbleached, organic cover.

The Classic 8 is super comfy, but I needed more support. The Energie Opus delivered more plushy support, but not quite enough. The Beausommet was definitely firmer, but it felt like the bed was pushing me away. I want to feel cradled; The Dormeuse, ahhhh, it’s soft and comfy, yet firm with a luxurious sensation that makes me feel like I’m being delicately cradled. My back, neck and body get the support they need (distributed evenly) without any pressure points. I can easily turn from my back to my side without feeling like I’m stuck or falling into quicksand. And the mattress is quick to recover. I lay on my side for a good five minutes and no shoulder pain. My husband is a side sleeper and the Dormeuse is comfortable enough that he can sleep on his back. He loves the firm, yet soft, luxurious support too. Each of us separately, get in and out of bed. In fact I can barely feel his movement. This is the one. After our visit, I further investigated how Essentia makes their mattresses and I uncovered some pretty cool stuff about the company.

Essentia doesn’t outsource to an unknown supplier somewhere in the world. They develop and manufacture their own components that make up their products at home in Canada. They also manufacture and distribute Essentia products from one location, which reduces transportation fuel consumption. Their fire retardant solution? They wrap all of their mattresses Kevlar fabric. The Zebrano fabric which covers all of Essentia’s mattresses is GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard) certified by ECEA Bologna Italy (and so are all of their organic cotton sheets). They use only GreenGuard certified, solvent-free adhesives by Simalfa. They are GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified® and GREENGUARD Children & School Certified (this certification helps manufacturers and buyers identify low chemical emission interior products which improves indoor air quality). Essentia is one of two companies in North America that manufacture their own foam in North America (the other is Tempur-Pedic). Other mattress companies buy foam from one of the 15+ memory foam manufacturers from around the world including China, the U.S., and Europe.

And what about the other companies that are making ‘eco’ claims? Most eco memory foam mattresses still contain petrochemicals with a small percentage of the ingredients being ‘eco-friendly. I liked Essentia’s transparency and known supply chain, so we placed our order. Our first night on our new Dormeuse was truly heavenly. My husband and I both slept soundly, no uncomfortable tossing and turning, no sore shoulders, and the support and coziness was truly heavenly. So nice to wake up allergy free. Our two dogs, Truffle and Bamboo, loved it too. They cozied up in the middle of the night and I didn’t feel a thing. We woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day. Generally speaking, Essentia’s mattresses do carry a higher price point. But I have a feeling this mattress will last us longer than our last mattress at just ten years. Essentia’s mattresses come with a 20 year warranty and 60 day guarantee. They also offer in partnership with Wells Fargo, 18 month interest free financing (United States only) and free delivery in the United States and Canada.

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