mattress buying guide macy's

mattress buying guide macy's

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Mattress Buying Guide Macy'S


Buying a is a major decision. After all, you’ll be spending 33% of your life on it, whether you get the recommended eight hours of sleep each night or just surf your smartphone under the covers. But many people are reluctant to purchase a new mattress online. How do you know you’re getting the right one if you can’t stretch out on a floor model at the store first? Overcome this reluctance, however, and the rewards are great—often in the form of a better price and a much more convenient delivery. And so long as you know which questions to ask, you can get the right mattress for your needs on the very first buy-click. The best place to begin your search for a new mattress, ironically, is your old one. Check the tag for the manufacturer and model number. If it’s a fairly recent model, you can use this information to find detailed specs online at the manufacturer’s website, including where the mattress falls on the industry's soft/firm spectrum: Soft —> Pillowtop —> Medium/Plush —>  Firm —> Extra Firm

For older or discontinued models, you may need to contact the manufacturer to determine a comparable recent model. Next, determine what you like about your mattress—and what could be better—by answering these three questions: Support is the first and foremost job of any mattress. You want the mattress to fill in the contours of your body so that your spine is supported no matter what position you snooze in. If you tend to wake up feeling sore, you’re likely not getting enough support. If your shoulders or hips are out of alignment, you’re likely getting too much support. Here’s an easy test: lie down on your current mattress and time how long it takes before you feel the need to shift positions. You should be able to lie comfortably for several minutes. If not, your mattress is either too firm or too soft for your personal preferences, which brings us to the final question … A firm mattress and a soft mattress can both offer the same support, but have a very different feel.

For side sleepers, a soft mattress tends to put less pressure on their shoulders, hips, and knees. For stomach or back sleepers, however, a firm mattress is usually preferable, as it helps keep the neck in alignment. If you determine that you need a firmer or a softer mattress, be careful not to over-correct. For example, if your current mattress is considered soft and you want something firmer, make your next one medium/plush rather than jumping up to firm. Only jump two levels if you’re extremely unhappy with your current mattress. The five most popular mattress types each offer their own benefits in terms of isolating motion and controlling temperature. Here’s what you’ll need to keep in mind:You’ve pinpointed the mattress type and firmness that suits you best. Before you order, though, see if you can sweeten the deal with any of the following: “Made to order” means that the mattress is not packed and finished until the customer buys it. It’s a really nice extra because padding or coils can shift if a mattress is stored on its side for too long, creating lumps or unevenness that become nearly impossible to correct.

Made to order mattresses ensure that you get the smoothest mattress possible upon delivery. Higher-quality mattresses often include reinforced edges for added support. This will help you sleep better, especially if you find yourself pushed to the edge of your bed by your partner, and it makes it easier to sit on the edge of the bed when putting on socks or shoes in the morning. Very few people have the ability to move a mattress on their own. But play your cards right online and you’ll work with a seller that lets you a schedule a convenient delivery window, includes the setup of the mattress, and even takes your old mattress away. Remake Your Bed with the Right Mattress TopperHowever you like to sleep, there's a mattress topper, pad, or protector to help you stay comfortable, avoid allergies, and regulate temperature.11 Do & Don'ts for Mattress Shopping From Danny SeoIt might be your mattress. Apart from a couch, shopping for a mattress can take a large chunk out of your home furniture budget but it's a smart investment in your life.

To learn how to get the most out of our money, we went mattress shopping with Danny Seo a few weeks ago to check out Natural Care, his new mattress line, and to learn some tips about getting a good mattress at a good price. And we also learned some things we wish we hadn't. Be prepared to be grossed out! DO lie down on the bed you're thinking about and curl up for a few minutes in the position you like to sleep in. Get yourself comfortable with a few pillows. Hey, you'd better like it; returning a mattress is nearly impossible. DON'T buy a mattress on Craig's List. When you buy a new mattress, you put your old one out on the street to have it picked up, right? Well, it may not be picked up by the trash man but by folks who take those old mattresses, slap on some new fabric, wrap 'em in plastic and sell them to you on Craig's List or at close outs. DO consider the fabric the mattress is covered in. While you'll likely cover it with a mattress protector of some kind, it's possible you'll feel the texture through your sheets.

Danny's new line is covered in a plush super soft fabric; you almost don't need a sheet! DON'T waste your time trying to find the same mattress at another store, thinking you can beat the price or get a price match (as some places advertise). You'll never find that same mattress at another store. Turns out that every store orders unique names for their mattresses. DO bargain with your salesman. You may be able to get a few dollars off. DON'T buy the floor model. C'mon, think of how many people have laid down on it. With their shoes on. DO consider buying your mattress at a store like Dream at HD Buttercup in Culver City. The sales people don't work on commission. They're genuinely interested in selling you a great bed. DON'T believe that firmer is always better. What you want is a mattress that cradles your body. DO put a piece of plywood under your mattress if you'd like it firmer. This is a good compromise for couples who often have different idea on how firm they want their mattress to be.

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