lols bot catcher antispam

lols bot catcher antispam


@lolsbotcatcherbot - a simple yet powerful tool for combating spam in chats (groups). No white/blacklists, stop-word settings, or removal of all messages with links and reposts. To start using the bot, add it to the chat as a new administrator, grant minimal required administrator permissions to the bot (see below), and it will start blocking spam.

Manage group -> Administrators -> Add Administrator -> lolsbotcatcherbot -> Save

The minimal required set of permissions for the bot to work correctly: Delete messages and Ban users. All other permissions are optional and not used at the moment.

If everything was done correctly, after adding the bot to the chat, it will confirm it, and that's it. The bot setup is complete, no additional actions are required.

Important points to know:

⬤) Telegram bots do not see actions of other bots, so one anti-spam bot will not interfere with another. Additionally, if Lols Bot attempts to delete a message that another bot has already deleted, it will not send a message about that spammer to the chat, assuming the other bot has already handled it.

⬤) The bot ignores messages from chat administrators. Currently the bot does not have a built-in whitelist feature, so if you have an advertising account whose messages resemble spam, you can add it as an administrator (without rights), and the bot will let its messages pass, regardless of their content.

⬤) The bot cannot see the list of chat users or messages that were in the chat before it was added. So even if the spammer is known to the bot, it will not block them in the chat until they send a new message to the chat.

⬤) Due to telegram API limitation the bot is refused to delete messages older than 48 hours. In case if the bot doesn’t like a user so much that it decides to delete all his messages from the chat, then messages older than two days will remain untouched.

⬤) Even if the bot was given rights to Add new admins, it still cannot demote administrators appointed by others. It can only add new administrators with the same (or fewer) rights as itself. And since it does not have ownership rights over the group, it cannot transfer them to someone else.

⬤) When chat administrators use the /report command, the bot deletes the message and blocks the user without verification. The command can be used by regular users, but in this case, depending on the message's content, it may be deleted or simply sent to the moderator for review. Proper action will be taken based on the result of the review. If the command is misused, the user can be blocked from using the command in future or the bot can be disabled for this chat.

⬤) The bot also deletes service messages (about participants joining or leaving). Currently, this option can only be disabled individually.

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