liposomal vitamin c recipe

liposomal vitamin c recipe

liposomal vitamin c purchase

Liposomal Vitamin C Recipe


I want to start this off by saying something really important about how essential Vitamin C is for your health, but all I can think about is this Vitamin C. Remember her? That graduation song, man. It gets me every time. Class of 2005, never forget!Vitamin C is necessary/awesome because it Those are just a few facts I found with the help of my old pal Google- I’m sure there are lots of other benefits, too. We take these in the mornings along with our flu-fighting gummies (for more about our daily health routine, check out this post). They have a real Creamsicle vibe to them, with just a little bite of acidity at the end. The kids love them and always ask for more. The dosage of Vitamin C in each gummy will depend on the strength of your Vitamin C powder and the size of your gummies. A little math can tell you how much is in each gummy after you make them. We take 2 gummies a day. I found my Vitamin C powder at Trader Joe’s, but you should be able to find it at any health food store or online.

This is the easiest way (other than whole foods) to incorporate extra Vitamin C into our diet that I have found. Though my friend just told me about something called lipsomal Vitamin C, which is supposed to be better absorbed by the body, but I haven’t done any research on that yet. So for now, we’ll continue on with the gummies. If anyone has any experience with lipsomal Vitamin C, please hit me up in the comments or email me, I’d love to know more. Don’t they just look so bright and yummy and cheery? P.S. Congratulations to Samantha B. on winning the Beyond Bacon giveaway! 1½ cups orange juice, fresh squeezed if possible 4 tablespoons grass-fed gelatin 4 tablespoons raw honey 1 tablespoon Vitamin C powder ¼ teaspoon orange extract (optional) ½ teaspoon pure vanilla extract pinch of sea salt Pour orange juice into a small saucepan. Sprinkle gelatin over the top and let sit for a few minutes until the gelatin blooms (all the white powder should be gone and it will swell up and start to look bumpy).

Heat the juice and gelatin over medium heat. Whisk in the honey, Vitamin C powder, orange extract (if using), vanilla extract and salt. Heat only until the gelatin is dissolved; Pour into molds or a loaf pan and let cool in the refrigerator until firm; Store in the refrigerator- they will last 2-3 weeks.Oral VitaminCancer VitaminIv VitaminVitamin C TherapyTherapy VitaminsHealth MiscDiy HealthHealth NutritionHealth InfoForwardHow to Make Liposomal Vitamin C At Home - Have you ever wished you could get the many health benefits of high-dose intravenous (IV) vitamin C at home, at low cost? Discover a cheap and simple way to multiply the effectiveness of oral Vitamin C. One gram of this simple megavitamin C can do the work of up to 8 grams of pure vitamin C by intravenous injection.Discover the power of lipospheric Vitamins Learn how you can make Liposomal Vitamin C, B, Glutathione, Stem C, and others at home! Could the foods we are eating actually be destroying our health?

How To Make Your Own Liposomal Vitamin C & Why Is This Important? Added October 15, 2014, Under: Diseases, How To Unlike most mammals and birds, humans do not produce vitamin C in their bodies, having lost the ability to do so along with primates and guinea pigs. Studies have found that some populations may have as many as 20 to 35% who are severely vitamin C deficient while college students, smokers and older adults have an especially high risk. Therefore, we have to obtain the vitamin C “benefits” our bodies need from external sources. Our diet should include as many different colors of fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. High dose vitamin C is nature’s way of dealing with a crisis in our health Vitamin C does so many things at so many levels, it should be one of our core supplements, used in building skin, bones, teeth, tissue and so much more while being an anti-oxidant and supporting the immune system. If we have zero or low levels of vitamin C, we can obviously become susceptible to various viruses doing the rounds.

This bring us on to Liposomal vitamin C The great advantage of the liposomal formulation is that it doesn’t sit in the GI tract but is absorbed up to 8 times better than regular vitamin C, particularly if you are suffering from a chronic condition such as CFIDS/MCS. You can even make your own. Are you interested in making your own? This is easy to do at home and is so much better absorbed and used by the body than oral or intravenous vitamin C. A friend of mine has posted her recipe on and so I am going to share it here. To make approximately 14oz of inexpensive liposomal vitamin C, you will need: An electric stick blender such as a Kitchen Aid immersion blender with 9 speeds Wide mouth mason jar 3 level tablespoons of soy lecithin (45cc) (make sure it is GMO free and organic if possible) 1 level tablespoon ascorbic acid powder (15cc) Please note : One affordable source of clean ascorbic acid powder is from this link.

The description reads “We use only 100% pure pharmaceutical grade L-ascorbic acid USP-FCC* (C6H8O6) which contains no corn residue, plant antigens, or protein impurities. Individuals allergic to corn or yeast can use this product with confidence. pH 2.1† Made without Gluten or GMOs.” Dissolve the lecithin in 1 cup (240cc) warm distilled warm. Dissolve the ascorbic acid in 1/2 cup warm distilled water. Pour both solutions together into the wide mouth mason jar or other container that can accommodate the stick blender. Blend until it forms a cloudy, homogeneous mixture (takes roughly about two minutes). Refrigerate to store ready for use. Take one teaspoon of the mix daily – you can experiment with this amount after you have taken it for a while to see how it affects you. Take on an empty stomach and wait at least 15 minutes before eating anything. When treating a severe virus for example, vitamin C can be given in high doses until bowel intolerance is almost reached and repeated continually every hour or 2 for 5 to 7 days.

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