liposomal vitamin c colon cancer

liposomal vitamin c colon cancer

liposomal vitamin c cold

Liposomal Vitamin C Colon Cancer


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You just have to insist on it. I believe within the next ten years this will become more accepted…….but people with cancer cant afford to wait, and the ones who are already dead have been grossly mistreated by the medical profession and a government that is supposed to encourage free research and development of all possibilities.” – Andrew W. Saul PhD. A vast majority of species in the animal kingdom are able to synthesize their own vitamin C.  For example, a dog will synthesize approximately 18mg of vitamin C for every pound of body weight, thus allowing a 50-lb. dog to produce about 900 mg per day during normal healthy function.  Additionally an adult goat weighing 70 kg (or 154 lbs) will synthesize more than 13,000 mg of vitamin C per day in normal health.   This natural biosynthesis of vitamin C will increase in production when the animal is sick, injured, or under stress. For example, if you put that goat under stress he will manufacture 15,000 mg per day. The ability to synthesize vitamin C is lacking in humans, some primates, bats, and Guinea pigs because they lack the gene responsible for manufacturing vitamin C, therefore it must be introduced through the diet. 

The Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C for an adult is only 60 to 95 mg per day, and as you can see for yourself is grossly inadequate compared to the examples given above.  This amount may be enough to ward off the development of scurvy, but it is certainly not enough to promote the good health of an individual or to heal from a serious illness. Vitamin C is responsible for wound healing and immune system function. Your body, just like that of any other creature, will require even more vitamin C when YOU are sick, injured or under stress. Vitamin C is destroyed when food is cooked, so eating plenty of raw foods high in vitamin C is essential. Also, vitamin  C is a water soluble vitamin, meaning it is not stored in the body, though it is utilized continuously by the body. Is selectively toxic to cancer cells yet it will not harm healthy cells. High doses of vitamin C given intravenously, usually between 25-100 grams, has a pro-oxidative effect on cancerous cells.  The mechanism involves the generation of hydrogen peroxide within the tissues that accumulate the vitamin C.  

One postulated mechanism of this formation involves vitamin C displacing iron from its carrier protein, with the subsequent intracellular generation of hydrogen peroxide. This is selectively toxic to cancer cells because they lack an enzyme that healthy cells have in abundance, which is catalase.  If this reaction does not occur efficiently due to lack of the catalase enzyme, the hydrogen peroxide can react with the displaced iron and create an excess of free radicals.  These free radicals can then stimulate apotosis (or cell suicide) in the cancer cells. IV treatments are generally painless and are completely non-toxic. They are given as a slow IV drip over 45 minutes to 2-3 hours depending upon the dose.   Alternative and integrative clinics can be found across the US, and this type of nutritional support can be done in conjunction with chemotherapy/radiation, or as a stand alone therapy. Currently IV Vitamin C is being studied for its cancer healing properties.  Use this link to find an alternative health practitioner for IV vitamin C therapy

Using intravenous vitamin C for cancer therapy News report on study involving intravenous vitamin C for therapy When you take standard form vitamin C, only about 20% of a 1,000-milligram serving of vitamin C will actually make it into the bloodstream, whereas manufactured liposomal C has a 93% absorption rate. The more vitamin C infused into the body, the more nourishment it has to draw from.  More importantly, liposomal vitamin C easily penetrates easily into the cellular membrane since it is now a lipid instead of water based. This means that you can obtain high amounts into the bloodstream without the risk of diarrhea which can occur with standard form vitamin C. 1-2 grams is an optimal dose for maintaining health.  This is 1,000 mg taken once or twice per day For those facing health challenges: 4-6 grams, or 2,000 mg that is taken two or three times per day For infection, cancer, heart disease, etc. 8-12 grams, or 4,000 mg that is taken two or three times per day

Dosage to reach intravenous levels: Optimized Liposomal Vitamin C 1000 mg Making your own liposomal encapsulated vitamin C This recipe will not give you the 90% absorption rate of packaged lypo-spheric C, much closer to about 75%, but that is still much better than standard form vitamin C and much less expensive than the above options.  I have been making my own since 2011 and find that it is easy to do (once you get the hang of it),  and very inexpensive.  I usually make a fresh batch every 2 weeks or so, which is enough for my husband and myself to take 1 shot glass per day.  Since doing this therapy, neither of us has even caught a cold. There were a few times that I have felt that I might be coming down with something, but then took 2 or 3 extra shots throughout the day and that took care of it.  When the recipe that is posted below, made with 3T of the vitamin C powder that I link to, each ounce would contain approximately 900-1,000 mg of easily absorb able vitamin C (this figure takes into account the 75% absorption rate of this form of liposomal vitamin C).

How to make your own liposomal vitamin C, easily and inexpensively The sodium bicarbonate should not be used by someone on a low-sodium diet, just omit this step in the process. One of the contraindications relating to vitamin C supplementation is a glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency.  This is an inherited condition where the individual doesn’t have the G6PD enzyme.  G6PD helps the body to function normally and very high dose vitamin C infusions or very high dose liposomal vitamin D has a possibility of causing hemolytic anemia. Other contraindications would include allergens to the sunflower or soy lecithins.  Individuals who are pregnant, young children, and anyone taking blood thinning medications should discuss vitamin C therapy with their doctor before beginning although most doctors have very little experience with this protocol. Those with iron overload should know that vitamin C increases the absorption of iron, especially the heart where it can cause problems. 

Ferritin levels should ideally be less than 80 and transferrin saturation should be less than 40%.  If you are above those levels, donating blood would be a great idea.  Also, wait 2-3 hours after taking the liposomal vitamin C before eating red meat or anything else that is high in iron. High dose vitamin C therapy is not compatible with some other alternative therapies such as graviola, paw paw, and the Budwig Protocol, among others.  Always investigate before combining therapies. This is one more way to get vitamin c into your body. Most vitamin C supplements on the market today are synthetically made from genetically modified corn, not from whole food, organic sources. This is a simple recipe to make your own vitamin C powder from a whole food source which will have the enzymes and natural bio-flavanoids just as you would find in nature. To make this powder you can use the peels of organic oranges, lemons and limes that would normally be discarded into the compost bin.

Wash and peel the the fruit and then cut the peels into thin strips. Place the strips out to dry for a couple of days until they are crisp. Another option is to use a dehydrator to dry the peels. To use: You can add some of the strips into your smoothie and then blend together or you can grind them up in a coffee grinder and add 1 tsp of the powder into your smoothie or your fresh juice. Store the dried strips or the powder in an air tight container until ready to use. This is a news story of a man from New Zealand who was given up for dead by conventional doctors. His family requested that he be given high doses of vitamin C that cures his pneumonia and also cures his underlying leukemic condition Andrew Saul on nutrition and cancer Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Ron Hunninghake about the role of vitamin C in the treatment of cancer and other illnesses. Lecture by Dr Thomas Levy on vitamin C and cancer Vitamin C foundation on IV vitamin C Use this link to find an alternative health practitioner for IV vitamin C therapy

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