life size lego tardis

life size lego tardis

life size lego skyscraper

Life Size Lego Tardis


Connor Johnston takes apart the Doctor Who LEGO Dimensions trailer. To kick off Doctor Who at San Diego Comic Con, Lego released an exclusive full length trailer for their new game, Lego Dimensions, due late September. The trailer details a complete Doctor Who level pack where the game’s heroes continue their quest while encountering Daleks, Cybermen and other adversaries from the Whoniverse. So join us today as we take an in-depth look today at the new trailer to discover what treats and surprises the game will hold. The trailer opens with the Lego TARDIS flying through the ridged time vortex – business and usual. The amount of detail that Lego implore in all its figures and related media (including their games and movies) has always been impressive – and what a joy to see that same quality has been extended to the TARDIS including the signage….. “When the Universe is Under Attack….” reads the title card as William Hartnell’s Lego-fied First Doctor bursts through the screen.

Note the Gallifrey-Esque constellations that decorate the background. Here we’re introduced to the game’s three protagonists – Gandalf, Batman and Wyldstyle portrayed by Tom Kane, Troy Baker and Elizabeth Banks respectively. The character of Gandalf is of course derived from ‘The Lord of the Rings’ series, Batman from DC Comics and Wyldstyle an original creation from last year’s critically acclaimed “Lego Movie” in which all three characters starred prominently. The trio are cornered by a mid-construction giant Cyberman – bringing back scarring memories of Mercy Hartigan and the Cyberking from The Next Doctor. Our protagonists fly unprotected through the Time Vortex disregarding one of the most integral laws of Doctor Who canon. Dear me, have these game designers not heard of the first Doctor Adventure “Planet of the Giants” – when opening the TARDIS doors before the full materialisation caused the crew to shrink to the size of Lego fig- … oh.If anything this game just made more sense.

Capaldi’s Doctor rescues the trio and brings them into the safety of the TARDIS – and what a stunning model it is.Don’t just sit there, you’ve got a bunch of monsters to meet!” roars Capaldi – If this is any indicator of the passion the actor might bring to Big Finish one day I think I just exploded of happiness. “Alliances will be forged….” reads the title card over Colin Baker’s Lego-fied Sixth Doctor. “Who are you… what did you do to us!” questions Batman. What is it with people the Doctor saves and accusing him or treachery! Journey Blue flashbacks anyone? I wonder, does the Doctor’s distaste of soldiers extend to Dark Knights? “Is he always like this Wyldstyle?” – Surprising moments when 12 is the most cheery person in the room! Plus another exceptional Interior shot of the TARDIS model including an extremely detailed TARDIS console. Capaldi’s Twelfth Doctor himself encompasses the next title card, “…. And a new Adventure Begins!”

The next shot takes a page from the book of recent series’ cinematography with a low angle shot seen in many modern episodes – most notably “The Day of the Doctor”. Also to take notice of is the further detailing of the TARDIS interior including Gallifreyan borders, console screen art and …. Drumroll please… the visible words “PUBLIC CALL” on the front signage! “This is the TARDIS, it travels in time… I’m met you three before, but you haven’t met me yet” – The Twelfth Doctor, always the charmer – look at that expression, so animated! “Can someone please explain to me what is going on?” … Said every Whovian ever. Preach it Gandalf the Bae, Preach it. Now we appear to see the first screenshot of actual gameplay. A disclaimer for the rest of the breakdown: My knowledge of particular locations and references is strictly limited to my own pop culture experience, so some assumptions may be slightly misguided due to the lack of substance in the trailer.

Of the cuff, this almost looks to be a mock-up of the TARDIS battling against Smaug from “The Hobbit Trilogy”. Given that Smaug was voiced by Sherlock actor Benedict Cumberbatch this could also possibly be a metaphor for the BAFTA award for Best Drama Series…. A bit of a mashup in this clip. Capaldi’s Doctor appears to be piloting the Ninjacaptor from the “Ninjago Masters of Spinjitzu” Lego brand, evading attack from both an Orc and the Balrog – both from “The Lord of the Rings” – in what could be the grounds Gondor. Where’s that Gandalf dialog again? In this screenshot of pure amazingness, the Doctor pulverises a Cybermen in what appears to be an intergalactic Cyber Space station. Note the look of shock and grief on the face of the giant Cyberman mourning her young – Emotions are difficult. Don’t worry Giant Cyber-Mum, we have an app for that. The Doctor is immersed into the world of Mystery Incorporated, joining Scooby Doo and Shaggy in motorised miner carts as they attempt to escape a ghost attack.

FULL DISCLAIMER: These Ghosts may be revealed to be either a) Cybermen, b) The Gaseous Forms of the Gelth, or c) Hila Tacorian once again trapped in a pocket universe. The Doctor and Clara stand ready to assemble a cabinet at any foe that looks their way. In the “Back to the Future Universe” we see Marty McFly zoom past in the DeLorean Time Machine, leading to one of the most fan-pleasing partnerships of all time: Doc and the Doctor. This is followed by another… Back into more appealing territory, the TARDIS attempts to evade an attack from the Daleks while the protagonists once again find themselves in need of being rescued. This is followed by the Doctor progressing to shrink the Daleks to miniscule sizes and crush them under the weight of the TARDIS before emerging in a way that stays true to his dress code! “We’re friends of the Doctor” exclaims Wyldstyle in a fashion that’s far too enthusiastic for what she’s saying and who she’s saying it to.

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