lego train track design software

lego train track design software

lego train track alternative

Lego Train Track Design Software


Official LEGO home page. The Robotics Invention System developed at the Massachusets Institute of Technology (MIT). It can be ordered from LEGO America by calling 800-243-4870. Links to the Denmark, England, and US Legoland web sites. Published on Mar 11, 2016 The internet of (lego) trains Be the first to like this Martin Kanters, Info Support Johan Janssen, Info Support, @johanjanssen42 No Lego was harmed beyond repair during the project. MINIMAL INGREDIENTS FOR 1TRAIN EDUP Ultra-Mini Nano USB 2.0 802.11nGen Astro Mini 3200mAh Keyes 38KHz IR InfraredTransmitter Module for Lego trains and tracks with power functions RFID-RC522 RF IC Card Sensor Module Mini Portable Speaker for the Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi’s and Raspberry Pi camera’s Cables like Breadboard wires/USB Electronics like servo’s etcetera Idle (mA) Memory (MB) CPU (Mhz) Size (mm) RPiA+ 180-240 256 700 65 *56

RPi Zero 30 512 1000 65 * 30 RPi B+ 230-240 512 700 85 *56 RPi 2 B 420 1024 4*900 85 *56 Odroid C1 325 1024 4*1500 85 *56 80-100 128KB 120 38 * 21 LTCC (Laptop)SwitchControl (Pi) Camera (Pi) GND, 5V, GPIO 17 GPIO 18, 3.3V, GND  ch: channel (there are 8)  spd: speed (not necesarry with command ‘Break’) public class TrainService { public void forward(@PathParam("channelParam") String channel, @PathParam("speedParam") String speed) { String command = "1"; private void callURL(String channel, String command, String speed) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (speed != null) { URL url = new URL(result.toString()); InputStream is = url.openStream(); 3.3V, GPIO25, GND, -, GPIO9, GPIO 10, GPIO11, GPIO 8  Execute action after reading specific RFID  Use /etc/rc.local to start the RFID reader on boot  Raspberry Pi A+  Adafruit Servo Driver PCA9685

 FeeTech FS5103B servo’s private void sendCommandToSwitch(String switchid, String[] cmd = {  Libraries for RFID, infrared, servo’s and camera class Coordinator extends Actor { def receive = { implicit val system = ActorSystem("ExampleActorSystem") val coordinatorActorRef = system.actorOf(Props[Coordinator]) HTTP VS REMOTE ACTOR  No converting to JSON/SOAP  More natural programming  Concurrent on default  Built-in load balancer  Built-in circuit breaker  Indepedent of technology FAT JAR (SBT ASSEMBLY) IN MB Local actor Remote actor Akka HTTP Spring boot 50 50 no pause 500 500 no pause 1000 1000 no pause Mean response time (ms) Akka HTTP Remote actor Max response time (ms) long live remote actors! Remote actor Spring boot Johan Janssen, Info SupportThe Great Ball Contraption Standard is a simple set of rules designed to make individual ball contraptions work seamlessly together without pre-planning or modification.

This is a faithful representation of the canonical rules for a Type 1 GBC module originally posted by Steve Hassenplug. The changes are mostly grammatical. Speaking about GBCs, Steve Hassenplug said "[i]t can be really simple, or devilishly complex as time allows!"[1] The same can be said about the GBC standard. Years of experience have shown that while the simple rules make creating a compliant module straightforward, they are not in themselves sufficient to guarantee compatibility between modules. The following discussion attempts to fill some of the gaps, thereby improving the odds of inter-module compatibility. The in-basket must not be any higher than 10 bricks tall. Making it lower can help make it more compatible with modules that have a too low output, but might also raise an issue of balls bouncing out of the basket. The 8 by 8 opening is assumed to be centered within the 10 by 10 outside dimension. The 8x8-stud opening is only the minimum size. Making it larger can be useful in large displays as it can act as a "speed matching buffer" where extra balls can be collected or staged as need be.

Some argue that the rules imply building on a baseplate and having an in-basket whose top layer is a row of bricks with the studs exposed. This would imply the actual maximum height is a baseplate plus 10 bricks, plus the studs on the top row of bricks. Others would argue that the baseplate should be thought of as the surface from which to measure from. In practice GBCs are rarely lined up against a wall, but some include trains or other mechanism to transport the balls behind the modules. Since GBCs require frequent intervention, people monitoring the GBC usually stand behind the GBC to allow better access and to avoid blocking the view of the public. The 22-stud maximum "setback" is used for lining up the ball path, while allowing the whole module to vary in depth. The effect of this rule is to provide a standard reference frame for a module. If you are facing a module such that its in-basket is on your left and the output is on your right, then the front of the module is nearest you and the back is furthest from you.

While the standard does not enforce any other limits, there are often practical limits like the area available for the module in the layout, the ability to transport the module, or parts available to build the module. Most public displays take place on a string of standard-sized tables (in the US they are generally 30 inches deep). That depth can be further limited if the organizers run a module with a train track behind the other modules (see rule #3). Most modules with a depth of one or two baseplates would have no problem, but if you intend on joining a public display your design should take into account their requirements. The period over which to average is assumed to be 30 seconds, as a shorter period would exceed the rate of 1 ball per second and a longer period would not be an issue. The 30-ball batch size implies that the in-basket should have a capacity of at least 30 balls. There are some instances[2] when breaking the standard above (in certain ways) is actually conducive to a smoothly running Contraption.

If every module has its output directly in line with its input, we rely on skinny modules to be able to make turns. If there are insufficient such modules, constructing a closed loop becomes problematic. Consequently, it is useful to have some modules be able to deliver balls not necessarily in line with its input. Sometimes a module needs a little bit of maintenance, which requires halting the flow of balls to that module. Rather than shutting down a whole section of Contraption, it is useful to have a module upstream that can (temporarily) recirculate balls. That is, send balls to its own input instead of the input of the next module. In all these cases, it is important that the module can still be used in a standard-compliant way. In other words, a module may be able to make a left turn in the ball path, but it should not require a left turn. The original rules talk about a Type 1, which is discussed above, and a subtype of Type 1 called Type 1b. The Type 1b has additional size restrictions (32 studs x 32 studs with the in-basket being at the front of the module) and is intended to work in a non-ad-hoc layout, specifically within a LEGO train display.

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