lego the movie rabbit hole

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Lego The Movie Rabbit Hole


The All-New LEGO® Batmobile From Chevy Submitted by theBLOCK Mon, 2017-02-13 06:00 Chevrolet is getting cheeky and we love it. A few weeks ago, we found the above video. It’s meant to feel like the familiar “Real People, Not Actors” focus-group style campaigns Chevrolet has been producing lately. In the video, real LEGO® minifigures™ discuss what kind of person would drive the all-new LEGO® Batmobile. The video also includes a LEGO®  Batman minifigure™ and is so hysterical to watch, we just keep pressing replay. This video lead us into a rabbit hole of funny Chevrolet and LEGO® Batmobile related content. We found this webpage on Chevrolet’s site which replicates a “Vehicle Overview” page and it’s full of hilarious content that is so outlandish, we just got lost on the page, reading every single detail about the so-called 20,000 horsepower LEGO® Batmobile. This is where we could spend hours typing out all of our favorite details, such as the 13 color options for the LEGO® Batmobile (all variations of black, of course), or possibly the 60.2L V100 engine got us laughing the hardest.

and check the page out for yourself. A life-size version of the LEGO® Batmobile was unveiled in the Chevrolet exhibit on opening day of the North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Michigan. The 17-foot long vehicle, unveiled by Chevrolet and students from Detroit’s Cody Rouge community, A World in Motion and FIRST LEGO®, was inspired by LEGO® Batman’s Speedwagon featured in “The LEGO® Batman Movie,” now in theaters. Here are some actual facts about the life-size version of the  LEGO® Batmobile: It’s 83 inches (6.92 feet) high, 204 inches (17 feet) long and 111 inches (9.25 feet) wide. Total weight is 1,695.5 pounds. Each tire is just over 100 pounds. The interior frame is made from more than 86 feet of square tube aluminum and weighs 282.5 pounds. Total number of LEGO® bricks used to build the Batmobile: 344,187 Total number of LEGO® colors used: 17 The LEGO® Batmobile took 222 hours to design and 1,833 hours to build.

The LEGO® Batmobile was designed and assembled in the LEGO® Model Shop in Enfield, Connecticut, by LEGO®Master Builders. Needless to say, we think the life-size  LEGO® Batmobile is completely awesome and the accompanying videos and web page are just icing on the cake. It’s all super cool stuff from our favorite manufacturer. Stay tuned to The BLOCK for more news, coverage and info surrounding all things Chevrolet Performance. Also, be sure to join us on Instagram at @theblockdotcom to see all of our latest social activity. Product not available for purchase. Product and all specifications are fictitious. THE LEGO® BATMAN MOVIE © & ™ DC Comics, Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., & The LEGO Group. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure figurine and the Brick and Knob configurations are trademarks and/or copyrights of the LEGO Group. © 2017 The LEGO Group. BATMAN and all related characters and elements © & ™ DC Comics. We've got more to seeRelated PeopleAdam SmithThomas Edison WarmsleySam TomsLauren MayberrySam SmithDanielle HaimSkrillexHoward LawrenceCourtney BarnettEmily Kokal

The Neon Demon is a voluptuous provocation, a stylish free-fall down a gonzo rabbit hole that is as entrancing as it is maddening. Here is a rarity in this season of summer movie doldrums: A film that is guaranteed to elicit strong reactions. I counted at least 10 walkouts at a recent preview screening. Those who stayed hooted and chortled, then booed when it was over. Give me that sort of response over the numb shrugs and box-office bean counting that greet each week’s new would-be blockbuster.The plot is simple and familiar: 16-year-old Jesse (Elle Fanning) moves to Los Angeles hoping to break into the modeling business. She lives in a ramshackle motel managed by a predatory creep (Keanu Reeves). One night, a cougar sneaks into her room. She meets a talent agent (Christina Hendricks) who regards her with carnivorous eyes and suggests she lie about her age and tell people she’s 19, because 18 is too “on-the-nose.”Jesse has a sweet, well-meaning boyfriend (Karl Glusman) who is kind to her and hopes to ride her coattails into a career as a photographer.

She befriends Ruby (Jena Malone), a makeup artist who invites her to come along to a party. “What kind of party?” “The fun kind,” Ruby replies.There, Jesse meets two successful models, Sarah (Abbey Lee) and Gigi (Bella Heathcoate) who say things such as “Plastic surgery is just good grooming.” and “Is that your real nose?” and “God, I love this color on me.” Sarah and Gigi are cagey toward the new girl. They’re curious but also resentful of her, because she’s a few years younger than they are, which in L.A. might as well be a few decades. Jesse seems so innocent, so vulnerable, you fear she’ll be eaten alive by the industry. But after a session with a famous photographer (Desmond Harrington), her career takes off. Soon, she’s stealing jobs from Sarah and Gigi — and gradually turning into one of them, too.The Neon Demon is the latest movie from director Nicolas Winding Refn, who once made urgent, scabrous movies (the Pusher trilogy, Bronson) but has entered a phase of dreamier, stranger, more elliptical pictures (Drive, Only God Forgives).

Refn co-wrote The Neon Demon with two playwrights, Mary Laws and Polly Stenham, which explains why so much of the dialogue sounds so clipped, precise, almost staccato. Visually, though, the film is the opposite of that. The cinematography, by Natasha Braier, is awash in startling colors and tenebrous shadows. The electronic score by Cliff Martinez throbs and pulses like Giorgio Moroder. The film’s title is a metaphor for how show-business glitz curdles and rots the human soul, but Refn gives it an abstract literal form, too. During her first fashion runway show, Jesse sees it — a formation of flickering neon triangles — and is hypnotized by it, transformed, seduced by her own beauty. She becomes a narcissist — one of them.The Neon Demon isn’t intended to be taken at face value: The movie straddles the line between the camp of Beyond the Valley of the Dolls and the banality of a red-carpet event (“Beauty isn’t everything,” one character says with a straight face. “It’s the only thing.”)

The film is intentionally funny, even though it is not a comedy, and Refn has fun toying with the viewer, imbuing ordinary moments with an aura of menace. Eventually, that darkness takes over the movie. In its last half-hour, The Neon Demon turns into a full-on horror show, with sequences so outrageously ghastly and offensive even Bret Easton Ellis would blanch. Behind the camera, though, you can imagine Refn smiling. To complain that The Neon Demon lacks substance or that it doesn’t have anything to say about our cultural obsession with beauty is to miss the crazy, cracked pageant unfolding in front of you. Not all movies are intended to be read like books; some are meant to be experienced. The Neon Demon is flat-out bonkers in the best, most glorious way, and it reminds you how safe and stolid mainstream American movies have become, how afraid they are to do anything radically different and how befuddled we react when they dare.Movie Info Rating: Cast: Elle Fanning, Jena Malone, Abbey Lee, Bella Heathcoate, Keanu Reeves, Alessandro Nivola, Christina Hendricks, Desmond Harrington, Karl Glusman.Director: Nicolas Winding Refn.Screenwriters: Nicolas Winding Refn, Mary Laws, Polly Stenham.A Broad Green Pictures release.

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