lego star wars summer 2014 pictures

lego star wars summer 2014 pictures

lego star wars strategy

Lego Star Wars Summer 2014 Pictures


This is the 3,296-piece Lego Star Wars Sandcrawler you were looking for3/08/14 1:34am It's not the massive Sandcrawler Ultimate Collector Edition every Star Wars and Lego nerd in the world were claiming for, but it's pretty damn good. It's pretty damn big. Here we got all the official images. It really looks fantastic. It includes seven minifigures: Luke Skywalker, Uncle Owen, C-3PO and four Jawas, plus R2-D2, R2 unit, an R1-series droid, Gonk droid, R5-D4 and a Treadwell Droid. But best of all is that it's a great design, with lots of mechanisms: Features 8 tracks with steering function, lowering front ramp, opening side flaps, removable top, working cranes, speeder bike, opening hatch for easy access to the boxes, attachable handles for lifting boxes, and a detailed interior including engine bay, storage bay and cockpit.It will be available in the US for $300 (Canada will be $350, 300 euros in Germany and£249.99 in the UK.) You're reading Leg Godt, the blog with the latest Lego news and the most awesome Lego models in the web.

Follow us on Twitter or Facebook.I Love Being A B.C. Teacher So Much That I Have To QuitThey are so much worse. I cannot express how bad things are getting. It's because I love the work so much, that I have to leave. I've spent the last two years thinking about going. I've felt increasingly sorrowful that I simply cannot do all that these kids need and deserve me to do. B.C. Task Force Needed To Address Class Size, Composition B.C. Public Schools Need More Funding, Not Fundraising I find that the inadequacies of public education funding have ignited a fire in me. Is anyone else feeling like we should stop fundraising for the things that should be funded by the government? It's Time For B.C. Teachers To Stop Lying To Parents The teachers have been lying to us. They've been covering it up. Papering over underfunding and mismanaged fiscal priorities with brightly coloured posters and sparkly stickers. Concealing an impoverished system by buying the damn supplies themselves.

Without receiving so much as a tax break on those purchases. I Refuse To Stop Spending My Own Money On My Classroom Yes, I've bought the materials in the boxes that I'll be hauling to work each day this week. And yes, I sincerely wish that I hadn't had to go out of pocket to make sure that my students get the best education that I can give them. The underfunding of public education in B.C. has already taken enough out of me. I refuse to let it take who I am as a teacher, too. A Normal Sunday, At Last The early afternoon sun brightens the kitchen as it shines down through the skylight; I can hear my two youngest children, managing to not bicker and argue their way through Lego Star Wars on the TV, and I'm sitting across the kitchen table from my teacher husband, typing this as he plots out his Socials 8 course for the year. This is the first Sunday in months that feels normal for us. The Last Day of School As families in B.C. prepare for the long-awaited return to school, I am inspired to sit down and write out my own reflections of this past summer.

In countless movies, we see children hard at work on their first day of classes, writing out their first essay of the school year. And so, I take a page from that to bring you "What I Did On My Last Day Of School." The Conspiracy Of Silence In B.C. Schools Is Over Well, here we are, with a deal to vote on. We're climbing up out of the trenches, dusting ourselves off, holding our noses against the stench of manipulation, and voting. We'll vote yes, but it won't be an overwhelming yes. B.C. Teachers' Strike 2014: At What Cost? These past three months have been an exercise in spinning plates, deciding what bills must be paid now and which can sit for a month; making those excruciatingly embarrassing phone calls to utility companies to ask for extensions, explaining our circumstances and hoping for an understanding and lenient person on the other end of the phone. I can't help but shake my head, because shouldn't teachers with their professional training be able to make ends meet better than this?

B.C. Teachers Should Vote No To Tentative Deal Despite what I know was a Herculean effort on the part of our bargaining team, I very much hope that B.C. teachers will vote no to the tentative agreement. After five weeks of strike, and 12 years of legal battles, this is not the deal that will restore sanity to public education and it is not a fair deal for teachers and students. B.C. Teachers' Strike Was About Values, Not Economics Now, do I feel as though both sides compromised equally on this contract? No. I do feel like the teachers gave up more. But as much as I'd like a salary increase that actually kept up with the rate of inflation, and the budget to fund some firm way of handling class size and composition, this whole strike wasn't about economics. B.C. Teachers' Strike Is Epic Struggle Of Dinosaurs Millions of years ago, a triceratops and a Tyrannosaurus rex fought it out as the Cretaceous period came to a end. Neither realized their struggle was futile since they were both about to become extinct.

The B.C. teachers' strike is another epic struggle of dinosaurs as the Ministry of Education and teachers' union are locked in bitter dispute over issues that have little significance since the market for education has fundamentally changed. Do B.C. Parents Have To Buy Toilet Paper Soon As Part Of School Supplies? Then there is the issue of school supplies. I have watched the list steadily lengthen over the years. This year alone, I have spent $300 just so my children can have adequate supplies for school. Not to mention that their supply lists include ridiculous items like Kleenex, photocopy paper and Ziploc bags. If our schools don't even have the funding to supply children with something to wipe their noses with, then like one parent said to me, "What's next, toilet paper?" A Rough Guide To E80 And The B.C. Teachers' Strike Everybody watching the B.C. public teachers' strike has heard of E80, and nobody understands it. Even the negotiating teams can't agree on what it means -- a pretty good sign that it should be deep-sixed pronto.

The bottom line is that the parties' positions on E80 is fatally poisoned by distrust. Many fault the union, but it's the government who wrote the script. Christy Clark Is Balancing the Budget at the Expense of Kids and Teachers The current teachers federation vs. government struggle is more than a labour dispute. For those who look closely, what's revealed is a style of government that appears to disregard facts, deceive the public, tarnish the reputation of teachers, all in a move to pit the people against teachers and their legal right to due process under the law. Government's disdain for trained professionals in order to gain a political advantage is deplorable. No government should hide the truth of its past misconduct. No government should balance the budget at the expense of teachers and kids. I Served To Help Children Attend School Abroad, But Am Helpless In B.C. I sacrificed myself, along with my army buddies, to help children in other countries to attend school, but what can I do in my own country to get children back in school in B.C. Madam Premier, this is our province.

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