lego star wars rogue shadow commercial

lego star wars rogue shadow commercial

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Lego Star Wars Rogue Shadow Commercial


Coming up in the next {{countdown}} {{countdownlbl}} Skip to this video now This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.Lego Star Wars: The Resistance Rises is a five episode Lego Star Wars short form computer animated series that debuted on Disney XD on February 15, 2016. A comedic prequel to the 2015 film Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it focuses on the exploits of Star Wars characters from that film, as well as legacy characters. The first installment, "Poe to the Rescue", features characters Poe Dameron, C-3PO, Kylo Ren, Captain Phasma, Admiral Ackbar and BB-8. Later episodes include Han Solo, Chewbacca, Maz Kanata, Lando Calrissian, Rey, Unkar Plutt, and Finn. ↑ Li, Shirley (February 12, 2016). "The Force Awakens characters to appear in new LEGO Star Wars series".. Retrieved on April 23, 2016. ↑ "LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises to Debut on Disney XD February 15".. Oh My Disney (February 2016). Retrieved on April 22, 2016.

↑ Watercutter, Angela (February 12, 2016). "This New Animated Lego Star Wars Short Looks Legit".. Retrieved on April 25, 2016. ↑ Whitbrook, James (February 12, 2016). "Poe Dameron Stages a Daring Rescue in the First The Force Awakens Lego Short".. Retrieved on April 25, a video game for the and . It was released in September of . It takes place between the third and fourth films and stars young apprentice. While not the first game to use the Wii Remote as a lightsaber, it uses it more efficiently than the previously released games. Duel mode and five extra levels are also exclusive to the Wii version, and is not present in the Xbox and PlayStation 3 variations. The Wii version was developed by and the DS version was developed by . In the game, you play as Darth Vader's secret apprentice Galen Marek (his real name is never mentioned; he instead goes under the code name of Starkiller). Vader appoints an Imperial pilot, Juno Eclipse, to pilot Starkiller's ship, the Rogue Shadow.

Starkiller takes his droid, PROXY, with him, and goes about hunting Jedi from the Old Republic. Eventually, he gathers senators that oppose the Emperor, and create the Rebel Alliance. On the last level, you may decide to fight Vader or the Emperor, thus choosing your destiny. The game starts with Darth Vader landing on the Planet Kashyyk, in search of a Jedi who escaped Order 66. He travels across a Wookie city killing any wookie that gets in his way, until he arrives on the beach outside of the communications room. He then finds the jedi and duels him, easily winning. As Vader is about to land the finishing blow, a small child appears and uses the force to pull vader's saber from his hand. Vader turns in surprise, and senses the force is strong in this child. Several stormtroopers appear, but Vader kills all of them and he kills the Jedi. He wants no witnesses. The game goes to several years later, on board on of the Empire's many command vessels. It is then shown that the young child was Starkiller, and that Vader has been training him to be his secret apprentice.

Today Vader feels he is ready, and assigns him his first real mission: He is to go to the Imperial Shipyard above Nar Shadda, and Kill Jedi Master Rahm Kota. Starkiller accepts and leaves to the hangar. He there meets with his friend and trainer PROXY, who shows him his new ship, the Rogue Shadow, and tells him about his new pilot, Juno Eclipse. He then meets Juno, and they head towards Nar Shadda. Upon arriving at the Shipyard, Starkiller finds it under attack by Kota's Militia. Starkiller lands, and begins cutting his way through the shipyard, killing Imperials and Militia alike (Per Vader's orders). Eventually, he arrives at the control room, where Kota has been waiting. Kota, however, is outraged, as he was trying to draw out Vader. Deeply angered, he questions why vader would send "Some Boy" to face him. Kota and Starkiller then duel, and Starkiller wins. He presses Kota against a window, and Kota says that Starkiller can still leave Vader, that in Starkiller's future he only sees himself ("In your future...

Starkiller then slashes his eyes, blinding Kota, and throws him out of the window. Assuming him to be dead, Starkiller takes Kota's lightsaber and returns to vader. Arriving back on the command ship, Starkiller informs Vader that Kota is dead, and presents him Kota's lightsaber to prove it. Vader accepts it, but orders starkiller to go to the Jedi Temple on Coruascant to train. Starkiller boards the Rogue Shadow and leaves for the temple. Upon arriving, he is confronted by several Stormtroopers, and he dispatches of them. He then proceeds to cut his way through the temple, killing any imperials that get in his way. Eventually he arrives in a large room, filled with equally large statues of Darth Sidious (A.K.A The Emperor) He is then confronted by a holocron of Darth Desolus, who claims "A thousand Jedi died Cursing Darth Desolus, now you will join them" The two duel, and, in the end, Starkiller uses the force to bring the largest statue crashing down on DesolusStarkiller then receives a transmission from Vader via PROXY, he is to go to Raxus Prime in search of runaway jedi Kazdan Paratus

Luke Skywalker • Han Solo • Princess Leia • Darth Vader • Dash Rendar • Boba Fett • Jango Fett • Jabba the Hutt • Wedge Antilles • LE-BO2D9 • IG-88 Ep I: Obi-Wan's Adventures (2000) • Ep I: Battle for Naboo (2000) • Jedi Power Battles (2002) • Ep II: Attack of the Clones (2002) • The Clone Wars (2002) • New Droid Army (2002) • The Clone Wars: Lightsaber Duels (2008) • The Clone Wars: Jedi Alliance (2008) • The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes (2009) • Ep III: Revenge of the Sith (2005) • Star Wars (1987) • Star Wars (1991) • Star Wars (1992) • Super Star Wars (1992) • The Empire Strikes Back (NES) (1992) • The Empire Strikes Back (GB) (1993) • Super The Empire Strikes Back (1993) • Super Return of the Jedi (1994) The Video Game (2005) • II: The Original Trilogy (2006) • The Complete Saga (2007) • III: The Clone Wars (2011) • The Force Awakens (2016) Apprentice of the Force (2004) • Angry Birds Star Wars (2013) • Battlefront: Elite Squadron (2009) • Bounty Hunter (2002) • Ep I: Racer (1999) • Flight of the Falcon (2003) • Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast (2002) • Lethal Alliance (2006) • Pinball (2013) • Rogue Squadron (1998) • Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader (2001) • Rogue Squadron III: Rebel Strike (2003) • Shadows of the Empire (1996) • The Force Unleashed (2008) • The Force Unleashed II (2010) • Yoda Stories (1999)

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