lego star wars list of levels

lego star wars list of levels

lego star wars list of extras

Lego Star Wars List Of Levels


Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a role-playing game from Electronic Arts that lets gamers collect a massive assortment of heroes and villains from across the Star Wars universe. The game is available exclusively on mobile devices, and while it might feel familiar to fans of other mobile free-to-play RPGs, there's something decidedly fantastic about collecting Wookies and droids instead of warriors and mages.To experience the whole game, you'll need to unlock the Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes' many modes -- and you can't do that until you've reached the right Player level to unlock each one. We're here to help you speed up the process. Leveling up in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is tied directly to how many experience points you earn, and the single best way to earn experience points is by completing your Daily Activities list. If you're looking to level up quickly, treat this as the checklist you need to complete every day before exploring any other part of the game.Every task on this list will help you further your progress in other ways, too, so the important thing to remember is to do things in an order that complements your Daily Activities list.

If you can earn 40 XP for completing three light battles, and another 40 XP for completing three dark battles, don't just keep grinding away on the light side (or dark side) campaign. Do the 3 and 3, then go back to grinding where you'd like. Just make sure you're checking off the other activities as you do. Everything you do, every day, needs to be in service to this list until it's completed.As a bonus, there's even a task for completing the list. Certain tasks on your list come equipped with wait timers, so schedule your play accordingly. If you need to complete three arena battles, for example, there's a lengthy wait timer between each. Tackle one at the beginning of your play session, then work on other assignments as you wait for the timer to cool down.Similarly, in the game's earliest stages, you can get a free Bronzium Data Card every 20 minutes. As you play, keep an eye on that countdown timer and grab every free card you can. These can contain everything from free characters and character shards to equipment and credits.

All of these will help make your team stronger in some way, which will make it easier to win battles and earn more of that level-upping XP. Like most free-to-play games, the challenge in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes suffers from peaks and valleys. When things get a little too easy and your team is overpowered for the task at hand, just hit the "Auto" button in the corner and let the AI take over. Battles will complete faster once decision-making is taken out of the process, and so long as your team is strong enough, you'll three-star every stage. If this sounds like a strategy that might take some of the fun out of the game, that's a fair complaint. But there's no denying that this works wonders when you don't actually have time to focus on the game. Have it open on your desk at work, and you'll just need to make a handful of taps ​to end one battle and begin another every few minutes. You're practically leveling up in your sleep if you do this.On a similar note, if you're on the hunt for a specific piece of equipment to upgrade a character's Gear Level, don't be afraid to use your Sim tickets.

That's what they're here for. These let you skip the battle entirely and go straight to the rewards. If you're absolutely unwilling to spend any money in a free-to-play game, this tip isn't for you. If you don't mind spending a little to get ahead, however, keep reading.Currency purchases are always available to you in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes, but they're far from the best way to get bang for your buck. You'll periodically be offered a variety of bundles as you play that will only be available for a limited time. These come in a wide range of prices and offerings, and if you see one that suits your liking, get it. Not only will you get some much-needed characters to add to your roster, but you'll get training droids and the credits needed to complete the training process. There's enough in even a small bundle to max out a few of your characters early in the game (at least, as maxed out as they can get at that point), which will make battles ​much easier to complete. From squad battles and challenges to the standard campaign missions, everything in Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes gives you goodies and XP, and the goodies themselves almost always make it easier to get XP.

But what are all of these doodads and equipment you unlock, and why should you care?Because they're really the heart of what Galaxy of Heroes is about.Equipping characters not only makes them stronger, it can open up a path to unlocking new abilities. Building a team made not of your favorite heroes, but of the characters whose attacks and styles support each other, can mean all of the difference between success and failure. Knowing which currencies can buy more of what, which character shards you need the least of to unlock a new fighter, and how much longer until your next challenge unlocks -- it all layers together to form a single cohesive experience. If played in the most shallow sense, Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a game of automated combat and little else. Scratch beneath the surface, though, and you'll find a game with many moving parts. Understanding those parts - and how they all serve the greater good that is your Daily Activities list - is the key to leveling up faster and enjoying everything that Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes has to offer.

Minikits (called Artifacts in LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures) have, for the entirety of the series, been the main collectibles of the series. In each main level of the game, there are 10 Minikit Canisters (or Artifact Treasure Chests) to collect. Some can be collected in Story Mode. Some require additional gameplay in Free Play Mode. Upon completing a Minikit, a large stud bonus is awarded. These Minikits help achieve 106% in all games so far except LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game. In every game, the Minikits/Artifacts can be viewed in the hub world on display. Finally, in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, the Minikits can be playable in the Minikit Bonus levels once completed; Therefore, the Minikits in those games (and, in advance, the Minikits in LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game) can be playable as vehicles and thus have their own articles. In LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game there is the "Rebel Blockade Runner", a Super-Kit that is unlocked after getting all 17 True Jedi Statuses which in turn unlocks the A New Hope level.

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