lego star wars les plus rare

lego star wars les plus rare

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Lego Star Wars Les Plus Rare


The LEGO Collectible Minifigures are back and scarier than ever? That’s right, this LEGO Minifigure Series has a unified theme! Of course we’ve seen The Simpsons, The LEGO Movie, and even a LEGO Minifig Olympic Team, but this is the first time that in the numbered series we are getting a collection of minifigures within the same genre; LEGO monsters have always been a personal favorite of mine, and getting these minifigs right before Halloween is a treat. Those looking for the minifigs at Target stores should use the DPCI number 204001379. Just keep in mind that Target also uses the same number to categorize LEGO The Simpson Series 2, if they got them in late. Therefore you might also mention that you are looking for the ones in the black bags. And now that’s out of the way, let’s take a look at how to feel for them within the blind baggies! ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Banshee: This is one of the hardest minifigures to feel for in this series. She has those strange wispy legs with lots of odd angles that were introduced in the LEGO Ninjago line. I

f you have never seen or felt for this piece before, it kind of feels like a flat foot with a weird ankle. If you think you found it in the bag, make sure what you got is not the Spectre, which has the same lower body. At this point feel for the Banshee’s long hair. (It is interesting to note that her hair is a translucent color – quite unique.) There are only three Banshee minifigures in a full display-box, so she is pretty rare. ➡ If you have any of the LEGO City sets, chances are you’ve come across the standard LEGO camera. That’s the piece you’ll need to find to identify this minifigure. Fortunately, it is one of the smaller pieces in the series so you will naturally look for it and it is easy to identify. Don’t get thrown off by the small handle that interrupts the square shape of the camera. There are four Bigfoot minifigures in a full display-box. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Crazy Scientist: Find the beaker and you’re done identifying this minifigure. T

he neck of the bottle is easy to pinch and the rest of it feels kind of like a standard LEGO cup. There is no other piece in the series you can mix it up with, so you should have no trouble figuring out what it is. There are five Crazy Scientists in a full display-box, so he is common. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Fly Monster: If you got the Fairy from LEGO Minifigures Series 8, or the Bumblebee Girl from LEGO Minifigures Series 10, you will know what the wings feel like. They appear to be slick, but still have enough detail that you can make out the dragonfly shape with your fingers. Also, note that the left hand has a fairly large pincer instead of a normal hand, so you might feel for the torso with the unusual hand, if you are having trouble with the wings. There are four Fly Monsters in a full display-box. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Gargoyle: The wings of the Gargoyle have a distinct bat shape to them, however since that is a new piece, you might have trouble identifying it. I

n this case it is a lot simpler to find short legs, as this is the only minifigure with short legs in this series. They don’t bend and are pretty easy to isolate. There are four Gargoyle minifigures in a full display-box. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Monster Rocker: As you probably figured it out already, it is the guitar that you want to look for. It will feel like a cross between a LEGO tennis-racket and a LEGO turkey leg. It is more the size of the racket, but it has a bar in the back like the turkey leg. There are five Monster Rockers in a full display-box, so this minifigure is one of the most common ones. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Plant Monster: That plant helmet thing is enormous, so if you find something big protruding out of the packet that is hard to identify, go straight for the vines. The vines are common enough that you should have run across them before in other LEGO sets. They feel kind of like a flat spine. There are four Plant Monsters in a full display-box.

➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Skeleton Guy: As cool as the bucket looks it is too similar to a minifig head, so what you would want to find instead is the bucket handle. It’s smaller, but easier to separate out within the bag – thus easier to identify. Plus it won’t get confused with any other piece in the series because there is nothing like it. There are four Skeleton Guys within a full display-box. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Spectre: Just like the previously discussed Banshee, the Spectre has that strange wispy lower body piece. However, unlike the Banshee, the Spectre comes with a chain. Finding the chain with your fingers is quite easy – figuring out what you are feeling is the tough part. You will need to hold part of the chain down with one hand and try to straighten it a bit with the other. If you are feeling a mess of small parts between the two ends, you identified the chain. Once you straighten the chain, it becomes a lot simpler to recognize. There are four Spectre minifigures in a full display-box.

➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Spider Lady: This minifigure is very easy to identify as she is the only one with a slope for the bottom half of her body. She would be practically impossible to mix up with another minifigure in this series. However there are only three Spider Ladies in a full display-box, so she is one of the rarest. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Tiger Woman: Her tail might throw you for a loop since it is rubbery and feels kind of strange. So the part what you need to look for to identify the Tiger Woman positively is her whip. However this piece is thinner than most LEGO elements and can be tricky to locate. But when you do find it you know for sure that you have the Tiger Woman, as there is no other minifig in this series with anything similar to it. There are three Tiger Women in a full display-box, so she is considered a rare minifig. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Werewolf: It is all about that long bone to identify this minifigure. When you do find a long bar with your fingers, make sure you feel for both ends at the same time. Y

ou don’t want to accidently get the Monster Rocker’s guitar or the Witch’s broom mixed up with the bone. There are three Werewolves in a full display-box, so this minifigure is also pretty rare. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Witch: With all the great parts she has, it comes down to the broom. It is one of the longest pieces in the series, and has the iconic swept shape on one end. The hat and the cat would have been great pieces to look for, however this series already has so many weirdly shaped pieces they wouldn’t be the best to use for identification. Stick with the broom and you can’t miss. There are three Witch minifigures in a full display-box, so she is another rare one. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Zombie Businessman: Nothing fancy here as far as identification. Go for the 2×2 tile and you are done identifying this minifigure. No other character has such a piece, so you are very safe with that one and it is easy to feel for. Also, notice the new hairpiece! T

here are three Zombie Businessmen in a full display-box, so yeah, he is also rare. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Zombie Cheerleader: Those pompoms will really mess with your head. This is because they feel very much like a minifigure head, if you’re not careful. However, if you are too focused, it may feel like you have one too many hair pieces. So what you need to do is gather all the minifigure head shaped pieces in one place inside the bag with your fingers. If there are three, then you most likely got the Zombie Cheerleader. There are three Zombie Cheerleaders in a full display-box, so this is another rare minifigure. ➡ LEGO Minifigures Series 14 Zombie Pirate: This zombie is best known for his sword. It is broad and distinct. If you are still not sure, try finding the legs. One is a peg-leg so it kind of stands out. However, for most people the sword would be extremely obvious. There are five Zombie Pirates in a full display-box, so he is one of the most common ones.

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