lego star wars kashyyyk sets

lego star wars kashyyyk sets

lego star wars kashyyyk battle

Lego Star Wars Kashyyyk Sets


Große Armee der Republik Die Kashyyyk-Klonkrieger waren eine millitärische Einheit innerhalb der Großen Armee der Republik. Ihre Hauptaufgabe bestand im Operieren in Wäldern und dschungelartigem Gelände, fernab von Stützpunkten der Republik. Ihr größter bekannter Einsatz war in der Schlacht von Kashyyyk. Daher rührt auch ihr Name. Sie unterstützten die 41. Elitelegion und die 501. Sie trugen eine Phase II-Rüstung, welche einen komplett grün-braunen Anstrich hatte, was sie optimal mit ihrer Umgebung interagieren ließ. Ihre Helme waren mit verbesserten Atemfiltern versehen, um Pollen, Staub und auch Krankheitserreger abzuhalten. Sie benutzten die standardmäßige Ausrüstung der GAR, so z. B. das DC-15A Blastergewehr oder den DC-15S Blasterkarabiner. Zusätzlich verwendeten sie eine Raketenwerferpistole, welche in einer Hand gehalten wurde und 10 Schuss pro Magazin abgab. Die Funktionsweise war die gleiche wie die des Bulldog RLR, allerdings war das Zielsuchsystem der Waffe um einiges genauer, sodass sie ihr Ziel fast nie verfehlte.

Dies machte es möglich, Feindgruppen auszuschalten ohne die eigene Tarnung aufgeben zu müssen. Zusätzlich verwendeten sie Fahrzeuge wie z. B. BARC-Speeder, AT-AP Läufer oder auch ISP-Gleiter. Allerdings waren sie eher darauf spezialisiert, sich ohne Fahrzeuge im Unterholz zu verstecken und den Feind in Hinterhalte zu locken. Nach der Schlacht von Kashyyyk wurden diese Truppen zu imperialen Sturmtruppen und wurden weiterhin für Einsätze auf bewaldeten Planeten eingesetzt. Ihr Nachfolger waren die Kashyyyk-Sturmtruppen, welche über eine ähnliche Tarnrüstung im Sturmtruppendesign verfügten.Collect all pre-positioned studs in all levels. Keep collecting them until the Jedi bar is full and flashing to get one superkit piece. After this is done in all levels the Tantive IV superkit model outside will become available. Successfully complete Episode IV - A New Hope to unlock Darth Vader and the Stormtrooper; the Rebel Trooper for purchase for 1,000 studs, and Princess Leia for purchase for 50,000 studs.

Play Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Chapter 6: Darth Maul in Story mode or Free Play mode. Get to near the end of the chapter when you are taking down the red force fields. Finish the last force field, but do not follow Darth Maul. Instead, run back the way you came until you are in the previous room. Then, return to the force field room. Darth Maul will be in his first position, but all of the force fields are still down. You cannot hurt him; Even though the force fields are down, the switches have reset. Hit all the switches again to gain more studs. You can get at least 6,000 to 7,000 studs with each pass. Repeat process as many times as desired. After completing each level, do not continue. Instead, leave the diner and break all "trash cans" by the doors outside. You can sometimes get a few thousand studs. Additionally, in the Discovery On Kamino level, if you encounter the broom where you had R4 to open the gate, use the Force on it. Money will come out. If you follow it around the entire room, money will still appear.

This is useful when trying to get perfect studs. Unlock the hidden "Episode IV: A New Hope" level and play until you reach the first split in the path. Battle through the rebel guards down the right hallway and enter the door. There you should find a group of yellow, blue, green, and red blocks laying scattered on the floor. Using a Jedi or Sith, utilize the Force so that you build an "L" with the yellow blocks, an "E" with the blue blocks, a "G" with the green blocks, and an "O" with the red blocks. If done correctly, at least a dozen blue studs (worth 1,000 each) will fall from the ceiling. Collect as many as you can before they fade away. In whatever episode and chapter you are playing, copy the type of your current opponent. For example, if there are hordes of disguised clones ready to shoot you, switch to disguised clone and they will not attack, giving you time to shoot them. Note: They will probably follow you, especially if you are a battle droid. However, this does not work on Bosses, Sith, General Grevious, etc.

After unlocking a lot of characters, go outside of the diner and to the hangar. Most of the time, the good characters will attack the bad characters that spawn there. Since there are more good characters than bad, sometimes you can see bad characters such as Darth Maul getting beat up by a lot of good characters. Try alternating or simultaneously pressing Attack, Jump, and the Left Analog-stick with any Jedi or Sith with a lightsaber to execute various maneuvers and different three-hit combos. Some minikit canisters are in areas that even a high jumping character cannot reach. To get these, use General Grievous in free play mode: Defense Of Kashyyyk: Go to the huge tree with several platforms on it. Use a grappling hook character to climb the left side of the tree (your left). Eventually you will find a platform that seems impossible to reach. Switch to General Grievous, double jump toward the platform, and press B to do the helicopter move. Just before you start to spiral downwards, press L or R to switch to another character, while still holding the Analog-stick in the direction of the platform.

You should land on it. Then, switch back General Grievous and double jump through the rest until you reach the minikit. Retake Theed Palace: Play through until you get to the part where you rescue the guards so that you can get out. Walk all the way to the right side of the room. Use General Grievous to double jump onto the platform. Double jump again and you should reach an unjumpable wall. Keep a slight distance from the wall so you do not hit the edge on the top. Use the helicopter move. Press L or R to switch to another character, again while holding the Analog-stick in the direction of the wall. You should reach the top and get the minikit. In Dexter's Diner, go through the Episode 1 door. To the left you will see something that looks similar to a jukebox. Use The Force on it and it will play the cantina music for fifteen seconds. You will have to repeat this if you want to play the music again. Whenever playing as Yoda, you will notice that he is slow moving without his lightsaber.

Press Jump and he will get out a hover chair. This is easier when traveling, as you will not have to watch him jump like crazy or move slow with the stick. Once you get to the section where Jango is behind a force field and there are two guns at the top. Go in the door at the left. You will see some circles on the ground. Step on one of the white ones and your partner (whether CPU or human) will step on the other. Once you are done with all of them, a dance mix of the Star Wars themes will start playing. The Kamino aliens will start dancing. Once you leave the room, you will have to repeat it. When Darth Maul lifts up the bridge in the first part of the level, use your highest jumper and jump on the bridge. Walk across the bridge and jump off. You will save a minute or two; however you might have to destroy the droids. When you fight Anakin in Episode III, insert a second controller but do not use it. It is easier to defeat him this way, but make sure to keep him on the platform.

To defeat a Boss or any enemy, use a Jedi or Sith. Press Jump, then attack. This results in easy kills. To kill enemies such as Jango Fett, switch to someone with a blaster and just shoot him. When the battle starts, Darth Maul will lift up the bridge with the Force. He will send out enemy droids to attack you. Destroy the enemy droids by deflecting their blaster bolts back at them. He will then use the Force to send a yellow Lego barrel at you. Use the Force to make the yellow barrel go back at him. Repeat this two more times. The bridge will split into three pieces. Use the Force on the middle piece to put the bridge back together to get across. Darth Maul will run away into an open door. Go into the same door that Darth Maul entered. There will be platforms; go up to the top platform. You will then see a platform one space higher. Go down to the platform that is one space lower. You will see Darth Maul at the other platform. Use the Force to open up the Lego platform and jump to the platorm that Darth Maul was on..

You will need to repeat this. Jump one space higher and you will see a bridge and a slightly open door. Darth Maul will jump to a platform that is far away from the platform that you should be standing on. There should be a bridge one space forward from the platform that is one space forward from the platform that you should be standing on. Darth Maul will make the bridge fall. You should see two orange-striped droids (they should appear one at a time). When you can play again, jump over to the platform that is one space forward from the platform that you are standing on. When you are on the next platform, destroy the two orange-striped droids. Then, destroy the rest of the droids. Two droidekas should come on two separate platforms that each have one button on them. Destroy the droidekas, then step on one of the red buttons. Your partner should step on the other one. The bridge should come up. Jump from the bridge to the platform that Darth Maul was on. Next, enter the open door that Darth Maul went into.

There will be a hallway of shields. Lift up one of the switches with the Force. Your partner should lift up the other one. Repeat this until you see Darth Maul. Go into the open door in front of you. You should see a picture of Darth Maul and about twelve hearts. To kill Darth Maul, hit him with nothing but double jump attacks. When he is on a platform he will use the Force to throw objects at you. Use the Force to send them back to him. Repeat this about two or three more times. Darth Maul should come to the ground for the last time. Destroy the rest of his hearts to defeat him. Double jump them with A while in the air to take down its shield. Double jump near the shield, then press B before you land. To defeat enemies such as Droids and Troopers, press X to use Force Push when they are near a ledge. It will just push them off the side and kill them easily. This works best in Episode 1, Darth Maul, where there are droids that are easy to push off the ledges. In the level "Jedi Battle" in Episode II, play until you reach the end where you must defeat Jango Fett.

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