Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales is a five-part Lego Star Wars television mini-series that premiered on Disney XD[1] on July 6, 2015. It is an animated comedy series depicting the stories and characters from the Star Wars saga. In the aftermath of Return of the Jedi, the rebels celebrate their victory against the Galactic Empire by having C-3PO and R2-D2 share their previous adventures about the Clone Wars, their work with the Ghost crew from Star Wars Rebels, and their involvement against the Galactic Empire. During this time, C-3PO pursues a mysterious person who has abducted R2-D2 which is later revealed to be Lando Calrissian. However, 3PO, R2 and Chewbacca (who was enlisted by 3PO to help find R2) are captured by General Veers and a few surviving Stormtroopers but the trio manage to escape with the help of Admiral Ackbar and return to Endor to celebrate with their friends. Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales premiered on August 21, 2015 on Disney XD in Australia and New Zealand. The whole series was released on DVD, titled Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales, on March 1, 2016 by Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment.
[8] The series has also been released on the Google Play store at the same time as the DVD release.Rocket battle droids were a type of droid class used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. They had jetpacks which allowed them to fly through space. A team of the droids once tried to sabotage Plo Koon's escape pod, after being hit by the Malevolence. These droids were painted in orange and black. These droids were used by General Grievous to hunt down survivors of space fights. The Rocket Battle Droids are similar to normal Battle Droids, but with different color coding. Instead of a tan color, the droids' heads and torsos are an orange color. The arms and legs are grey, and one arm is tilted forward so that it can properly hold a blaster. On their backs, rocket battle droids have a grey jetpack, which is in fact a Lego binocular piece.A-Wing Pilot Found within Carbinite on D'Qar. Can access Resistance Missions, use Resistance Termimals and use a Grappling Hook.
Adan Mose Unknown Can destroy Silver Lego bricks, walk in Toxic Gas and shoot Lego Targets. Admiral Ackbar (Classic) Unknown Can plug into Staff Sockets, Command Troops and use a Grappling Hook. Admiral Ackbar (Resistance) Unlocked after completing Poe to the Rescue. Can access Resistance Missions, Command Troops and use a Grappling Hook. Admiral Statura Unlocked after Chapter 7 - The Resistance. Can access Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and scan for Hidden Objects. Chewbacca (Twon Ketee) Unknown Can accept Resistance Missions, destroy Silver Lego Objects, use Resistance Terminals, use Strength Handles and bypass Toxic Gas. Chewbacca (Wounded) Unlocked after Chapter 4 - The Eravana. Can accept Resistance Missions, destroy Silver Lego Objects, use Resistance Terminals and use Strength Handles. Finn (Takodana) Unlocks after Chapter 6 - Battle of Takodana. Can use First Order Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas, has a Lightsaber and use a Grappling Hook. Finn (Junction Box) Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Destroy Starkiller Base.
Can use First Order Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and use a Grappling Hook. Finn (Starkiller Base) Unlocked after Chapter 10 - The Finale. FN-2187 Unlocked after Chapter 1 - Assault On Jakku Can use First Order Terminals, accept First Order Missions, can shoot Lego Targets and use a Grappling Hook. General Hux Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Destroy Starkiller Base. Can accept First Order Missions, use First Order Terminals and shoot Lego Targets. General Leia (Formal) Unlocked after Chapter 10 - The Finale. Can accept Resistance Missions, Command Troops and use a Grappling Hook. Princess Leia (Classic) Unknown Can accept Resistance Missions, Command Troops and use a Grappling Hook. Han Solo Unlocked after Chapter 4 - The Eravana Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook. Han Solo (Starkiller Base) Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Starkiller Sabotage. Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook. Han Solo (Classic) Found in Carbinite on the Millennium Falcon.
Han Solo (Stormtrooper) Unknown Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook. Han Solo (Endor) Unlocked after Prologue - The Battle Of Endor Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook. Kylo Ren (Hooded) Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Destroy Starkiller Base. Can use Dark Side Force Powers, accept First Order Missions and use First Order Terminals. Kylo Ren (Unmasked) Unlocked after Chapter 10 - The Finale. Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) Unknown Can shoot Lego Targets and use a Grappling Hook. Luke Skywalker (Episode IV) Found in Carbinite on Jakku. Can shoot Lego Targets, use a Grappling hook and has a Lightsaber. Nien Nunb (Classic) Unlocked after Chapter 7 - The Resistance. Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and shoot Lego Targets. Poe Dameron (D'Qar) Unlocked after Chapter 10 - The Finale. Poe Dameron (Helmetless) Unlocked after Poe to the Rescue. Poe Dameron (Prisoner) Unlocked after Chapter 2 - Escape From The Finalizer Can accept Resistance Missions, use Resistance Terminals and use a Grappling Hook.
Poe Dameron (Flight Suit) Unlocks after Chapter 6 - Battle of Takodana. Rey (Junction Box) Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Destroy Starkiller Base. Can accept Scavenger Missions, use Agility Blocks, climb Lego Walls. Rey (Scavenger) Unlocked after Chapter 2 - Escape From The Finalizer Can accept Scavenger Missions, use Agility Blocks, climb Lego Walls and use Staff Sockets. Rey (Starkiller Base) Unlocked after Chapter 10 - The Finale. Can accept Resistance Missions, use Agility Blocks, climb Lego Walls. Rey (Takodana) Unlocked after Chapter 5 - Maz's Castle. Can accept Resistance Missions, use Agility Blocks, climb Lego Walls and use a Lightsaber. Stormtrooper (Captain) Unknown Can accept First Order Missions, use First Order Terminals and Command Troopers. Stormtrooper (Combat Engineer) Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Destroy Starkiller Base. Can accept First Order Missions, use First Order Terminals and use a Grappling Hook. Stormtrooper (Hot Tub) Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Starkiller Sabotage.
Snowtrooper Officer Unlocked after Chapter 10 - The Finale. Can accept First Order Missions, Command Troopers and bypass Cold Areas. Special Forces TIE Pilot Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Starkiller Sabotage. Unkar Plutt Unlocked after Chapter 3 - Niima Outpost Can scan for Hidden Objects, use Strength Handles and shoot Lego Targets. Unkar Thug Unlocked after Chapter 3 - Niima Outpost Can accept Scavenger Missions, use Strength Handles and shoot Lego Targets. C-3PO Classic Unknown Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas. GA-97 Unlocked after Chapter 5 - Maz's Castle. Can accept Resistance Missions, can bypass Cold Areas and bypass Toxic Areas. GTAW-74 "Geetaw" Unlocked after Lor San Tekka's Return. Can bypass Cold Areas and Toxic Areas. GNK-143 Chapter 1 - Assault On Jakku Can accept Resistance Missions, can bypass Cold Areas and bypass Toxic Areas. HURID-327 Unlocked after Chapter 5 - Maz's Castle. Can break Cracked Lego walls, can bypass Cold Areas and bypass Toxic Areas.
K-3PO Unknown Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas. M9-G8 Unlocked after Trouble over Taul. MSE-E Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Starkiller Sabotage. Can use Access Hatches, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas. 0-MR1 Unlocked after Trouble over Taul. Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas. PZ-4CO Unlocked after Chapter 7 - The Resistance. R-3PO Unlocked after Chapter 2 - Escape From The Finalizer Can accept Translation Missions, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas. R2-Q5 Unlocked after Trouble over Taul. Can use Astromech Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas. R2-KT Unlocked after Chapter 7 - The Resistance. R3-A2 Unlocked after Chapter 8 - Starkiller Sabotage. R5-D8 Unlocked after Poe to the Rescue Can use Astromech Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas. R5-J2 Unlocked after Chapter 2 - Escape From The Finalizer Can use Astromech Terminals, bypass Toxic Areas and bypass Cold Areas.