lego star wars diorama backgrounds

lego star wars diorama backgrounds

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Lego Star Wars Diorama Backgrounds


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Tested Builds: Real-Life LEGO MiniFig Cosplay! Our latest project with Frank Ippolito lives at the intersection of creepy and amazing. For this year's Comic-Con, Frank designed, sculpted, and painted a LEGO-inspired mask, made to look like a real-life version of a minifig. We're calling it the creeppyfig, and it found its way home wandering through Comic-Con's exhibit hall. How LEGO Master Builders Design and Assemble LEGOLAND Sculptures Wired visited LEGOLAND's model shop and met two of its Master Builders, who design and assemble the sculptures and minifig environments that populate the theme park. What's interesting to me is that there are two techniques to building: the more traditional LEGO creation built to scale for the minifigs (and using creative build techniques to hide studs) and the large-scale sculpture building, which is CAD-assisted. The assembly of the sculpture really happens layer by layer, just like a 3D printer. Adam Savage's One Day Builds: LEGO Sisyphus Automata

Here's a first for Adam: a One Day Build of a custom LEGO set! After spotting Jason Allemann's beautiful automata design, Adam sourced a complete kit to built at the cave. The finished piece comes alive as an animated diorama of the Greek legend! LEGO Education Brings Building Kits to the Classroom One thing we didn't expect to find at CES was LEGO! We learn about LEGO's WeDo 2.0 technology and how these sets help educations teach science and engineering to grade school students. Show and Tell: LEGO Mystery Build #14For this week's Show and Tell, we have another LEGO Mystery Build! Follow along as Norm assembles this custom creation, and place your best guess as to what's being built in the comments below. This figure comes from our friend who works at LEGO! Watch This LEGO Sisyphus Kinetic Sculpture Jason Allemann has built this beautiful example of LEGO automata: the greek character Sisyphus forever pushing a boulder uphill. The 475-piece kinetic sculpture was inspired by Disney Research's recent paper studying the use of computational design to create realistic character movements using mechanical links and gears.

Allemann has also released building instructions for this piece, as well as digital model files! LEGO Comic Book Covers at Designer Con 2015 We've seen LEGO mosaics, dioramas, and other sculptures before, but this is the first time we've seen LEGO mixed with another form of art: comic books! At this year's Designer Con, we chat with Brandon Griffith of the Comic Bricks project to learn how he and other LEGO artists have recreated their favorite comic book covers using our favorite building bricks. Show and Tell: LEGO Mystery Build #13Follow along as Norm assembles this custom creation, and place your best guess as to what's being built in the comments below. LEGO with Friends: Bonnie Burton, Part 1 For this week's LEGO with Friends, we're joined by guest Bonnie Burton! Together, we're going to assemble the massive Avengers Helicarrier set! Follow along with us by signing up for a Tested Premium Membership here! (The first episode is free for everyone, but the rest of the series will be for Premium Members.)

In Brief: Five Interesting Things TodayAfter a week-long exhale from Comic-Con, we're back to a regular schedule and looking forward to upcoming events, product testing, and more projects! Here are some stories currently sitting my browser tabs that I thought were worth sharing. First, Russian billionaire Yuri Milner announced that he would be spending $100 million over the next ten years to amp out the search for extra-terrestrial intelligence. Steven Hawking's on board. I also enjoyed this NPR story about the research into the curious sound of screaming. Windows 10 comes out in a week, and Microsoft has released an invite-only beta of its Cortana app for Android--Arstechnica has tested it. Boingboing's exploration of vintage Star Wars clothing collecting strikes a chord. And the best custom LEGO build in recent memory may be David Szmandra's enormous RC construction crane. Tested Goes to Comic-Con 2015! We're down in San Diego all week for Comic-Con International! As the doors to the massive convention hall open on preview night, Norm and Will walk through the show floor to check out some of the major booth setups.

Awesome collectibles, costumes, props, and LEGO are on display. We'll be filming interviews and project reveals, so stay tuned on Tested for more from SDCC! Show and Tell: LEGO Mystery Build #12 For this week's Show and Tell, we have another LEGO Mystery Build! Plus, we use this mystery build as an opportunity to test a new time-lapse camera rig! LEGO with Friends: Carl Merriam, Part 1 For this week's LEGO with Friends series, we're joined by a very special guest: LEGO product designer Carl Merriam! Carl, who we first met at a local LEGO convention, is visiting all the way from Denmark, where he works on the LEGO Minecraft team. We chat with him about what it's like working at LEGO and how these sets are designed. It's going to be an awesome week! LEGO with Friends: Phil Broughton, Part 1 Time for another week of LEGO with Friends! This week's guest is one of the most interesting people we know: a radiation expert who also makes a brew of coffee known as the Black Blood of the Earth.

Phil Broughton joins us for a week of conversation, storytelling, and of course, building LEGO! LEGO with Friends: Veronica Belmont, Part 1 Veronica Belmont joins us for some building in this week's LEGO with Friends! We discuss the projects she's been working on, the Game of Thrones premiere she hosted, and catch up while assembling some fun LEGO kits. It's going to be a fun week! Building the Academy Awards LEGO Oscar One thing we forgot to mention in yesterday's podcast about the recent Academy Awards ceremony was the use of LEGO Oscars during The LEGO Movie musical performance. LEGO artist Nathan Sawaya, who we've previously interviewed, designed and built those statuettes for the show, and posted this short time-lapse video of the build on his YouTube channel. This video is brief, but you can see Sawaya using glue to bond the pieces together--something he does for all his sculptures for stability and durability. And for those of you who want to build your own LEGO Oscar, the kit is now up for voting on the LEGO Ideas website.

Show and Tell: LEGO Mystery Build #11 This week's Show and Tell is our first LEGO mystery build of the new year! And here's a kit that was sold out for a long time before LEGO recently reissued it--and it was worth the wait. As the time-lapse engages, place you best guess as to what Norm is building in the comments below! In Brief: LEGO Announces Next Ideas Series KitsLEGO today announced the results of the latest review board decisions for kits submitted through the Ideas program. Submissions receiving more than 10,000 votes were under consideration, and two from a pool of 9 were selected to be official kits: Wall-E (designed by Angus MacLane, a Pixar animator!) and a Dr. Who set (designed by Andy Clark). Rejected submissions include the X-Men Mansion, Luke's Lightsaber, Brent Waller's Ghostbusters HQ, and Hubble Space Telescope. The board doesn't explain why individual projects didn't make the cut, but consider a variety of factors including licensing, playability, and safety.

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