lego portal 2 cuusoo

lego portal 2 cuusoo

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Lego Portal 2 Cuusoo


Above: one of the concept Lego Portal sets Since the video game Portal is largely about moving blocks from one place to another - albeit with the aid of spatial teleportation - it seems like a natural fit for a Lego version. It sounds like the idle pub fantasy of the nerdiest nerd -but now it could actually happen. Lego is officially considering making a set based on Valve's Portal game after 10,000 people signed up to support the idea. It's CUUSOO platform allows users to pitch ideas for sets and try to attract support. The Portal pitch reached 10,000 signatures in two weeks, and came complete with numerous designs, wallpapers and other details about what the sets could include. Reaching 10,000 names doesn't guarantee it will happen, but it does mean a Lego committee will discuss and investigate the idea. Recently the jury of designers and managers agreed to make a set based on the game Minecraft, which has since been released. The creators of the project said in their pitch:

"The two seem to mix well, Lego and Portal, the basic bricks and tiles can easily and perfectly (with a little brickmath) replicate the standard setting of Portal, the iconic Testing Chambers. "But for the more complex assets of the game, notably GLaDOS, there is satisfying level of difficulty, but still an elegant and representative translation. Lego and Portal will mesh nicely, each enhancing the other, the whole greater than the sum of it's parts." Above: A concept Lego 3D Portal board game - complete with portal puzzles just like the video game. Lego said it will be officially reviewed in September. It added: "Again, great work with this project, with presenting several viable Portal 2 product concepts, and effectively connecting with an audience that wants to see a LEGO set based on Portal 2 happen." Toys Lego Portal Lego Cuusoo Lego Minecraft GamingMany of you may have saw this on Brickset while I at work but apparently LEGO has decided to publish the instructions (now removed) for the LEGO Dimensions Back to the Future Level Pack (71201) which confirms the LEGO Portal 2 and LEGO Doctor Who themes for the upcoming toys-to-life game.

Other themes that have been newly revealed for LEGO Dimensions include Scooby-Doo Team Pack (71206) and The Simpsons Level Pack (71202) which we already could tell from the blurry image we saw last month as well as Jurassic World Team Pack (71205). The Portal 2 Level Pack (71203) includes a Chell minifigure, a Weighted Companion Cube, and Sentry Turrent. The Doctor Who Level Pack (71204) includes Peter Capaldi’s Doctor, the TARDIS, and K-9. Also in the Doctor Who instructions (now removed), the licensing page mentions Dalek and Cyberman so could we possibly be seeing them in future packs? For the Jurassic World Team Pack (71205), we have the Owen and ACU Trooper minifigures, a brick-built Velociraptor, and what appears to be the gyrosphere. Surprisingly, the Owen minifigure will be the second set for the character considering that he’s the main character in Jurassic World and he’s only in the Raptor Rampage (75917) set. For the Scooby-Doo Team Pack (71206), we have the Scooby and Shaggy minifigures, the Mystery Machine, and a pile of food.

If you’re just wanting some of the new characters like Chell and the Doctor and was wondering if the minifigures come off the bases for your enjoyment, rest assured that they do come off as confirmed by LEGO. Thanks for everyone who emailed in. I did see this piece of news but was preoccupied at the time and didn’t have computer access. Spielzeug f�r ZockerPortal 2: Videospiel bald als Lego-Bausatz? Klotzige Knobelei: Das R�tselspiel �Portal 2� von Valve ist hei�er Anw�rter auf eine Umsetzung ins Lego-Bausatz-Universum. Sie greifen auch heute noch gern zu Baukl�tzen und sind gro�er Fan des Videospiels �Portal 2�? Dann hat Spielzeughersteller Lego m�glicherweise bald Ihr n�chstes Geburtstagsgeschenk im Programm. berichtet, setzen sich deren Besucher f�r die Erstellung einiger �Portal 2�-Lego-Sets ein. Mit mehr als 10.000 Bef�rwortern hat das Projekt nun zur offiziellen Vorlage Lego erreicht. Im September entscheidet der Hersteller, ob er die Baus�tze tats�chlich produziert.

Die Umsetzung von Videospiel-Marken ist f�r den Konzern keine Neuheit. Der Indie-Titel �Minecraft� schaffte es k�rzlich in die Welt der physischen Baukl�tze und hat damit offenbar den Weg f�r weitere Projekte aus diesem Themengebiet geebnet.Erscheinungstermin �Portal 2�: 19. April 2011 f�r PC, 21. April 2011 f�r Xbox 360 und PS3 (mb) Sind Lego-Baus�tze f�r Sie noch ein Thema oder halten Sie so etwas f�r Kinderkram? Ihr Kommentar (mindestens 30 Zeichen) Bitte loggen Sie sich ein, um einen Kommentar zu verfassen. Portal Lego set goes into review Get ready to think with Legos. An official Portal Lego set may be on its way after a fan-made prototype received the 10,000 votes required to be considered for production on the Danish blockmaker's crowdsourced platform Cuusoo. This means that the set will go into review at the start of the next quarter in September. At this point, a "Lego Jury" comprised of designers, product managers, and other key team members will determine if it's a viable concept.

This will be based on criteria such as playability, safety and fit with the Lego brand. This process could take several months. If it meets Lego's standards and goes into production, it will take several more months while marketing materials, instructions and packaging are manufactured. Since the project is fan-made by the four-person Team Jigsaw, it will have to be approved by Valve before Lego can sign off on it. We've reached Valve for comment and are awaiting reply. If successful, this wouldn't be the first official Lego set based on a videogame, as a Minecraft series was also put into production due to popular demand on Cuusoo earlier this year. Check out the pics below to see the Lego Portal prototype. Comments for this article are now closed, but please feel free to continue chattingThe Lego Back to the Future—one of the Holy Grails of Lego—is going to be an official set! The fans have spoken and Lego has approved it. They are going to produce it for everyone to buy it!

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