lego iron man 3 official trailer

lego iron man 3 official trailer

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Lego Iron Man 3 Official Trailer


This Article is part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe - the universe that takes place within the MCU Franchise.It is therefore regarded as Official and Canon Content, and is connected to all other MCU related subjects. The Mark III (Mark 3) was the third Iron Man Armor designed and created by Tony Stark and is the successor to the Mark II. The armor was designed with upgraded technology and improved features to surpass it's predecessor's capabilities. It's also the classic armor. The strongest of the armors in Iron Man, it was designed for customization. The Mark III was equipped with a variety of incredible enhancements and upgrades. It was heavily damaged at the end of the first Iron Man by the Iron Monger. It was later succeeded by the Mark IV. Even though it was not used in Iron Man 2 it was put in the Hall of Armors with the original 7 armors. Also, the suit has flares and strong repulsors, along with more tank missiles. The Mark III appears in Iron Man 3 along with other 6 armors in Tony's garage, and also after where it is destroyed when a terrorist attack occurs in Tony Stark's Malibu Mansion.

The Mark III is the first armor to feature a Red and Gold color design on it's armor plates. It's overall theme was based out on Tony's Hotrod car that he owned in his garage. The armor's design is based mostly on the Mark II, with the exception of the color scheme and the capabilities of the armor. The armor has various new features. The Mark III has various systems. The armor is composed of a 95.5% Titanium and 4.5% Gold Alloy with ceramic plating and silicon infused-steel.[1] This combination results into a highly durable alloy that can withstand blasts and strikes, and is fully resistant to bullets and it's used for all Iron Man's armors. The following below list the special capabilities of the Mark III. After his test-flight with the Mark II suit discovers several flaws including ice forming at high-altitude, Tony orders the Mark III built with the flaws corrected and made out of gold-titanium alloy to fix the ice problem. After finding out that the Ten Rings have taken control of Gulmira and are using it to stockpile weapons, Tony flies the Mark III to the village and takes down the terrorists.

He then destroys a tank and the weapons stockpile. On the way home, Tony is confronted by two F-22's and accidentally destroys one before Rhodey manages to call them off after Tony saves the ejected pilot's life. Tony then has trouble removing the armor and Pepper Potts catches him doing it. Following the betrayal of Obadiah Stane and the theft of his Mark II Arc Reactor, Tony dons the armor in order to stop Stane. On the way to Stark Industries, J.A.R.V.I.S. warns Tony that the Mark I Reactor can't fully power the suit and he only has 48% power at the start. Tony arrives in time to save Pepper from Stane who has donned the Iron Monger suit he created based off the Mark I. With Stane's bigger and more powerful design and the Mark III's low power levels, Stane has the upper hand in the battle that follows, but Tony manages to hold his own somewhat, using the Mark III's immunity to icing that the Iron Monger suit lacks. On back-up power only, Tony orders Pepper to blast the roof with energy from the factory's Arc Reactor as he can't defeat Stane with the weakened Mark III.

Tony manages to hold Stane off, ripping out his HUD and weapons targeting systems, but Stane overpowers Tony, destroying the armor's helmet and the glass covering the Arc Reactor. Tony has Pepper blast the roof while he's still on it with the blast throwing him clear, but knocking out power to the suit and Arc Reactor. The Iron Monger suit loses power too and falls into the factory's Arc Reactor and is destroyed in a massive explosion. The Mark III and Tony's Arc Reactor regain power shortly afterwards. The Mark III was contained inside the first Hall of Armors, which could only hold four of his known Iron Man suits. It was in between the Mark II and the Mark IV and the armor's Status displayed that it was currently Battle Damaged.(After his battle with the Iron Monger at the end of the first movie) This was right after Tony had his court conference with the government concerning the usage of the Iron Man armor. The armor was seen again in the Hall of Armors when James Rhodes accessed the garage and donned the Mark II armor to battle Tony against his Mark IV armor when he was in a drunk-state at the night of his birthday party.

The Mark III was destroyed in the attack on Tony's mansion in Malibu, along with the suits in the Hall of Armors. Pre-released with the game. Special Weapon: Striker Missile Armor Class: Striker Missile The third generation of Iron Man armor, this suit is equipped with a wide variety of weapons and handles like a dream. The Mark III is the first armor available for use in Iron Man 3 - The Official Game. It is the weakest and most basic armor in the game, having a Score Multiplier of x1.0, and very low Armor Statistics. It is automatically bought in the start after J.A.R.V.I.S. instructs the player how to play and navigate through the game after initially using the Mark 42 as the starting armor and getting it damaged, with any one of Tony's previous armors replacing it, which was the Mark III first. In the Jarvis App, the Mark III is a viewable armor available in the Hall of Armors after being unlocked through the Blu-Ray of Iron Man 3 when scanning, or asking J.A.R.V.I.S. to unlock them all by saying the command "Roll Call".

Even though the other armors are fixed and shiny, this is the only armor seen in the Application with damage on it's chest plating, referencing the battle that Tony had against Obadiah when using the suit. 95.5% TITANIUM AND 4.5% GOLD ALLOY. PROPRIETARY TARGETING SYSTEM, ARMED WITH BOTH MINI-MISSILES AND REPULSOR RAYS. UPGRADED FLIGHT SYSTEMS TO CORRECT ICING AND FLIGHT STABILIZATON ISSUES. A maximum of 12 Images Only can be displayed in this Page's Gallery.If you wish to Add More Images on the topic or View the Full Gallery of the page, click here. Mark III on the Marvel Wiki. Mark III on the Marvel Movies Wiki.The new Iron Man 3 trailer set the movie-loving internet figuratively aflame yesterday, causing nerdy squee-ing across all seven continents. In fact, there were so many incredible what-the-how-the moments over its 270 second runtime we decided to collate them all for you in this handy click-a-long-a-trailer feature, complete with informed guesswork and several attempts at humour.

So click on, spoiler-hunter, if you dare… So it turns out Tony’s old flame – and one of the co-inventors of the Extremis virus – Dr. Maya Hansen (Rebecca Hall) is in his Malibu mansion when The Mandarin attacks with his horde of killer rocket-choppers. You’ll get a clearer shot of her before she’s hurt later on in the trailer. Perhaps she’s the person with the feminine face in the [POSSIBLE SPOILER] Iron Man armour seen in this Lego set. Tony sleeps in his observatory now. Also, this is what a suit of armour looks like if you order it in the mail and chuck it all out on the floor. This is what Tony Stark looks like when he’s sad. This is not a regular emotion for your favourite genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. This is our first shot of The President, Sal Kennedy, as played by William Sadler (of Die Hard 2 and The Shawshank Redemption fame). Presumably – and this depends on whether his character survives, of course – this will be a regular gig for Sadler over the coming Marvel movies (with or without his Air Force One).

A combat knife and a dogtag. This harkens back to Captain America: The First Avenger and The Mandarin's character poster. Note the bright blue combat helmets in that particualr one-sheet and look out for some Steven Rogers references later… This looks like Grauman's Chinese Theatre, which would make sense with The Mandarin’s oriental credentials. That tattoo on The Mandarin’s neck looks a lot like something Cap’ would consider getting – if the shield slinger would do something as scandalous as getting inked, anyway. It’s a wonder why The Mandarin has it, though… what’s his connection with Cap’? Could he be old enough to have been about in World War II? Who’s this long haired shady character? The infamous 10 Rings, close up. He probably does a mean Frank "House Of Cards" Underwood ring-to-desk tap – and an even better knuckle (duster) sandwich. It wouldn’t be an Iron Man movie without a press scrum. Also, is this a hospital? Is this where Pepper and/or Maya end up post mansion explosion?

This is a guess, but this looks like Pakistan or Afghanistan – it certainly resembles the scene where Tony takes on a tank in the first movie. Perhaps this is somewhere The Mandarin committed one of his acts of terrorism, an execution of the boy Iron Man saved from the first film perhaps, and this is the memorial area. From the looks of things, Tony’s wine cellar isn’t like your wine cellar (if you have a wine cellar, in which case good for you). Is this before or after the attack? Are these suits the Marks I-VI or fresh ferrous metal? If this is footage of Marks I-VI blowing up, what are the suits we’ve seen in the latest Tony poster? Some fine hydraulic ram work here. These armour-from-nowhere shots are Extrem-ly interesting. After a big heap of Audis got bashed up in the Iron Monger fight in the first movie, Tony’s beloved piece of vorsprung durch technic gets dunked into the pacific in yet another damage-centric piece of product placement. When Tony desuits from his new iron duds into the white stuff, it makes the weirdest snow angel.

Is this long-haired blonde chap the shadowy bloke from earlier, doing parkour, or judo, or… something?But is this her being Extremis-ificated? The other guys in similar over-the-shoulder rollercoaster gear seen in the upcoming slide seem pretty happy to be there… Guy Pearce’s evil scientist Aldrich Killian (with secret service-like bodyguards) oversees something he’s very proud of: six half naked blokes in their undercrackers. Wait a sec, is that a surprisingly red-haired Pepper, second on the right? It looks like Anton Chigurh from No Country From Old Men has some competition in the homemade-weaponry front. Is this Tony getting the Extremis virus? Or just having his arc reactor moved a smidge? Tony is using one of his palm-based repulsor beams in addition to an uzi here. Has something gone rather wrong if he’s resorting to regular bullet-based weaponry? The Mandarin has two curved knives and a cloak that says “redeemed through blood”. Tony jumps into a suit mid-air - because if you thought that briefcase trick in The Avengers was cool, you ain't seen nothing yet.

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