lego doctor who rumors

lego doctor who rumors

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Lego Doctor Who Rumors


It's being rumored the BBC will return Doctor Who to arguably the best era of its modern existence, with a similar take to the David Tennant years. According to the UK's Mirror, the BBC head honchos want Doctor Who in 2018 to feel like a "brand new show" under incoming new showrunner Chris Chibnall featuring Doctor Who with a "dashing male lead and young female companion."It's reported the BBC wants Doctor Who in 2018 to have a "clean slate" and "start afresh," which looks to be bad news for Peter Capaldi and new companion Pearl Mackie (though Capaldi has been rumored to be leaving Doctor Who for some time).It's noted Pearl Mackie has only signed a 1-year contract and is expected to leave Doctor Who along with Peter Capaldi following the 2017 Doctor Who Christmas Special.According to the report, the reason for the change to a younger Doctor Who actor is to help boost the merchandise sales of dolls, books, DVDs, and toys, especially among children.It's also said Doctor Who 2017 will air in the Spring, and also the BBC wants Doctor Who to air every year.

Rumored teasers for the next Doctor Who season featuring Capaldi include:Episode three of the new series features the snake monster that lives under the Thames.Then in episode four, we find out why our floorboards squeak – there are giant woodlice in there. Another episode features killer robots that have emoji faces. They like to give hugs, then reduce their victims to skeletons.Last year around this time also saw Game of Thrones' Richard Madden rumored to be the top choice to play a new Doctor Who.Superhero Bits: Injustice 2 Line-Up & Marvel vs Capcom Rumors, 8-Bit Doctor Strange & MorePosted on Monday, November 28th, 2016 by Ethan AndertonWho should play Cable in the Deadpool sequel? Will the Watchmen be part of the line-up of characters for Injustice 2? Is there a Marvel vs Capcom 4 video game announcement coming soon? Which superhero received write-in votes for President of the United States? Does John Cena have a cameo in Thor: Ragnarok? All that and more in this edition of Superhero Bits.All right, this should be the last one.

ic Book Resources put together a list of songs you may not know were based on superheroes.Here’s a new UK trailer for the new animated series Justice League Action!, coming to TV on December 16.Doctor Strange has now surpassed Iron Man as Marvel’s highest grossing single character franchise debut.One fan created a live-action version of The LEGO Batman Movie trailer with footage from Batman movies.The director of Justice League Dark provides some insight into the animated movie with a trailer breakdown.Marvel’s Doctor Strange gets an 8-Bit Cinema makeover thanks to the nerdy folks at CineFix.Heroic Hollywood picks 15 actors they wouldn’t mind seeing play Cable in the developing Deadpool sequel.Due to the amount of graphics and images included in Superhero Bits, we have to split this post over THREE pages. Click the link above to continue to the next page of Superhero Bits.Pages: 1 2 3Next pageThe Marvel Cinematic Universe has become an international cinematic powerhouse and shows no signs of slowing down.

As the Captain America: Civil War directing duo of the Russo Brothers heads to Atlanta to begin production on the seemingly distant 2018 mega blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War and its yet untitled 2019 sequel, some potentially spoilery information has surfaced concerning the next Marvel Studios film to hit theaters: Doctor Strange.The leaked description from earlier this year of a "red-tentacle demon beast" included in the "Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum" LEGO set prompted much speculation as to what demonic entities could be appearing in the film aside from Mads Mikkelsen's renegade sorcerer Kaecilius. Amongst others, Mephisto, Shuma-Gorath and Dormammu were theorized to be likely contenders, but if this Easter Egg spotted by an eagle-eyed fan is any indication, indeed a major Doctor Strange villain will be making an appearance.DO NOT CONTINUE READING IF YOU WISH TO AVOID SPOILERS!As shown in this handy key by Imgur user MrMasterBlaster, the adorably tiny Nordic Runes printed on a small LEGO spell glyph piece are legitimate characters, and the corresponding alphabet letters print out a secret message: DORMAMMU IS NEARThis is a huge revelation for comic fans, as Dormammu is a seriously big-time villain, an inter-dimensional conqueror as ruthless as Thanos and as powerful as Odin (or more so

, depending on who you ask). Considered by many to be Doctor Strange's greatest and most iconic foe, it is not exactly surprising that Dormammu is given mention within this LEGO set. However, assuming that this small detail is more than just a nod to the canon and indicates Dormammu's inclusion in the upcoming film, there is a lot to talk about here.For one, we know that the Dark Dimension will be featured in some capacity in Doctor Strange, as has been teased in both word and concept art from the production team. The film has been described as containing an inter-dimensional journey of sorts, and so audiences will likely be exposed to a whole host of bizarre and trippy vistas, as per the psychedelic comics from which the film gets its name. The Darkforce, a crucial aspect of the Dark Dimension, was featured heavily in Season 2 of Marvel's Agent Carter earlier this year, and previously referenced in the first season of Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. However, despite the existence of such connecting threads on the television side of things, Doctor Strange will be the first fully realized depiction of the Dark Dimension in the MCU.

But what is the significance of the Dark Dimension besides the glorious visual spectacle that will surely come with its modern film adaptation?When the Dark Dimension first appeared back in 1964 within the pages of Strange Tales #126, it blew the minds of comic readers around the world with its decidedly out-there concepts and unabashed psychedelic grounding, marking an important pioneering moment in comic history. However the very same comic issue also debuted another staple of the Marvel comics mythos, you-guessed-it: Dormammu. Having ruled over the realm for many millennia, Dormammu's long-standing association with the Dark Dimension could be likened to Sauron and Mordor. Hence the inclusion of the Dark Dimension in Doctor Strange already seems to necessitate a mention of its demonic overlord, and now with the discovery of this secret rune message, an appearance from Doctor Strange's flame-headed arch nemesis is basically guaranteed. Whether it will be in the form of a small Easter Egg, a minor cameo to set up future sequel films, or in a significant narrative capacity remains to be seen.

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