lego doctor who new daleks

lego doctor who new daleks

lego doctor who micro figures

Lego Doctor Who New Daleks


LEGO Doctor Who: See the TARDIS, Daleks and Peter Capaldi’s Doctor in new set The official LEGO set for the BBC iconic sci-fi series has nearly arrived Friday 9 October 2015 16:48 BST Whovians, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for – that long sought-after Doctor Who LEGO set is almost here. Originally pitched by Doctor Who fan Andrew Clark through the LEGO Ideas website, where fans can submit speculative designs for sets that they’d love to see, the finished product is now a reality. Pictures of the set have been unveiled, and it’s everything you’d hope it would be. The centrepiece of the kit is the current incarnation of the TARDIS, the Time Lord’s time (and space) ship, complete with all kinds of alien instruments and the classic blue Police Box exterior. The two main minifigures included are the current Doctor, as portrayed in the latest series by Peter Capaldi, and his companion Clara Oswald. Fans of Matt Smith’s Doctor will be pleased to know that his Eleventh Doctor is also included, complete with a bowtie and – of course – a fez.

A Doctor Who set wouldn’t be complete without some of the show’s legendary villains –the Daleks are here, as well as the terrifying Weeping Angels. Remember not to blink while you’re assembling those ones. With Clara already confirmed to leave the TARDIS by the end of the current series – and Peter Capaldi’s Doctor rumoured to be on the way out too – can we expect an updated LEGO set with a new Doctor and companion soon? We sure hope so. LEGO Doctor Who will be available on December 1, priced £49.99This weekend the latest LEGO movie hits cinemas across the world - and guess who’s exterminating bricks on the big screen?Yup, the Daleks are back!The LEGO Batman Movie features Skaro’s finest in numerous scenes from the movie which also features villains such as Voldemort from the Harry Potter series, Sauron (or his eye at least) from The Lord of the Rings, Gremlins from the Gremlins films, King Kong, and many more.Sign up here to the Doctor Who newsletter for EXCLUSIVE offersWhovians will be delighted to know that the iconic “Exterminate!” is heard during the movie, though the Daleks are actually referred to as “British Robots”.

Check them out in the trailer below:Fact fans may note that this is not the first time the Daleks have appeared on the big screen.Whovians will have enjoyed them in the 50th Anniversary Special, The Day of the Doctor and also their brief appearance in the 2003 film, Looney Tunes: Back In Action.Of course, Skaro’s finest have featured in their very own movies - Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) and its sequel Daleks – Invasion Earth: 2150 A.D. (1966) starring Peter Cushing as the Earth scientist/inventorThe LEGO Batman Movie hits cinemas around the world from Feb 4, 2017 Guest contributor David Hobday offers an an in-universe theory. Like them or loathe them, it is impossible to ignore the sudden appearance and even more sudden disappearance of the newer, multi-coloured Paradigm Daleks. They were introduced as a new race of Daleks to replace the depleted Time War models in “Victory of the Daleks”, but despite small cameos in “The Pandorica Opens” and “Asylum of the Daleks” they have all but vanished.

Now the real reason, of course, is that there was a negative reaction to the new designs (despite a 2011 poll on this very website showing that actually 65% of those polled were in favour of the new design), so the production team ‘wimped out’ and continued to use the bronze time war model from the RTD era. But what is the in-universe reason for their disappearance? I saw one theory that said the New Paradigm, after escaping in “Victory” rebuilt the army using leftover bronze casings (to save on resources) and appointed themselves as an officer class (as suggested by Steven Moffat himself). The remaining colourful Paradigm casings were then destroyed when the Dalek flagship blew up in “The Time of the Doctor”, leaving only the bronze Daleks. Not a bad theory, I’ll admit, but I propose an alternative one. What if, the colourful casings of the Paradigm Daleks are actually the old models and the bronze ones are the new versions? Presumably, after “Remembrance of the Daleks”, the Dalek Empire was rebuilt (possibly by Davros, who we saw escaping in his escape pod, or possibly using the theory proposed in the novel War of the Daleks).

Regardless of how they came back, we know that they did. But what if the Daleks that came back after the events of “Remembrance” were the New Paradigm design Daleks? So, let’s say theoretically that it was this design of Dalek that executed the Master in the 1996 TV Movies (we can also put their silly voices down to being part of the new design too!). But then the Time War breaks out, so the Daleks scatter their progenitor devices across the universe, with the New Dalek Paradigm design as a basis for a new Dalek race. However, over the course of the war, Dalek technology improves in order to keep up with Time Lord technology, and so they upgrade their casings to the bronze RTD models. But, after upgrading, because the progenitors have already been scattered, they are not updated to the new design. Fast forward to “Victory”; the Time War is over, and the remnants of Davros’ army from “The Stolen Earth” track down one of the Dalek progenitor devices and use it to create a new race of Daleks based on the old Paradigm design.

The new Supreme calls the bronze Daleks inferior, not because of their design, but because they are not made from pure Dalek DNA, and this is why they are exterminated. The New Paradigm then escape at the end of the episode and set about rebuilding the new Empire. However, what if they then discovered or re-invented the plans for the newer, technologically advanced bronze Dalek shell, and so made their new Empire using the Time War design, because it was better than their old Paradigm design? This would then explain why it is bronze Daleks we have been seeing ever since, and the colourful shells of the New Paradigm have vanished forever. We could also further theorise that the Dalek Supreme from “The Magician’s Apprentice” is the same Supreme from “Asylum of the Daleks”, only he has been put into a new casing. The Black Dalek with him could be the new version of the Blue Strategist, etcetera. So there we are. That is my theory. What do you think?Character Building Doctor Who Series image

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