lego darth maul death watch

lego darth maul death watch

lego darth maul 2011

Lego Darth Maul Death Watch


"We are the Death Watch, descendants of the true warrior faith all Mandalorians once knew." The Death Watch was a Mandalorian splinter group that opposed the pacifist government of Mandalore, led by Duchess Satine Kryze, during the Clone Wars. After failed attempts at taking over Mandalore, they became part of Darth Maul's Shadow Collective, which successfully took control of Mandalore during the war. Following the end of Mandalorian Civil War, the Mandalorian warriors were exiled to the moon of Concordia where most of the warriors died out.[1] However, the survivors regrouped and began calling themselves the Death Watch. They were then led in secret by Concordia's governor, Pre Vizsla of Clan Vizsla[8] and the Duchess Satine Kryze's sister, Bo-Katan[3]. During the Clone Wars, Vizsla and Death Watch allied with Sith Lord and Separatist leader, Count Dooku in order to take over Mandalore from the Duchess Satine and her New Mandalorian government. Vizsla, as governor of Concordia, pretended to support Satine and root out Death Watch.

During this time, one of their saboteurs attacked a Republic cruiser. The saboteur then took his own life. Rumors were also spreading around, saying that Kryze was building an army to fight for the Confederacy. When the Jedi Council sent Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi to ascertain the truth, Vizsla contacted Dooku about the Jedi. Dooku, however assured him that if the Republic occupied Mandalore, the people would rebel and rally to Death Watch. Death Watch then sent a bomber to Sundari's Memorial shrine to bomb it. The bomber was then discovered by Kenobi who attempted to capture him. However, the bomber then jumped to his death to avoid to capture. When Kenobi and Kryze traveled to Concordia to deliver the bomber's body, Kenobi then went to investigate the mines if they were active. When he investigated the inside of one, Kenobi was then captured. However, he was then rescued by Kryze. They then discovered that Vizsla was the leader of the Death Watch. They were able to escape. Another member, Kalevala Senator Tal Merrik, secretly brought a crate full of Assassin probes aboard the Coronet to kill Kryze en route to Coruscant.

However, Kenobi, Skywalker, and their troops discovered Merrik's duplicity. Merrik then took Kryze hostage and contacted Vizsla for reinforcements. He also rigged the Coronets engines to blow. Merrik then attempted to board one of the Droch-class boarding ships with Kryze. However, Kryze and Kenobi stopped him. Merrik was then killed by Skywalker. Death Watch then orchestrated a bombing on Kalevala that killed Deputy Minister Jerec. Dooku and his master, Darth Sidious then altered a recording to Jerec and delivered it the Republic Senate in order to force them to occupy Mandalore. During this time, Vizsla then prepared his men to fight. He also sent a assassin to kill Kryze. However, the assassin failed and Death Watch was ordered to stand down. Death Watch then broke its ties with the Confederacy, following a fight between Vizsla and Dooku. They set up a new camp on Carlac. There, they force the Ming Po's women to work for them. They then used Senator Lux Bonteri to find and kill Dooku.

However, when Bonteri returned, Vizsla were then confronted by the Ming Po elders who demanded that they return their women. At first, Vizsla and his men complied, but he double-crossed. He and his men then burned their village. They then discovered Bonteri's friend, Ahsoka Tano was a Jedi. Vizsla then attempted to kill Tano, but both her and Bonteri escaped[3] Death Watch then came across an escape pod with two Zabraks; former Sith Lord Darth Maul and his brother Nightbrother Savage Opress. They were then taken to their base on Zanbar. Together, they created the Shadow Collective to control the criminal underworld as well as the Council of Neutral Systems. After making their alliance with Black Sun, the Pykes, and the Hutts,[10] Death Watch was able to take control of Mandalore by capturing their allies posing as criminals. After declaring himself Mand'alor, Vizsla then double crossed Maul and Opress by imprisoning them. They they freed themselves and Maul then challenged Vizsla for his title.

Maul was successful and most of the Death Watch members accepted. Bo-Katan and her Nite Owls refused to accept Maul and led a resistance against him. Death Watch was then led by Maul, his brother and Prime Minister Almec. They were then reorganized into the super commandos. However, Maul was captured by his former master, Darth Sidious. During the Galactic Civil War, what was left of Death Watch could be found on the distant and seedy world of Ankhural, where Umbaran spies would barter their services to them. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Mandalore Plot" ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Shades of Reason" ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "A Friend in Need" ↑ 5.0 5.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Voyage of Temptation" ↑ Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Duchess of Mandalore" ↑ Star Wars Rebels – "The Protector of Concord Dawn" ↑ 8.0 8.1 Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know

↑ 9.0 9.1 Battlefront: Twilight Company ↑ 10.0 10.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "Eminence" ↑ Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Lawless"This article is about Darth Maul's super commandos. You may be looking for the Imperial Super Commandos. The Mandalorian super commandos were a group of Mandalorian soldiers loyal to Darth Maul's Shadow Collective during the Clone Wars. In the aftermath of the takeover of Mandalore, Maul killed Pre Vizsla and claimed his opponent's place as leader of Death Watch. The soldiers who supported him altered the design of their armor to reflect their new allegiance to the Dathomirian Nightbrother, in contrast to Bo-Katan Kryze's supporters who refused to accept an outsider. As a result, Death Watch was divided between the Mandalorian super commandos and Kryze's Nite Owls. The Mandalorian super commandos consisted of Death Watch soldiers who were loyal to Darth Maul, leader of the Shadow Collective,[6] who killed Pre Vizsla and took control of Mandalore during the Clone Wars.

[5] However, his status as Vizsla's successor was disputed by Bo-Katan Kryze, leading to a conflict in the Mandalorian capital city of Sundari between Maul's commandos and Kryze's Nite Owls. During the battle, several commandos were killed by Darth Sidious, Maul's Sith Master, who then subdued and captured his former Sith apprentice. Maul was taken to a Separatist prison facility on Stygeon Prime. In the aftermath of the Battle of Sundari, the commandos Rook Kast and Commander Gar Saxon rescued Maul on the orders of Prime Minister Almec,[3] the Mandalorian politician who served as a figurehead in Maul's government. The super commandos continued to utilize Mandalorian armor during their service under Darth Maul's leadership. However, they modified its appearance to reflect their allegiance to the Sith Lord. In addition to painting their armor in red and black, some commandos sought to better resemble their Nightbrother leader by fashioning horns on their helmets. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Star Wars: The Clone Wars – "The Lawless"

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