lego city wii u capitulo 8

lego city wii u capitulo 8

lego city wii u capitulo 5

Lego City Wii U Capitulo 8


Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Part 3 – Colored Bricks Each hub map includes 30 hidden LEGO bricks—10 red, 10 green and 10 blue. You won't be able to find them all at first, since some areas of the hub are not accessible right away. But once you've located all the bricks of one color, a package containing one of the game's unlockable Extras will fall from the sky. If you have enough studs, you can buy each package and unlock its special powers. (See the screenshots below, the Hub Maps and the Extras page for more info.) (Click any of the screenshots below to enlarge.) These are hidden inside the large flowers with orange rings at the center. Use Indy's whip to pull each ring to reveal the brick. When you find all 10 red bricks, a package containing the Score x10 Extra parachutes down into one of three random locations, shown at the bottom of the page. This bonus costs 8,000,000 studs to unlock, but if you buy and enable other score multipliers, it won't be long before you can afford it.

(Again, check the Extras page for details.) Red Brick 1 – To the left of the 1st Level entrance. Red Brick 2 – To the left of the stone circle belowthe waterfall. Red Brick 3 – At the top of the road running alongthe left side of the map. Red Brick 4 – On the spit of land between the upper branches of the river. Red Brick 5 – Just below Red #4, near where theriver branches converge again. Red Brick 6 – At the top right, alongside the roadleading back to the 1st Level entrance. Red Brick 7 – Between the large UFO and the poolwith the green lily pads. Red Brick 8 – Behind the wall below the large UFO.Swim to the right end of the ledge to climb up on land. Red Brick 9 – At the bottom right corner on a highledge. Use the box of bits near the tents tobuild a ladder. Red Brick 10 – On a ledge above the water on thefar left side of the map. These bricks are hidden inside the LEGO statue heads. Find all 10 green bricks and a box containing the Snake Whip Extra falls from the sky, landing in one of three random locations.

These are shown at the bottom of the page. This Extra costs 250,000 studs to unlock. (See the Extras page for details.) Green Brick 1 – In the middle of the stone circlebelow the waterfall. Green Brick 2 – Beside the road on the left side of the map. Use explosives or a vehicle to smash the blockwith the silver skull. The statue head is inside. Green Brick 3 – On the spit of land between the two rock bridges. Green Brick 4 – To the left of the upper stone circle.Use explosives or a vehicle to smash the block withthe silver skull. Green Brick 5 – In the middle of the upper stone circle. Green Brick 6 – Between the upper stone circle andthe large UFO. Green Brick 7 – On the little island in the river below the large UFO. Green Brick 8 – Above the stone circle at the bottom right. Use the flower fan to reach the ledge. Smashthe bits on the cliff wall and build the statue. Green Brick 9 – On a ledge above the water on thefar left side of the map.

Use the flower fan to reach it. Green Brick 10 – At the base of the large pyramid. (Only accessible after beating Story Level 4.) These are hidden inside clay jars with golden beetles on top. Some of these jars are sitting in plain sight; others are cleverly hidden. Smash each jar to get the brick inside. When you've found all 10 blue bricks a package containing the Fearless Extra drops from the sky. It lands in one of three random locations, shown at the bottom of the page, and costs 1,000,000 studs to unlock. (See the Extras page for more info.) Blue Brick 1 – Above the fountain to the left of thestone circle. Whip the ring from the ground. Attach itto the green plate and pull to turn off the water. Blue Brick 2 – At the top of the road running alongthe left side of the map. Smash the gray rock with a vehicle. The jar is inside. Blue Brick 3 – On a ledge to the right of the 1st Bonus Level entrance. Use the rope and poles to reach it. Blue Bricks 4 – Inside the eagle statue to the left ofthe lily pad pool.

Turn the crank to get the jar. Blue Brick 5 – On the island below the large UFO.Hit or whip the brown handles to pull the jar fromthe water. Blue Brick 6 – On a ledge to the right of Blue #5.Hit the skull pillar to knock down the jar. Blue Brick 7 – On the corner ledge near Red #9.Use the bits near the tents to build a ladder or go over the waterfall below Blue #5 and #6 to reach it. Blue Brick 8 – On the narrow ledge below the pyramids. Blue Brick 9 – Get the LEGO head next to the smallpyramid (shown here), carry it up the steps and add itto the skull contraption to the left of the largepyramid to knock down the jar. Blue Brick 10 – On top of the large pyramid. Throw spears into the sockets on the left. Use a female toclimb the spears to the top of the pillar. Then jumpover to the jar. NOTE: Blue bricks #8, #9 and #10 are only accessible after beating Story Level 4. It helps to go after #10 before opening the 5th level. Otherwise it's all too easy to miss and fall into the level entrance.

If you're having trouble getting Blue #10 the way I describe, try using the Russian Officer to fire at it with his bazooka. Even if you can't target it, the explosion will still shatter the jar, releasing the brick. (Thanks to Jessica for this tip.) Each of the packages containing the Extras drops in one of the three locations shown below. Occasionally two may fall in the same location. One package drops on the road running along the leftside of the map. One falls near the stone circle next to the large UFO. One drops near the stone circle at the bottom right. NOTE: I played this hub several times and never managed to get a package drop in location 2.So thanks to Next Gen Walkthroughs for the screenshot. < < < Hub Map Top of Page Characters > > >Estás en: JuegosAdn > Juegos > The LEGO Movie Videogame Ficha de The LEGO Movie Videogame Basado en los divertidas aventuras narradas en 'La LEGO Película: El Videojuego' jugaremos bajo el papel de Emmet, una mini figura de LEGO confundida por error con “El Especial”, un personaje profetizado como el salvador del mundo y que lo liberará de las manos de un tirano.

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