lego cheapest prices

lego cheapest prices

lego cheapest prices uk

Lego Cheapest Prices


The page was not foundPlease confirm you are not a robot by checking the box. Where to buy LEGO online? Although you should certainly be able to find plenty of LEGO deals locally, you might also want to check out LEGO available online. I believe that you will appreciate this opportunity more and more as you venture deeper into the world of LEGO. But for now let’s just say that the benefit of online shopping is that you will have a much greater selection than at any local store. The drawback is that you will have to wait some days until your LEGO arrives, and in most cases you will also have to pay for shipping. However if you really-really want a set that is not available locally, you probably wouldn’t mind to pay a bit extra. Also, around major holidays, many of the online shops offer free shipping and excellent LEGO deals! : this is LEGO’s own website! You can find pretty much everything they currently have in production as well as web-exclusives. You can also find out about new releases, new store openings, sales, etc. A

round holidays they usually offer free shipping. I also highly recommend requesting their paper catalog. You will receive it about 5 times a year. It is a great way to see all the new themes, sets, etc. You can call LEGO at 1-800-453-4652 to request the latest copy. : Amazon is one of the largest online retailers. Although they started out with books years ago, now they sell pretty much everything under the sun – including a great selection of LEGO items. And, they offer FREE SHIPPING on orders over $25! You can’t really beat that! If you are looking for LEGO sets that your local stores ran out of don’t forget that most of them have an online shopping option as well. Toys’R’Us, Target and Wal-Mart all have robust websites with great LEGO deals. In fact they often carry web-exclusives. Just like in the real world, you also have options to buy used LEGO online. This is a great way to find discontinued sets and parts. : eBay is like a giant, international garage-sale. I

t is a place for individuals to sell items they no longer want or need. It is also a great place for shoppers to find both common and extremely rare items at bargain prices. There are some caveats shopping there, but I will say that it is a great place to find LEGO items! To learn more read Shopping for LEGO on eBay. : this is a huge classified ads site. You can select your state and city and look for ads in your area. I personally haven’t had luck with this site finding LEGO, but other people report great LEGO deals. I believe it very much depends on where you live. : this is the largest website for LEGO trading. It is a place for individuals and businesses from all around the world to buy and sell used and new LEGO sets, parts, instructions, and everything else related to LEGO. To learn more you can read  Shopping for LEGO on Bricklink. But I would say that if LEGO becomes a serious hobby for you, you will be hanging out here a lot! 😉
You may also want to check out these posts for further ideas:

LEGO Shopping for Children & You! Considering What to Buy? Where to Buy LEGO Locally? Previous post: LEGO Scala – interesting & sweet! Next post: Your essential tool; the LEGO Brick Separator!If you have been involved in the LEGO hobby for some time you are well aware of how important it is to have a LEGO shopping strategy. LEGO is not cheap, and both the LEGO Company as well as retailers are taking advantage of the popularity of the brand by keeping prices as high as they can. This is an unfortunate occurrence, especially in the current economy. Ultimately the strategy may backfire both for LEGO and retailers, but that is another topic, and whatever they do, we can still develop our own LEGO shopping strategies to get the best deals. One of the places people often shop for LEGO is Toys’R’Us. It is pretty much the only toy-shop chain left in the USA, and people naturally think of visiting them first when shopping for LEGO or other toys. One thing they are often not aware of however is how much Toys’R’Us jacks up prices on LEGO sets (and probably everything else too). A

$5-$10-$20 mark-up from regular retail price is very common. Worse is when Toys’R’Us advertises sales around holidays. You will see 40% Off and BOGO 50% (Buy-One-Get-One-50%-Off) sales on LEGO advertised on the Toys’R’Us website and at their retail stores. However that 40% or 50% off is NOT what you think it is! In fact you often end up worse then buying the same LEGO set at an Official LEGO Store, or some generic retailer like Wal-Mart. I will show you how Toys’R’Us is cooking the numbers and what you really end up with when you bite the hook on a Toys’R’Us LEGO sale. Eye-opening, isn’t it? The point is that if you want to get LEGO for the best prices, you really have to do your math. LEGO shopping could actually be quite fun if you take finding the best prices as a challenge. And it doesn’t have to be a long and tedious endeavor. Just have the latest LEGO Catalog or visit the Online LEGO Shop to check regular retail prices (I like the Catalog because I can take it with me to the store I’m planning to shop at). T

hen have a calculator handy to decode all the pricing voodoo retailers use to lure us into buying from them. 🙄
Again, the most notorious offender is Toys’R’Us. Other retailers like Wal-Mart, Target, K-Mart, Barnes & Noble and of course Official LEGO Stores almost always use the regular retail price, and when they have LEGO sales they to be decent, even excellent (like the 50% off regular retail price on some of the best LEGO sets at Wal-Mart last December). They may not sounds as fancy as Toys’R’Us as BOGO smoke-and-mirrors LEGO sales, but you don’t have to do complex calculations just to figure out if you are actually getting a deal. Also, Jason’s point about the LEGO VIP program is enlightening. If you are close to a LEGO store, or if you shop at the Online LEGO Shop, make sure you take advantage of this program. Especially when you can combine it with LEGO’s free shipping and double VIP point offers (like currently), you can really get an excellent deal as these offers are stackable. I

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