lego batman 3 underwater

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Lego Batman 3 Underwater


Lego Dimensions: The Batman Movie Platforms: Xbox One (reviewed), PlayStation 4, Wii U, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Release: February 10, 2017 After taking in The Lego Batman Movie (awesome, though not quite as awesome as the first Lego movie) on Saturday morning, my daughter and I went straight home and spent the rest of the weekend playing the new Lego Dimensions story pack based on the film. For those not in the know, Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment and TT Games’ toys-to-life Lego Dimensions is the Lego game that never quits. Rather than releasing sequels, the developers have spent the last year and a half releasing nearly 40 discrete expansions in the form of level packs, team packs, fun packs, and story packs spanning literally dozens of pop culture sources, from modern blockbusters like Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them to vintage properties like Knight Rider. We haven’t been able to keep up with all of them, but we make a point of playing the story packs, which are essentially entirely new games complete with multiple levels, new characters, and a new gateway to build for the toy pad consisting of over 150 bricks (the toy pad is the doodad that plugs into your console and magically teleports the Lego minifigures and vehicles you build into the game).

After playing through The Lego Batman Movie story missions we sat down and had a little talk. My kid loved the film to bits, but was just a smidgeon disappointed in the game, which – despite offering a pretty detailed retelling – doesn’t quite manage to capture the movie’s themes. She was also understandably frustrated by some of its bugs. I, on the other hand, remain amazed at just how damned creative and funny Lego Dimensions is. Here’s how our chat went. Me: Do you think the game captured the essence of the film? Kid: Well, it definitely looks and feels like the movie. But they did miss some things. Like, the whole story in the film is about Batman needing to be part of a family again and not be such a loner. They skip a lot of that stuff in the game. Like Batman’s tantrum scene in his mansion, which sort of sets everything up. It was just a super funny scene that they could have done really well in the game. There were actually lots of scenes from the movie that I missed in the game.

But there were also some new ones that were really, really funny. It’s kind of like watching a remixed version of the movie with alternate scenes. You can’t always immediately tell which scenes are original and which were taken directly from the film. I actually think it’s a testament to the quality of the game’s writing and visual presentation. We’re at an interesting point where we’re seeing these huge, critically acclaimed films taking cues from the Lego games and vice versa. I mean – the Lego stop-motion animation fan community aside – I’m not sure the movies would exist had TT Games not proven that there was a massive and diverse audience interested in watching pop culture characters being sent up as Lego minifigures.It’s funny to see famous characters in Lego form. A lot of these characters I think of as being more serious, and meant for adults. Like Doctor Who, and Ethan Hunt, and even Batman. And seeing them turned into toys and being funny is awesome.

They do and say stuff that they wouldn’t normally do, but somehow it’s really who they are in a weird way. And then sometimes we get used to seeing them being funny in the game and then they go and say a serious line from their movies and it just makes it funnier. One of the things I really love about the Lego movies is how they mash up seemingly incompatible pop culture icons. The Lego Batman Movie does a great job of this, but the game goes even further. There’s one level where we were being tracked by the Eye of Sauron while figuring out how to deal with an enraged King Kong and fighting gremlins, lots of Agent Smiths, and even some flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz. And in the middle of all this we had to solve a puzzle that involved The A-Team, Portal, and Defender. To top everything off, we weren’t just playing as Batman, Robin, and Batgirl in that level, we were switching between Voldemort, Jake the Dog from Adventure Time, and Doctor Who. I mean, it was insanity.

But it all fit together somehow. It was a blast. I also flew in the flying car from Harry Potter during that level. Just because I could. And it’s not just that one level. It’s happening all the time. Like when I was Wonder Woman driving the Hogwarts Express in a race through Gotham. What do you think of the new characters and their abilities? Well, none of them can fly. Which is kind of bad for me, since that’s my favourite power. I think they’re figuring out that people like me like to kind of cheat by flying around. I normally play as Wonder Woman or Superman and just fly past all of the obstacles that other characters need to solve puzzles to get around. But in this one there aren’t many places where you can do that. They’ve put up puzzles that block flying characters. So I miss flying to get places. But at least Batgirl can glide a bit. And she has cool senses that let her see footprints and track soundwaves or smells. That makes her unlike any of the other characters we have.

And Robin can breathe underwater, which is cool. I didn’t expect that. It made the levels with water a bit easier. Robin is easily my favourite. Even without Michael Cera providing the voice in the game, he was just a riot to watch. The way he does the worm while squirming through vents, his acrobatic butt attacks, his awkward way of walking while leaning way back. He’s just as much fun in the game as in the movie. You just like him because you’re like him. You walk kinda funny. And I’m pretty sure your super power would be to attack people with your butt. One thing that I’ve come to notice while playing Lego games – and especially Lego Dimensions, which involves lots of puzzles that make players move minifigures around the toy pad – is that you’re always miles ahead of me when it comes to figuring out what to do. That was especially true during this one. You’re really good at every other game we play. Like, almost a professional gamer. And you’re really good at all of the destroying in these games.

That’s what you do. You’re also really good at staying alive during the fights. But I’m the one who figures everything out. It’s like you have no idea what’s going on half the time. I don’t understand how you don’t know. Well, playing Lego games in co-op is great, but it’s also problematic for me. When I play them alone I don’t usually run into any trouble working things out. But when I play with you – fun as it is, because we laugh and have a great time – I don’t always catch everything you’re doing because I’m usually off somewhere else bashing panels and collecting studs. I end up missing key information about what we’re supposed to do next. So I get stuck. It does get a bit frustrating at times.So, you play without me, huh? You have fun playing Lego games without me – your child – huh? That’s good to know, dad. When do you have this fun playing without me, your daughter?You sleep at night, I play games. I noticed that this story pack is as bug ridden as every other Lego game we’ve played.

It crashed three times (on Xbox One), the developers still haven’t fixed the annoying sound glitch that sometimes happens when characters are underwater, and once I got stuck inside a desk while playing as Superman. It was ridiculous – the Man of Steel, helpless, stuck inside a piece of furniture. The crashes are super annoying. You put all this effort into playing through a level, and then the game just freezes and makes a loud computer-y noise that doesn’t stop, and you have to turn off the Xbox and restart from the beginning of the level. After the third time it happened I kind of just wanted to stop playing for a while. And it seems to happen at least once or twice in every Lego game we play. So, what do you think of this most recent wave of Lego Dimensions expansion packs? Are you happy they just keep adding to the original Lego Dimensions rather than creating separate sequels, like Skylanders and Disney Infinity? I’m happy they keep adding to the same game.

You don’t have to commit to something completely new. And you can have new characters go into old levels and old characters come into new levels. As for the new packs, the Adventure Time toys and levels are the best. They have a great cartoon-y look. They got the details of the world perfect. And Jake the Dog is maybe the coolest – and most powerful – character in the whole game. And they just keep adding shows and characters I love. I can’t wait for the packs based on Teen Titans Go!, The PowerPuff Girls, and Beetlejuice. Yeah, I’m happy the pool of pop culture characters and settings that we get to mess around with and mix together just keeps getting deeper. There really isn’t anything else quite like it. Disney Infinity aimed for something similar, but it lacked Dimensions‘ sense of humour and freedom. I hope Warner Bros. and TT Games keep adding to Dimensions for a good long while. Is there anything specific you’d request? If they added a set based on the Hamilton musical I think I’d probably die.

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