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Lego Batman 3 Sinestro Corps Warrior


And this is where I kick myself for being 3-4 issues behind on my DC Comics books. Spoilers to come for Green Lantern Corps #36. Here’s the official summary of the issue:Continued from GREEN LANTERN (2011) #36! With Hal Jordan missing, John Stewart must take control of the Green Lanterns and rally the Indigo Tribe, the Red Lanterns, and even the Sinestro Corps to work together. Continued in GREEN LANTERN: NEW GUARDIANS #36! The question had been floating many times – could a male of any particular species be a Star Sapphire? One of the rainbow corps, the Star Sapphires’ modern history has them as wielders of love of the emotional spectrum. Their rings can create hard light constructs like the other corps but also have the ability to detect when love is actually in danger, creating a tether which drags them to the location. Star Sapphires are also know as one of the more extreme corps. Longtime Green Lantern writer Geoff Johns went on the record in 2009 to say “anyone can join [the Star Sapphires], but most men are not worthy” but it looks like a new contender has entered the ring.

And yes, he’s wearing far too many items of clothing for a Star Sapphire. Of course as you can see in our top picture, not all Sapphires wear gravity defying costumes but let’s face it, most of them do. Actually, most people figure male Sapphires should wear something like this (warning for BUTT). Guy Gardener, Superman Prime, and Krona have technically wielded the Star Sapphire rings before but it looks like John is set to be the first one to actually carry it for any extended period of time. Writer Van Jensen and artist Bernard Chang spoke to IGN about the big change. Chang said of the costume: There was actually a handful of different designs that I had submitted, some that were more based on his Green Lantern outfit but had some pink accents to it — even a hybrid of both — because he still had the Green Lantern ring on at the same time. There was even one where he was almost shirtless, because the Star Sapphires don’t have a lot of clothing on them. So I thought maybe John would be pseudo-shirtless and half-naked.

But at the end we ended up going with this. It’s a little more. A lot of the lines are pretty jagged. I think that has something to do with the recent turmoil that he’d experienced. But the green energy is still very fluid on his exterior. So I think there’s a nice counterbalance, ultimately, with the final design that is uniform but exudes energy. And Jensen had this to say about John’s love connection: Love is an emotion that leads people in many different directions, but it can lead you to being very intensely passionate or intensely violent. It’s just a lot more sharp-edged. So I think it really says a lot to where John has been as a character. It’s almost like these raw nerves that have been exposed, that he’s been struggling to deal with. So in a lot of way he has for a long time been cover up or hide his emotional side. This in many ways is him coming to grips with the fact that he can’t just be this taciturn dude. He has to embrace the emotional aspects of his character that are really present, going back to the origin of when he became a Green Lantern.

So, what do you think of John as a Star Sapphire? (image and story via io9) Are you following The Mary Sue on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, & Google +?Want to learn more about some of the best 'Green Lantern' movie quotes? You've come to the right place. Some of the best lines from the 2011 'Green Lantern' movie are from Hal Jordan, but others, from Tomar-re for example, are also great. Read on for some of the best quotes from the new 'Green Lantern' movie...including, of course, one of the single coolest superhero oaths ever. Be sure to vote on the 'Green Lantern' quotes you like the most, and add those that aren't already on the list!'Green Lantern' features Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan, playboy fighter pilot turned, well, Universe saver. With the help of a mysterious and powerful ring, Hal fights alongside the 'Green Lantern' Corps to save Earth from certain destruction. Didn't see the movie when it hit theaters? You'll be able to see it when the 'Green Lantern' DVD is released on October 14, 2011.

Despite some pretty scathing reviews from movie critics, 'Green Lantern' did draw an audience: As of early-September 2011, the film had grossed more than $214 million worldwide. 'Green Lantern' was one of the first big superhero movies released during summer 2011, but it sure wasn't the only one! For more action movie quotes, check out these lists of the best lines from 'Captain America: The First Avenger,' 'Conan the Barbarian,' 'Transformers: Dark of the Moon', 'X-Men: First Class' 'Super 8,' 'Straw Dogs' and 'Cowboys and Aliens!' 1 + - v Photo: YouTube Hal Jordan: "In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let all who worship evil's might, Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!" Ah, apparently the oath just comes to Hal - it's the ring. It chose him, it can make him say what it wants. Including a bad ass of the best ever. 2 + - Hal Jordan: "When I'm flying, it feels like anything is possible."No worries, you'll really be flying once you get that ring!

see more on Anything Is Possible 3 + - Photo: user uploaded image Hal Jordan: "What is that?"Tomar-Re: "It is the energy generated from the central battery. It's power comes from the will of every living creature in the universe. This in turn charges your lantern which in turn charges your ring. Even your suit is comprised entirely of energy."Hal Jordan: "What's with all the green?"Tomar-Re: "Green is the color of will. The guardians harnessed will because it is the strongest source of energy in the universe." 4 + - v Photo: YouTube Sinestro: "A great light has gone out in the universe. Lanterns, we face an unprecedented danger: an enemy powerful enough to destroy entire civilizations! To fight this enemy, the ring chose a human. But I don't need to tell you your duty..." And that human chosen is? You guessed it: Hal Jordan! Time to step up, Hal. You've got some serious power now. 5 + - Photo: user uploaded image Carol Ferris: "Nice jacket."Hal Jordan: "Yeah, I've been shaking up the wardrobe lately."

A nice new jacket, a pair of green tights - really, Hal's branching out. 6 + - v Photo: YouTube Sinestro: "Lanterns, I've called you here to this unprecedented gathering because we face an unprecedented danger. Our four Lantern brothers were killed by an enemy called Parallax - an enemy we don't yet fully understand. We do know it's powerful enough to destroy entire civilizations. Powerful enough even to defeat Abin Sur - our finest warrior, whose light can never be replaced. We have never been defeated - will we be defeated now?"Sinestro: "It was for this moment that we were created. But I don't need to tell you your duty. I don't need to tell you who we are."Crowd: "We are the Corps! We are the Corps! We are the Corps!"Sinestro's got some serious motivational skills. Great speech to rally the troops when they're needed the most. 7 + - Hal Jordan: "No matter how bad things get, something good is out there, just over the horizon."Hal Jordan, an eternal optimist fly-boy. Wait until he really gets to fly!

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