lego batman 2 shazam vs black adam

lego batman 2 shazam vs black adam

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Lego Batman 2 Shazam Vs Black Adam


Dwayne Johnson tiene muchos amigos, por lo que no es extraño verlo alternar con celebridades del cine, la TV y otras plataformas en sus redes sociales. Pero esta imagen en Instagram llamó particularmente la atención de fans de DC Comics por el mensaje que podría ocultar una pista interesante... [Los embeeds de Instagram siguen fallando, por lo que lo retiramos de la nota. Pueden ver la foto y el texto original AQUÍ] “Feliz Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo de parte de Black Adam y Superman. Hoy bebimos como caballeros y nos reunimos como amigos. Estamos emocionados por lo que traerá el futuro. “Superman y Black Adam”. “Los mundos DC chocarán”. Interesante, ¿no lo creen? Todo parece indicar que Henry Cavill tendrá una presencia importante como Superman en la película de Shazam, donde The Rock interpretará al villano principal, Black Adam. Algo curioso es que, aunque Shazam tiene fecha de estreno para el 5 de abril de 2019, el filme no cuenta con director y –más importante aún– Billy Batson no tiene un joven actor para su versión joven, ni mucho menos al adulto que encarnará a Shazam.

La pregunta es: ¿qué actor adulto tendrá el calibre para alternar con Johnson y Cavill? Y claro: el vínculo del DCEU con Shazam implicará el uso de la magia en el universo DC (tal como Doctor Strange lo llevó al MCU). Periodista independiente por más de 16 años (en Cine PREMIERE desde 2006). Se especializa en anime, comics, doblaje, tecnología y videojuegos. Sus sagas favoritas: Doctor Who, Star Trek y Star Wars. Batimaníaco, geek ochentero y hardcore gamer. Ver más artículos de Julio VélezLatest Entertainment News Headlines The Comic Book Movie Minute - Logan, Shazam/Black Adam, David Ayer & more Greetings to all you marvelous super people out there in the extended universe! Welcome to The Comic Book Movie Minute! In this weekly video series, we round up all the important comic book movie related news from the previous week to get you caught up on everything happening in the world of movies based on comic books through January 23rd, 2017. In the words of Wolverine himself, "Holy F*^k!"

We got a look at the second red band trailer for LOGAN. It features lots of bloods, lots of naughty language and lots of awesomeness. We also got word that the SHAZAM movie will be split into two films and David Ayer took to Twitter to discuss the ups and downs of SUICIDE SQUAD. Plus much much more! So much is happening when it comes to comic books movies nowadays, stay tuned right here every Monday to discover all the super awesomeness that is The Comic Book Movie Minute. Check out the video below CLICK IMAGE TO OPEN GALLERY & SEE MORE PICS... MORE FUN FROM AROUND THE WEB Latest Entertainment News Headlines Where It Was Made - La La Land (2016) Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, musical Alien: Covenant Prologue Clip "Last Supper" Nic Cage & Jeff Goldblum: Roomies - Season 2, Episode 3 "Once Upon A Time in Mexico" web series Movie Endings Explained - Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014) Michael Keaton, AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Official Teaser Trailer Featurette (2018) Spider-Man Marvel Movie

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“Can you smell what Black Adam is cooking?” reads the message accompanying the above image from the game’s official Twitter account. Arriving Nov. 3o, LEGO Batman 3 takes the Dark Knight, well, beyond Gotham, as he joins with other DC Comics heroes and villains in outer space to top Brainiac from destroying Earth. The game will feature more than 150 playable characters, including Black Adam and his nemesis Shazam. “We really wanted to make sure every character felt as it should,” director Arthur Parsons said during a press roundtable at Comic-Con International. “We have Billy Batson in the game. At any point in the game, you can press a button, he’ll shout ‘Shazam!’ and he’ll turn into Shazam. He can fly around, shoot lightning bolts, and you can turn back into Billy Batson and run around. We had Clark Kent in the last game, but we never had the instant transformation. This time around, you hold a button, a telephone box drops down, you run in and he runs out as Superman.

It’s bringing that sort of personality to the table. Each character has got abilities and powers. Plastic Man can double jump and he turns into a biplane. Press another button, and he turns into a hippity-hop. It’s about personality … When we’re designing this stuff, we go to the team and we pitch it to them, and thankfully, they buy into it. They run with it.” Speaking of Shazam, the LEGO Batman 3 folks didn’t hesitate to use Earth’s Mightiest Mortal to tweak Johnson following his announcement: .@TheRock Looks like you’ve just made a very powerful enemy! — LEGO Batman (@LEGOBatmanGame) September 4, 2014Importantly, this should also mean that Chris McKay is bringing one of the most lauded butts in comic books to the big screen as well. The Hollywood Reporter has broken the news that McKay is currently in talks with Warner Bros. to bring Grayson—the original Robin, leader of the Teen Titans, superspy, and many other roles as well as his costumed identity as Nightwing—to the big screen with a live action movie.

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