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Any fan of UK sitcom The Inbetweeners will remember the immortal phrase “Completed it, mate”. For James Buckley, the man behind beloved teenage pervert Jay Cartwright, those words now take on a very different meaning. Buckley, who’s also had starring roles in Rock And Chips and Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping, has now set up a YouTube gaming channel called, you guessed it, ‘Completed It Mate’. Uploading videos twice a week, Buckley posts reviews, gameplay videos and vlogs from events – and it’s a little different to what we’re used to seeing from him. While he hasn’t taken Woking from the Conference to the Champions League in Championship Manager yet, here’s a rundown of what we have learnt from ‘Completed It Mate’. Completed It Mate is about 3 months old now, and during that time Buckley’s uploaded a variety of content. Among the most popular and frequent are his Let’s Play videos of the legendary 2001 game ‘Grand Theft Auto 3’, as well as his reviews and discussions of old football games.

Let’s just say that he’s in Pro Evo’s corner. Don’t expect him to act like Jay Buckley freely admits that he’s an introvert – this will come as a slight surprise to those that know him for a character that has claimed, among other things, that he took an army driving course when he was 10 and that he travelled to Africa on a pedalo with his mate. Unlike Jay, Buckley is quiet and thoughtful in his gameplay and reviews, and also confesses that he’s still learning how to act in front of a camera, despite his years of experience. With hopes of covering gaming events, retro stores and new games, however, he seems to have big plans for the channel. He’s already made some Football Friends: Buckley isn’t just some celebrity looking to reap the rewards of YouTube money – after all, he’s probably still rolling in cash from his car stereo business with Rio Ferdinand. A quick glance at his videos shows that he responds to a lot of comments on his videos, and he’s recently started collaborating with other YouTubers too – check out this football challenge he did with popular FIFA YouTuber SpencerFC – apparently West Ham are still looking to take him on trial.

He’s a massive Oasis fan: With that haircut, it came as a shock to nobody when Buckley responded to the question “Favourite band?” with the answer “Oasis.” In a Q and A video, Buckley revealed that he was “crazy” about the band, stating that he had a tattoo of lyrics from the track ‘Live Forever’. He also mentioned his mild obsession with The Beatles – he named his two sons Harrison and Jude. He can’t really remember any episodes of The Inbetweeners That’s right, be it the Thorpe Park episode, the Fashion Show, the Caravan Club, it doesn’t seem like Buckley can’t really remember any episodes of the series that made his name. When asked which Inbetweeners episode was his favourite, he seemed to struggle, claiming he couldn’t recall any, before suggesting “the one where we were on a boat was pretty strong”. Come on now James (we don’t disagree though). Watch a Lego band cover Daft Punk’s ‘Da Funk’ They even play live bass guitar.

Billed as “the world’s first Lego robotic band,” the Toa Mata Band are made up of figures from the construction toy’s Bionicle range, which are controlled by an Arduino microprocessor and play a variety of electronic instruments. Having previously covered Depeche Mode and created their own techno jams on their YouTube channel, the band have emulated another set of robots and covered Daft Punk’s classic ‘Da Funk’ with drum pads, bass guitar, Nintendo DS and more (with the help of their human operator). Watch it above, and then emulate Daft Punk with your keyboard. Watch a Lego band cover Daft Punk's 'Da Funk' Manchester's Chimpo launches new label with grime MCs Killa’s Army UMA - Against The Clock live at Ableton Loop Future co-stars with a shark in the video for 'Super Trapper' Le1f returns with self-directed video for 'Umami/Water' Avelino releases high-octane video for 'Energy' featuring Skepta and Stormzy The Weeknd parties with Drake, A$AP Rocky and YG in the video for 'Reminder'

Future invites Maroon 5 to party in their video for 'Cold' Mount Eerie's 'Ravens' video is an unflinching look at grief Sevdaliza is every woman in the ‘Amandine Insensible’ video D.R.A.M hangs with a Muppet version of himself in his new video Get 'High' on the woozy new video for Little Dragon's first track in three years Kirk Knight - Against The Clock Kirk Knight - In The Studio Powell and Russell Haswell – Singles Club The "Cash Me Ousside" meme teen is in Kodak Black's video for 'Everything 1K' R&B up-and-comer Khalid releases video for 'Shot Down' Watch Steve Hauschildt journey to a brighter VR future in 'Time We Have'Paak performs 'Come Down' with a gospel choir Keith from The Office chases a giant brain in Paul White's 'Accelerator' Feature, LEGO, Top 10, Toys Feature: Top 10 LEGO Mindstorms Creations You've seen the strangest LEGO creations, now check out the top ten LEGO Mindstorms creations. Whether it be a Pirates movie theater, pinball machine, or even a robotic toilet flusher, you'll find them here.

Continue reading to view them all. YouTube user "horseattack" has uploaded a video of a functional LEGO printer that he built, connected to an Apple Mac. Everything was reportedly built from scratch, "including analog motor electronics, sensors and printer driver, the USB interface uses a 'wiring' board." The pen slides back and forth, building images and text one line at a time. It'd probably have trouble with the finer details, though maybe it could just use a finer pen. A LEGO master wanted to create something that could actually be used, so a pinball machine came to mind. This LEGO NXT-based creation features 9 touch sensors and four motors -- "two are used for the ball return and two for the spinners." If you're a LEGO minifig, you don't need frills like an HDTV projector or Blu-ray disc player. You need this handcrafted LEGO Mindstorms NXT movie theater, compete with pirate theme. First of all, this whole motorized Lego theater set up is legit. Skip to about 2:30 for a behind-the-scenes look at how it all works.

[Sources 1 | 2] Here's a first: a pancake-making robot created using "LEGO Mindstorms, LEGO bricks and two ketchup bottles." That's right, it can make pancakes of all shapes and sizes, including the famed Mickey head. You can pre-program what shape you'd like your pancakes to be before the Lego-bot starts a-cooking. Here's a first: a fully-functional digital clock made with LEGO Mindstorms. Powered by two separate LEGO Mindstorms bricks communicating through Bluetooth, "each number has five layers and each layer is controlled by the one above it so it starts from the bottom and builds the number from the ground up." Let's face it, not everyone is a master at Sudoku, but solving the puzzles just got a lot easier...if you've got one of these LEGO Mindstorms robots that is. Built by Tilted Twister, this creation is the world's first sudoku puzzle-solving LEGO robot. Basically, "it scans the sudoku puzzle using a light sensor, calculates the solution to the puzzle and then writes the digits."

Touchscreen vending machines are so yesterday, the latest trend is the 8-bit-looking LEGO Mindstorms model, or so we'd like to think. This miniature version may not dispense dozens of varieties, but it comes complete with a functional coin slot. For his third year project, a college student "built a robotic face (from Lego mindstorm) capable of expressing emotion, and software that allowed the robot to responded to the tone of the user voice." In the future many more devices around the home may have the ability to recognise and respond to emotion. For those looking for a hands-free toilet flushing solution, look no further than the RoboFlush. It uses a motor-equipped LEGO Mindstorms NXT Kit, touch sensor, and an ultrasonic sensor (flush detection) for the dirty work. What do you get when you combine LEGO Mindstorms NXT with a Samsung Galaxy S II and a custom program? The magnificent Rubik's Cube-solving CubeStormer II. Plus, "CubeStormer will be making a public appearance at ARM TechCon 2011 in California, later this month."

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