



1. 通常情况下,宪法是一个政府依法建立的基本法律和原则的框架,并概述公民的权利(正利)和责任。宪法的内容可包括:规定和限制政府机构和官员的权力,并授予个人以权利(正利)和保护。




I need to modify my long-term accusation that Chinese Constitution is false, because after discussing with ChatGPT, I realize that its argument is more reasonable and convincing. I’ll introduce the discussions under this thread. I list English here just in case people misunderstand it's created by me, or my personal opinion. The following is post:

1 In general, a constitution is a fundamental set of laws and principles that establishes the framework for a government and outlines the rights and responsibilities of citizens. A constitution may specify the powers and limits of government institutions and officials, as well as the rights and protections afforded to individuals.

In many cases, a constitution may also include provisions mandating individual obligations, such as paying taxes or serving on a jury, which are typically considered necessary for the functioning of the government and the maintenance of the social order. However, such obligations should not infringe upon an individual's freedom of thought or conscience. It is imperative that any such provisions respect the diversity of beliefs and ideologies that exist within society, and refrain from coercing individuals to subscribe to any particular belief system or ideology against their will.

It's worth noting that different countries have different approaches to the role and scope of their constitutions. In some countries, such as the United States, the constitution is seen as the supreme law of the land and is meant to be a stable and enduring framework for the government. In other countries, constitutions may be more fluid and subject to frequent amendment and revision.

In any case, whether a constitution is considered "false" or not would likely depend on the specific context and the interpretation of the law. If a constitution were to include provisions that are clearly incompatible with the principles of democratic governance or individual liberty, it may be deemed problematic or in need of revision.

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