latex foam mattress odor

latex foam mattress odor

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Latex Foam Mattress Odor


Mattress Reviews - Summary Memory Foam Mattress Reviews Memory Foam Hybrid Reviews Adjustable Bed Base Reviews Memory Foam Density - Higher Vs Lower Memory Foam Vs Latex Sleep Number Bed Reviews Tempurpedic vs Sleep Number Mattresses and Sex Comparison Mattresses and (Back) Pain Research Mattress Warranties: What You Should Know Buying a Mattress Online: What You Should Know Returning a Mattress: What You Should Know Mattress Buyer's Guide For Large, Heavy Persons Ratings > Mattress Odor Mattress Off Gassing Odor Unbiased Comparison, Analysis Based on 22,610 Owner Experiences Off gassing (or out gassing) in our research refers to an odor that a mattress may give off when it is new due to its chemical composition and packaging. The odor is caused by the breakdown of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which are common in household products. The science of VOCs is beyond the scope of our mattress research.

Our research focuses instead on analyzing mattress owner reports of off gassing. Off Gassing Odor By Mattress Type The chart below shows how the different mattress types compare on this issue based on consumer experiences. Keep in mind that the information represents what is often but not always the case; off gassing from particular brand, model or individual mattress may vary from these findings. Among all-latex mattresses, the all-natural variety seldom has reports of off gassing (but may have an initial and unpleasant rubber smell). However, at least 10% of owners of models that contain synthetic / blended latex report considerable off gassing. Sources of off gassing from airbeds can include the latex air chambers as well as any foam that may be used in the comfort layer. Among latex hybrids, synthetic latex is often used in the comfort layer which can off gas. The underlying foam of the mattress may also off gas. Innerspring mattresses that have a thick foam comfort layer tend to have the most off gassing potential.

Memory foam thickness and density are often main factors driving off gassing. See memory foam off gassing odor for more analysis. 12%+ of owners report an initial smell of a chemical or musty nature. The different futon varieties appear to all have similar off gassing potential. Memory foam hybrids consist of memory foam over innersprings. Those models with two inches or more of memory tend to have the most off gassing complaints. SLEEP PRODUCT RESEARCH: Mattress Reviews • Mattress Topper Reviews • Pillow Reviews • Bed Sheet Reviews • White Noise Machine Reviews • Sleeping Pill Reviews • Sleep Hygiene Products ABOUT SLEEP LIKE THE DEAD: Our Story • Contact • Sitemap • Privacy Policy IN THE NEWS: Sleep Like The Dead's research findings have appeared in such news publications as Barron's • Toronto Star • St. Louis Post-Dispatch • Edmonton Journal • Woman's World • The Consumerist • The Gazette • Ottawa Citizen © 2007-2017 SLTD, Inc. • Copyright Violation Notice

Please rate your experience with this information: LATEX & MEDICAL CONDITIONS LATEX & SLEEP DISORDERS 5 out of 5 based on reviews What is Latex Foam? Latex vs. Memory Foam Latex Mattress Use & Care Latex and Flammability laws How to Know and Avoid the Most Common Latex Mattress Complaints Are There Latex Mattress Complaints? Latex mattress complaints are few and far between, but they do happen. In most cases, all-natural botanical latex isn't the culprit. Complaints tend to occur when hybrid mattresses or blended materials are sold as "latex beds." Hybrid mattresses made of a latex layer over an inner spring or polyurethane core can become less comfortable over time, as the inner springs sag or the latex compresses against the polyurethane. Blended latex mattresses and synthetic latex mattresses, though technically "all latex," tend to break down more quickly; to sag more easily; and to lack the resilience and cushy support of real all-natural botanical latex.

Blended, synthetic, and hybrid mattresses may off-gas or produce a faint chemical odor for about a week. Both the timing and the severity tend to be minimal compared to other memory foam or non-foam mattress options. Natural latex tends to hold up better than hybrid or synthetic options, giving you the same performance every night for years. All-Talalay mattresses are more prone to sagging over time, since there's so much air in the mix; many customers prefer a Talalay top layer over a Dunlop core for a better mix of softness and support. Natural latex doesn't off-gas like blended or synthetic materials, since there are no added industrial-strength chemicals. If you've chosen an all-natural or organic fire barrier over all-natural latex, off-gassing won't be a concern. Natural latex may produce a faintly sweet, almost vanilla-scented odor for the first few days after production or after being stored under plastic. The scent will fade within a few days - like a new-car smell in a car fresh off the lot.

Loving Your Latex Mattress All-natural latex tends to be soft yet supportive and is highly prized as premium bedding. Since latex is available in a wide range of firmnesses, the most common complaint is that the mattress is too soft or too firm. Latex FAQ: Which firmness is the most popular? Most people prefer a medium latex mattress, but a variety of products fall within that range. Some companies offer unglued layers and allow you to do a "comfort exchange," swapping out layers until you find that perfect mix of softness and support that lets you maximize your sleep time. No other mattress style gives you such a customizable, personalized, and durable sleep surface. Latex: Weighing Your Options Another common complaint with all-natural botanical latex beds is that the mattresses are very heavy - and it's true. A queen-sized mattress can weigh between 100 and 130 pounds, and a king-sized mattress can weigh in at a whopping 130 to 160 pounds. The firmness of the mattress will have some bearing on the weight, since firmer mattresses contain more latex and less air.

A firm king-sized mattress may weigh 15 pounds more than a soft king-sized mattress. Most dedicated latex customers view the weight as a necessary evil. Deal with it once, get it in place, and leave it alone. Such a weight can make a latex bed difficult to move, but by no means impossible. The weight factor can be further ameliorated by buying a mattress in unglued layers that can be rolled up and moved one by one, then reassembled in a new location. Picking the Right Latex Mattress Choosing the right mattress for you can help you minimize any latex mattress complaints or concerns. Pick a bed that includes the most natural latex your budget allows: a blended latex mattress with at least 30% natural latex,a hybrid bed with a latex layer over inneror, at the top of the line, a 100% all-natural botanical latex mattress. Choose a fairly simple bed in two or three unglued layers, with a firm Dunlop core that will provide long-lasting support under softer comfort layers.

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