Laravel Performance Optimization Tips in 2021

Laravel Performance Optimization Tips in 2021

Ronak Patel
Laravel Optimization Tips

Entrepreneurs and developers prefer Laravel as the topmost PHP framework for enterprise applications. The outstanding functionalities this framework offers produce exceptionally dynamic applications. 

Why do you need to improve the performance of the Laravel application? How can it benefit your business?

The performance has a direct impact on your website’s Google rankings. If customers are not happy with the website's performance, they will stop visiting your website. 

Applications need timely optimization to retain customers and rankings. Read on the blog for some proven Laravel Performance Optimization Tips in 2021. And boost your app productivity. 


Optimization Tips that Improve Laravel application performance in 2021


Config Caching

Upgrade the performance of your web application by caching the config. A standard and the top Laravel Performance Optimization tip for 2021. Execute the command

“PHP artisan config:”

To cache all your configurations in a file. 

To change the configuration, always clear the cache. And then you need to rebuild the cache.

“PHP artisan config: clear”


Use Artisan Commands Effectively

The Artisan Command-line is one of the best features of Laravel. Use this effectively to boost your application’s performance.

Do remember to clear the cache, when you are to add a new config or new routes, you need to clear the cache. 

Routes Caching

Another best Laravel Optimization tip in 2021. Laravel allows caching the routes to speed up the app performance. Execute the Artisan command:

“PHP artisan route: cache”

To cache all routes in the routes PHP file. To add a new route, you need to build the cache again, else new routes will not be added.


Remove Unused Service

Another tip to improve Laravel performance in 2021. It is removing the unused services from the config file. To delete unwanted files, you need to comment on your config file. Make sure not to remove some important functionalities. 

Eager Loading Over Lazy Loading 

Another best Laravel Optimization tip in 2021. Laravel uses Eloquent ORM for database handling. Thus, it follows “lazy loading”. It loads any related data only when referenced elsewhere in the code. With eager loading, solve this issue. Eloquent load and retrieve all related object models in the initial call.


Pre-compiling Assets

The next point in Laravel performance tips is to keep your Laravel app compact and optimized keep all your files together. If multiple files together, you can easily call one common file.

This, as a result, will fasten your Laravel application performance. 

“PHP artisan optimize –force”


Profile Queries

Laravel does not allow direct execution of SQL queries. This hinders your capability to debug the code effectively. Use Laravel Debug bar to debug your queries. It also comes with a Query Collector to see all the queries and their bindings. Additional features such as Route Collector, Cache Collector. 


Minimize Use of Plugins 

New Laravel packages keep releasing to add functionalities to codes. Another Laravel Performance Optimization tip for 2021. Always check the dependencies of the package you install.

If the package has multiple dependencies, then the size of your application will increase drastically. Hence, restrict the use of unnecessary plugins in your application. 


Leverage JIT Compiler

PHP needs interpreters to convert the code to byte code. 

The mediator, Zend compiler interprets and then executes relevant C routines. This process makes the app slow as it repeats each time the application executes.  

To overcome this, use the JIT compiler which compiles the code only once. Then, you can use the same code again. Facebook developed JIT Compiler to boost performance.


Choose a fast Cache and Session driver

Storing sessions and cache in RAM optimizes Laravel performance greatly. Memcached is the best cache and session driver for Laravel 5. Edit your session driver at app/ config/ session. PHP using the driver key.


Assets Bundling

The star Laravel Performance Optimization tip includes the Laravel Mix feature. Use Laravel Mix to build your application effectively from a web pack. It offers a set of APIs, supports multiple CSS and JavaScript Preprocessor. Using Laravel Mix, the application auto-creates an all.CSS file from normalize.CSS and style.CSS. Thus, you can combine both the style sheets within a single all.CSS file. 


Assets Minifying

Always compress the CSS and JavaScript files before bundling. This will reduce HTTP calls. A great Laravel Performance Optimization tip.

Various tools are available to compress and bundle files as a single file. 

Try Laravel-packer that minify your CSS and JavaScript code. Also, resize your images to generate thumbnails if required.


Use Redis or Database Cache

Redis is an advanced key-value Key Store for storing string, hashes, lists, and sets. Integration of Redis and Laravel is quite simple. Once combined, you can start a performance jump in the query execution. Redis will cache all accessed data. Thus, the speed of handling requests will rise.



This was our comprehensive blog on the latest Laravel Performance Optimization Guide and tips in 2021. We hope these tips will help you improve your Laravel application performance in 2021. 

To develop the best performing websites and feature-rich secure applications, get in touch with the experts. Hire Laravel developers who specialize in building the fastest-yielding business apps.

As we are the globally notable Laravel development company, we guarantee to provide the best-performing world-class Laravel applications. 

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