laminate wood flooring moisture

laminate wood flooring moisture

laminate wood flooring ikea

Laminate Wood Flooring Moisture


To save precious hardwoods and create more affordable products, engineered floors and laminated panels have become very popular. Engineered floors consists of a relatively thin layer of hardwood glued onto a backing. The backing can be plywood or some type of fiberboard. Since the backing is invisible, inexpensive softwood or wood fibers are used. One of the first engineered wood was plywood. Plywood is a very stable panel manufactured by gluing several layers of veneer together and changing the orientation of the growth rings with each layer. Stability: Laminated floors and panels are expected to be at least as stable as a solid piece of wood. And they often are very stable. However, being made from different layers of materials can present a new set of problems. These problems appear mainly, when the moisture is not right to begin with or when the planks are exposed to changes in moisture content. If the top layer and the backing have the same shrinking tendencies, engineered floors will move just like solid wood floors.

If the top layer and the backing shrink differently, then the panel is more moisture sensitive. More shrinking and warping can be expected. When the top layer shrinks or expands and the backing does not follow at the same rate, the plank will curl or the panel will delaminate or surface checks appear. Almost every piece of wood inside a home will endure some moisture movement in the course of a year. Weather and changing seasons affect the relative humidity inside a home and consequently the relative humidity affects the wood moisture in floors, panels or furniture. Small cracks appear and disappear with the changing seasons. This is true for solid and engineered wood. Operating an HVAC year round will stabilize the wood. Changes of relative humidity are usually followed by changes in wood moisture: For example, when the EMC of air is lower than the wood moisture content (dry winter), the surface and eventually the entire piece of wood dries out until the moisture content has reached the EMC.

(Click here for EMC and corresponding relative humidity and temperature. Wood: When wood is drying out, the surface dries first and shrinks. The wetter core will follow later. Cupping and surface checking can occur. Stresses can build up near the surface and cause the wood to check (small surface cracks). If the deformations are severe enough, the structure of the wood can be broken and the defects are permanent. Over time, the core will also dry out and the entire piece of wood will have a uniform moisture distribution again. Any cupping may disappear. What may still be noticeable is the overall shrinking and warping due to the change in moisture content. Small gaps between the floor planks may still be visible. Some wood species such as Oak, Sycamore and Beech are highly susceptible to defects from shrinking. Check the Internet for Shrinking Factors. Engineered Products: When an engineered product dries out, the same drying process occurs as described above. The surface dries out first and shrinks.

The hardwood used for the top layer will determine how much shrinking occurs. Since the core is usually very stable, the hardwood layer on top is responsible if any problems occur: -When the top layer shrinks as little as the core, you have a very stable product (second drawing). -When the top layer shrinks a lot more than the core, you have a product which will develop problems whenever the moisture changes. That engineered product (first drawing) will only be flat at the manufactured moisture content. The hardwood top will not fit the core at any other moisture content. >Dual-depth meters are ideal for engineered products. Click here to see what made the difference. It is important to measure wood floors: -at the time of delivery As soon as floor packages are delivered, you should take a few moisture measurements. If you wait until the floor shows defects from shrinking and cupping it is often too late to fail a claim. Too much time has passed and the moisture content at the time of delivery cannot be determined.

The supplier may not recognize any claims. Measuring a cupped engineered floor after it has dried out, may show a perfectly good moisture content of 7%. The only indication that the top layer must have had a higher moisture content at some previous time, is the noticeable cupping. Ideal for the floor installer dual-depth pinless meters: The Ligno-Scanner SDM works great when checking multi-layered engineered products. The measuring depth can be selected to be 1/4 or 3/4 deep. Engineered or laminated panels can be measured with the 1/4 depth for the top layer and the 3/4″ depth for the entire panel. Installed floors can be measured with the 1/4″ depth without picking up any false readings from the sub floors and concrete underneath. Measurements for the stability test should be taken at the 1/4″ depth setting. Click here for more info.Love the aesthetics of wood, stone, or ceramic, but looking for something within your budget? Laminate flooring options from our company is the perfect solution.

Achieve a beautiful look for your floors while managing to stay under budget. With the money that you save on our affordable flooring, you can complete your other remodeling ideas and turn your house into your dream home. Impress your guests and greet them in style when you install our sleek surface coverings. Whether you are going for a charming, rustic feel or a more modern and up-to-date look, we have a large variety of options that you are sure to love. Add warmth to your room with our laminate wood flooring or give your bathroom an elegant appearance with our laminate tile flooring. Extreme temperatures can deter you from having wood floors installed in your home, as solid wood tends to warp in conditions of high humidity and moisture. Laminate wood flooring is an ideal alternative for those who want to save money and achieve a classy style at the same time. Take your decorative room theme to the next level with our gorgeous laminate wood flooring in light, medium, or dark finish styles.

One of the great attributes of this type of flooring is that it resists unappealing stains and scratches. The next time the dog scratches its claws against the ground or your children spill their drinks on the floor, you can rest assured that your floors are well-protected. Our faux wood flooring comes in many colors, variations, grains, and styles, so you are sure to find a design that suits your color-coordinated room. When you are looking for floors that are easy to clean and were designed to withstand moisture, choose our laminate tile flooring option. This type of surface covering can be quickly swept up or mopped, which makes it great for busy households, working parents, and those who enjoy a worry-free lifestyle at home. You never have to worry about stains or low-quality flooring again when you choose laminate tile for your floors. Think of all the style possibilities you have with our laminate tile flooring. You can mix and match the stones, and our installers can lay them down in certain borders or designs to give your space a unique and attention-getting look.

This particular flooring option is a very popular selection for bathrooms and kitchens. Thanks to modern technology, laminate floors have come a long way in the last few years. All of our laminate materials are composed of four layers, which include the wear layer, the design layer, the core layer, and the back layer. Each layer has its own separate function to give you a sturdy and lasting foundation. The wear layer serves as a clear layer of protection that helps your floor stand up against stains, aging, and other negative effects. The design layer is placed below the wear layer, and it is composed of a hi-resolution image that emulates the look of authentic hardwood or tile flooring surfaces. Next, the core and back layers reinforce your floor’s durability and support its overall structure. Each layer is bonded together using high heat for a dependable flooring surface that never disappoints. Your floors are an essential part of your home. Make sure they are properly installed the first time by hiring our experienced and certified flooring professionals for your laminate flooring installation.

We offer superior service, and we have a history installing flooring in all types and sizes of rooms. Put experience on your side for your floor remodeling project by working with the highly trained and knowledgeable installers at our company. Do your part to see that your laminate flooring installation goes smoothly by taking care of a few necessary preparations. Prior to your installation, we ask that you remove your old flooring and empty out the room where the new flooring will be placed. It is also a good idea to finish any interior room painting before we begin. Other helpful preparations include removing any hanging objects, baseboards, and trim if possible, and making sure that electrical power is available for our installation crew. Speak to one of our representatives today for more information about our impressive selection of laminate floors or stop by our showroom to see our gorgeous displays in person. If you are budget-minded, be sure to ask us how you can qualify for $100 off of your next purchase of laminate tiles and laminate tile installation.

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