kol7sry.news | TEMPLATE#12/ISSUE#1

kol7sry.news | TEMPLATE#12/ISSUE#1

Full response to the answer in TEMPLATE#12/ISSUE#1:

> It’s 2016.

See checklist:

Support for news articles from 2015 and earlier is optional. We won’t accept issues on news articles posted before 2016 if the template correctly handles articles published recently.

It's December 2016, not 2015. Moreover, the date doesn't matter at all. See another example posts below.

Images in recent articles have normal resolutions:
Actually could not find any other page with this issue.

Of course, your examples have a "nice" resolution, but... Only two of them contains images with link. Others just images without links, you can't click on them at all, not related. And what do you think about this posts?

https://www.kol7sry.news/2017/07/tansik-second-stage-results.html (2017, 850x400 vs 640x341)

https://www.kol7sry.news/2018/12/pic-2019.html (2018, second img: 1021x761 vs 640x477)

Also using URL from link is not safe as it may point to a too large or nonexistent image (I’ve encountered it several times during the Contest);
nonexistent image

In our specific case, it's pointless at all because this site uses Blogger platform (by Google) and such images handled by Google Blogger, not the site themselves. So, if image link with higher resolution doesn't exist, thumbnail image doesn't exist too (or they are identical).

too large (image)

Images handled by Google Blogger, they optimize image size and resolution.

Can you give an example of very large image resolution or size >5MB for this specific site?

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